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    Sunday, May 26, 2019

    ARK: Survival Evolved Is canon usefull for raiding ?

    ARK: Survival Evolved Is canon usefull for raiding ?

    Is canon usefull for raiding ?

    Posted: 26 May 2019 07:58 AM PDT

    Hey people, I wanted to ask you if raiding with canon a worth idea ? I am playing on a non official serv with *5 rates to getting the mats ain't a problem, problem is I wanna raid a base with a turret wall and only a small entrance that only fit carbos/argy anddddddd A CANON which why I was thinking of it, do you think using a canon is a good idea ? since the owners can't run down and destroy it ( I am putting heavies near it ) and I would be able to shoot the wall ,is it a good idea ?

    give me your advices to raid this metal wall turrets or what do you think about my strat please or how did it work for u if u already tried ! thank u very much for reading have a good day

    submitted by /u/fqffefsdfs
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    Allos vs Rexes

    Posted: 26 May 2019 05:31 AM PDT

    So I'm looking into raising a small army with the intention of doing blue/ yellow orbital drops and gamma bosses. Is there any merit in raising allos over rexes with the alpha buff, bleed damage and better mobility. Plus with half the baby raising time I would be able to raise better dinos faster. Being a solo player I don't have a heap of time so this is an important aspect to me...

    submitted by /u/GrandKravster
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    Has WC ever given a reason why they dont make dinos tails physically non exsitant (you can see them but they dont physically touch you)? Or atleast stop them from swinging?

    Posted: 26 May 2019 06:34 AM PDT

    Ive been playing Ark since it was in early access. Its kind of ridiculous that most dinos tails take up more space than the actual dinos because their tails are constantly swinging around knocking and bugging your character out.

    submitted by /u/KTwo3393
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    Ice titans death frozen in time.

    Posted: 25 May 2019 06:41 PM PDT

    On Abberation I sometimes get a small hitch and then the top half of my screen just turns black.. anyone know about any fixes for this?

    Posted: 26 May 2019 07:46 AM PDT

    Only thing I've found out so far is to relog. Not that relogging is too bad but it gets quite annoying :(

    submitted by /u/HammerTrollerHD
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    Official - baby eating bug

    Posted: 25 May 2019 06:11 PM PDT

    So I sat and watched my 2 baby gigas food stat for a little while and I noticed that instead of them eating when they dropped 50-60 food that the food stat would actually drop by 200-300 or more before they'd eat.

    Another case... I had recently raised a batch of megalos. During baby stage, I made sure to keep them topped off with food every couple minutes. So, say they were at 5% maturation, where they can hold quite a bit of meat (100+) Was so attentive that they'd normally only take 4 or 5 meat. However, at random intervals, I'd have a megalo or two take upwards of 30-35 meat as if they'd eaten it all at once. I didn't check their food stat but somehow this meat was all but evaporating.

    I'm going to hazard a guess, here, and say that there is a process that is failing to occur in the background that triggers them to consume food and raise their food stat, causing the babies to starve out and die while having food available to consume.

    Is there any dev looking at this or has anyone else deduced this, presented it and it's just being ignored?

    submitted by /u/msjs91011
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    Oviraptora and egg raising

    Posted: 26 May 2019 12:17 AM PDT

    Is it true that the higher the oviraptor, the higher the chance an egg will hatch with duos / triplets? I've seen a lot of people saying yes or no and can't decide which is true.

    submitted by /u/Pandaisguud
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    Any new content incoming?

    Posted: 25 May 2019 04:57 PM PDT

    ok so it has been a while since we had any new dinos or content is there any plans if we are getting anymore. Yes i know meshing needs to be fixed or at least attempted but it wont ever truly be fixed. New dinos would be really nice Or TLC to old dinos especially water ones.

    submitted by /u/legondz
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    Transponder nodes disappearing [XBOX][Singleplayer]

    Posted: 25 May 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    I crafted the transponder and a few transponder nodes and attached them to my dinos last night. Tested it out and it was showing their locations and distances just like it should. Exited to main menu and went to bed.

    Started playing today and went out with a dino with a node on him, got caught by some raptors without armor and died. Grabbed my transponder and went to check where my dino went off to and nothing. Same frequency I was using last night, but not a single one of the four dinos I attached transponder nodes to showed up. Even the ones right next to me. They don't physically show transponder nodes attached to them either like they did last night.

    Am I somehow using them the wrong way? Are they supposed to only last temporarily (about an hour) or only remain for one session?

    Edit: Playing on The Island if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/DarkTangent10
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    Babies Hatching way higher level than parents

    Posted: 25 May 2019 02:11 PM PDT

    So I have been breeding recently and multiple times today I have had babies pop up 10-15 levels higher than the parents with no mutations. I just had a pair of Ankys hatch 22 levels higher than the parents with no mutations. Has this happened to anyone else?

    submitted by /u/ARKPLAYERCAT
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    been months still cant have shadows on without crashing

    Posted: 25 May 2019 01:47 PM PDT

    still cant use rtx cards with shadows turned on without crashing is there any fix planned anytime soon

    submitted by /u/Captainbuzzer67
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    Preparing to download Mod

    Posted: 25 May 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    Ok so, Today I decided to install ark again, And play on a modded server..

    It downloaded the first 2 mods, then after its stuck on Preparing to download mod.. It says in the right corner "installing 1 mods (Ark eternal Live)

    Tried multiple fixes already they all dont work

    Fixes I tried:
    Unsub from the mod,
    Restart PC, Cleared mod folder

    submitted by /u/jaidy1805
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