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    Monday, September 2, 2019

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Bug Report Monday

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Bug Report Monday

    Daily Community Thread - Bug Report Monday

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 06:34 AM PDT

    Mondays are for bug reports.

    Please make any reports of bugs you may find in the game here. Wildcard will be keeping an eye on these threads.

    Information to include:



    What happened when you encountered the bug

    How long has this been happening?

    All community rules are in full effect here, so please, no witchhunting!

    You can find the full Daily Community Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Top 10 Pictures taken moments before disaster

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 06:03 PM PDT

    This never happens...

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 11:43 AM PDT

    This never happens...

    The rarest of rare: three wild Titanosaurs all in the same place!


    submitted by /u/Aimhere2k
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    Ark valguero weather

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    I've seen that the developers of valguero have said they were planning to include unique weather effects on the map. Has anyone experienced this? And what all weather effects has everyone experienced?

    submitted by /u/Trburns
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    A relatively safe base made in the Forbidden Zone.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 12:03 PM PDT

    Killing extinctions titans

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 09:27 AM PDT

    Yo guys I'm doing after the titans on extinction now and I'm curious to know what would be the best way to slay them, the forest and ice titan in particular ( in single player with no changes)

    Giga, army, Meks or something entirely different?

    submitted by /u/ShatteredMemories_
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    We didn't survive... and neither will you

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 08:37 AM PDT

    Dino Nuts are doing something a little bit different soon!

    We've worked hard to make an interactive and engaging experience.

    Mangus has come back from a strange new world and is warning all survivors of the death and despair that awaits them!

    Other members of the tribe will be sending out their voice notes. They aren't the same since coming back. Will you be able to handle the new world?


    Dino Nuts

    submitted by /u/TheDinoNuts
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    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 02:45 PM PDT

    Probably one of the most balanced general purpose Argentavis I've ever tamed. Can basically breed for any purpose.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 03:56 PM PDT

    (Guide) Setting up Maturation and Cuddle interval multiplier to be able to actually imprint

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    I've seen a lot of posts asking how to set up the cuddle interval multiplier with boosted maturation times. I found a spreadsheet online around a year ago that I use (shout out to the original creator).


    What you want to do is download it or copy it to your own google drive as you cannot edit the original. The second tab labeled Duration is where we want to be.

    Change your Mature Multiplier to what you want. For this example we will use "3." With it set to 3, let's change the Cuddle Interval Multiplier to 2. Now change the creatures to your quickest breed that would need an imprint boost and the longest creature to the one that takes the longest. Then for the third one choose an in between creature like a Rex.

    I chose a Raptor for the quickest as this spreadsheet does not have the Deino yet but the Raptor has the same breed times. Giga for longest and Rex for the final one.

    The Cuddle Count column is the one we want to look at. With Cuddle Interval set to 2, we see that the Raptor has a cuddle count of 0.78. That's not good. There would be no way to actually do an imprint for a Raptor/Deino.

    Let's change the Cuddle count to 1.5 and see what happens. We now get a Cuddle count of 1.03. This is good. It means we can do a single imprint and get 100% imprinting on a Deino. Let's move on to the Rex we set as the third creature.

    The Rex has a Cuddle count of 2.58. This means it needs 2 imprints to get to 100%. Each imprint gives you 50% imprinting. If the Cuddle count was 2.99, you would still only need 2 imprints. Since the number is above 2 but lower than 3, we get a nice cushion between imprints. The deino has a small cushion in this example as the number is barely above 1.0. The Giga would need 7 imprints with these settings.

    It sounds complicated but as long as your lowest creature gets at least 1 cuddle, you'll be fine. With the above settings, each imprint is around 12 hours. The higher the cuddle multiplier, the more time between imprints. A lower number would decrease time between imprints.

    submitted by /u/jamesthursday
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    My first build

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 06:12 PM PDT

    So I decided to give the game a shot, even though I hear lots of horrible stories about it. I love building games, and so far, even with the quirky building system, this game really scratches my creation itch quite a lot.

    So I thought I would share the beginning of my first build, which if I am being honest, I may have bitten off more than I could chew. This proved quite difficult, having to basically build thatch scaffolding up behind it to reach the higher parts.

    I've been playing about 5 weeks now, and this is on the Valguero map at a location that I believe is called The Dam, which might be wrong, there seems to be two places called that on this map.

    But anyways, I hope you all enjoy. :)


    submitted by /u/Aluveaux
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    Just lost the last four hours of my SP game

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 10:01 PM PDT

    Playing through campaign mode on my PS4 SP and had just finished the Manticore on Alpha. I built all My TEK stuff and colored my armor and gathered some stuff to take back to the Island. I loaded it into the transmitter and logged off to go backup the world.

    Fortunately the thought "Gosh I hope my items didn't get wiped" occurred to me and I logged in to see they did, actually. I tried relogging again, I tried putting something else in the transmitted, but to no avail. The last four hours of game play were wiped because I had to revert to a save.

    Fix your game WC

    submitted by /u/diamondcreeper
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    First time raising wyvern with snow owl - A few questions

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    I'm currently raising 10 wyverns with a Snow owl. My timer stands on 60 minutes. Every 60 minutes I hop on the owl and Heal. They could probably survive almost 2 hours.

    I'm playing solo on 1x rates official so I only unfreeze them when I play. Thus raising them takes really, really long because I want 100% imprint on all of them. If I unfreeze them all at once, how long will they be unconscious and will they all need the same time to wake up?

    Will it be short enough so they don't die?
    That would make it alot easier and have the imprints at the same time. They're Lvl 170-190. They have ~2000-3000 HP. Also due to the hunger the torpor rises throughout raising. I expect them to fall unconscious at around 80-90%, will they recover, even though they are constantly at zero Food?

    I looked up dododex but there is no information about how long a wild or tamed wyvern stays unconscious.

    Thank you for your help.

    submitted by /u/Trashfrog
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    Why am I being Warped

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 08:28 PM PDT

    On Aberration twice tonight I was warped to the apex of the Spine while picking up a cliff. Is this like the quetz eggs on the center? Why would this ever happen?

    Edit: I only lived because I had full hazard, the first time my light animal came with, second time it didnt.

    submitted by /u/MakPoh
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    Why am I being teleported?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 08:27 PM PDT

    On Aberration twice tonight I was picking up a wall and my screen went black, then I was thrown at the top of The Spine and just sent in free fall. if I wasn't in full hazard gear with picks and wing suit i'd just fucking die. Im not mad, but why does this happen? Is it like the quetz eggs on Center?

    submitted by /u/MakPoh
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    My Idea for a Scorched Earth TLC (V3 or something)

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 06:49 PM PDT

    Map Extensions

    • Extended Sand Dunes
    • Storm Spires: Large rocky spires that house Lightning Wyvern nests. This would be located at the far south of the map and would be surrounded by sand dunes.
    • Sulfur Pits: A series of pits containing volcanic vents that make the area toxic both to players and most dinos, thus requiring a gas mask and certain creatures such as the Rock Elemental. Acts as the Poison Wyvern nest and would be located to the North East across the sand dunes.

    Weather Improvements

    • Superheat
      • Occasionally rains a ball of fire, causing creatures/players to light on fire.
    • Electrical Storm
      • Improved visuals
      • A chance to zap players or creatures that aren't protected by a roof. This chance increases the higher up they are. This chance also increases if the player is wearing flak armor.
    • Dust Storm
      • 50% reduced movement speed (no longer prevents sprinting).
      • 50% reduced stamina recovery (no longer completely prevents stamina recovery).
      • Fills inventory with sand. Damages thatch structures and wood structures.
      • Blinds players not wearing a gas mask or desert cloth goggles.


    • Glide: All Wyverns would be granted the divebomb/glide mechanic of Griffins and Snow Owls. However, the wouldn't be able to do the dive bomb attack like a Griffin, but would pick up a lot more speed than it (comparing to the Rock Drake's gliding speed).
    • Swimming: Wyverns can now swim, and players will not be dismounted upon touching water.
    • Left Click: Basic attack
    • Right Click: Wing flap while landed. Grab while flying.
    • C: Enter breath mode, allowing left and right click to be used for breath attacks. Also adds a crosshair to make breath attacks easier to use. Additionally, breath attacks can be used as long as the player holds down the right/left click or until they run out of oxygen (breath attacks use oxygen instead of stamina).
    • Roaming Wyverns: Wyverns should be about as common as rock drakes outside of their nests.
    • Fire Wyvern
      • Resistant to fire and lava damage
      • Left Click Breath: Fires a continuous plume of fire in a cone. Lights the ground on fire.
      • Right Click Breath: Fires a ball of fire that explodes on impact, dealing massive initial damage and lights things on fire. Uses a lot of stamina.
      • Burning effect caused by breath attacks stack, allowing for massive dot.
    • Poison Wyvern
      • Resistant to oxygen damage and acid.
      • Left Click Breath: Fires a continuous stream of acid that creates a hazardous puddle on the ground.
      • Right Click Breath: Continually creates a cloud of poison gas around the Wyvern. Leaves a trail. Things inside this cloud begin to lose quickly lose oxygen and then drown.
      • Breath attacks ignore armor.
    • Lightning Wyvern
      • Resistant to lightning damage and torpor.
      • Left Click Breath: Fires a continuous beam of lightning which deals minimal damage and high torpor.
      • Right Click Breath: Fires a powerful blast of lightning that can be charged to increase its range and damage. No charge means this attack essentially becomes a shotgun blast capable of hitting multiple targets. Full charge makes it more akin to a sniper.
      • Breath attacks also zap things near the primary target, but at reduced damage.
    • Ice Wyvern
      • Resistant to frost damage.
      • Left Click Breath: Fires a continuous plume of frost which slows and damages things.
      • Right Click Breath: Fires a large icicle which deals high damage and pins creatures to the environment.
      • Breath attacks drain the targets hunger and stamina.

    Other Creatures

    • Mantis
      • Has high natural armor
      • Left Click: Claw attack that inflicts a bleed that can stack (doesn't slow).
      • Right Click: Grabs creatures or players.
      • C: Allows the mantis to climb on walls.
      • Space: Tapping causes it to lunge forward at immense speed. Holding causes it to fly at a low altitude; or glide downward when jumping off a cliff.
    • Phoenix
      • Increased base stats and stat scaling
      • Slightly increased base speed
      • Cooks meat and metal in its inventory
      • Acts as high hyperthermal insulation to things on or around it.
      • Eats sulfur
      • Glide: The Phoenix can divebomb/glide like a Griffin or Snow Owl; cannot deal damage with the divebomb like the Griffin.
      • Heals from fire
      • Space: Lets the Phoenix land (cause flying forever is kind of annoying)
      • Shift: Drastically increases speed at increased food consumption. Leaves a trail of fire and ignites things it passes next to/above.
      • C: Creates an AOE burst of fire that knocks things back, deals initial damage and lights them on fire.
      • Left Click: Bite. Deals damage and harvests resources. Attacking creatures lights them on fire.
      • Right Click: Shoots a ball of fire that lights the ground on fire on impact.
    • Rock Elemental
      • 50% reduced weight for stone, metal, oil, crystal, sand and obsidian.
      • 50% damage reduction to most attacks. Immune to fire, lightning and poison.
      • Ankylos and Doedicurus' deal full damage to Rock Elementals.
      • Can damage stone structures.
      • Immune to fall damage and creates a shockwave that damages and knocks things back when it lands. The farther the Elemental falls, the more damage it deals.
      • Has no oxygen stat
      • Immune to torpor via poison/tranqs
      • Immune to the effects of dust storms.
      • Eats any earth-based material
      • Left Click: Basic attack
      • Right Click: Rock throw
      • C: Ground slam that deals AOE damage and knocks back things close to it.
      • Space: Causes the Elemental to turn into a boulder and roll at high speed. Damages things in its path, has a large turn radius and high stamina consumption.
    • Deathworm
      • Can fully emerge from the ground and crawl around at reduced speed.
      • Can climb short walls/obstacles similar to the Basilisk.
      • High natural armor
      • Spawns in moderate numbers along the outer sand dunes (about as many Deathworms as Reapers on the Surface of Aberration)
      • Explosives can cause Deathworms to unburrow.
      • Taming: Can now be tamed by feeding it an Alpha Wyvern; requiring the player to get the Wyvern stunned by the Deathworm.
      • Vibration Sense: While underground, a deathworm can sense things walking on land within a large radius around it.
      • Stunning Burst: If a Deathworm bursts out of the ground close to a creature/player, it will knock them back and stun them.
      • Left Click: Basic Attack
      • Right Click: Swallows players or small creatures whole, causing them to suffocate. Dealing enough damage or killing it will cause it to spit them out. Can only dismount players if their mount is small enough to be swallowed.
      • C: Burrow/unburrow. Moving underground drains stamina.
    submitted by /u/EternalPain791
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    Wanting to beat the game but only just starting

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 05:47 PM PDT

    Ark Crash Ragnaroek underwater

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 12:57 PM PDT


    a friend and me have a problem with underwater diving.

    Everytime we swim or dive the game frezze.

    no crash or error log.

    can someone help us with that? no idea what we can do :(

    It is a dedicated server hosted from nitrado.

    submitted by /u/sengir_cdv
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    Any way to increase mating range? (Single Player)

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 12:39 PM PDT

    I'm a relatively new player, so sorry if this is a dumb question. I'm very much the RP kinda player so I like to let my dinos wander within an enclosure, but they virtually never end up mating because they'll wander too far away from each other. Are there any configurations/mods that let you increase the mating distance?

    submitted by /u/kevprakash
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    Anyone else having problems getting eggs from tamed dinos on valguero?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 12:30 PM PDT

    I'm playing single player and my tamed dinos wont lay weather I'm around or away. Any ideas? I really dont wanna try transferring dinos because I lost most them last time

    submitted by /u/rfdjf573
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