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    Tuesday, November 19, 2019

    Ark PS4 Ark Ps4

    Ark PS4 Ark Ps4

    Ark Ps4

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:06 AM PST

    Looking for a tribe on PS4 official servers

    Message me on discord ItzSwifty#2691

    submitted by /u/PlaySwiftyLife
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    Is there anyway to get my pteranodon to fly higher in the air when it follows me?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 04:40 PM PST

    So I had made a stop to get resources & I tamed a Pteranodon while I was stopped. since I had taken my raft there & it's to far to fly on my bird all the way back to my normal base I simply had it follow me on my raft. Now it was alright till I ran into an alligator & it saw my bird instantly it tried to eat it so I just closed my app without saving & thankfully it didn't save the part when my bird was being eaten by the stupid thing it just spawned me at the place I was before. Now what I don't get is why doesn't the bird just fly up higher so it's not being killed easy & being made a easy target? I mean when I see wild ones they seem to fly as high as the clouds as mine was going as close to the water as possible. it doesn't seem right. I didn't have anything on it so the weight couldn't bring it down & it was full for food before flying so why doesn't it just fly high in the air & make it possible to go somewhere? Now I'm stuck in the spot I stopped at because if I try to go anywhere it's only gonna make it so my bird is killed in the process of getting back to my base it just doesn't seem right there has to be another way I'm working on making a house raft so I can have it land on the top & then it should be alright but it's going to take forever to get resources for it plus I don't actually know how to make that possible yet I have to watch YouTube on how to make it or something

    submitted by /u/Willowrose88
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