• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 14, 2019

    ARK: Survival Evolved Looks like an argentavis leveling up

    ARK: Survival Evolved Looks like an argentavis leveling up

    Looks like an argentavis leveling up

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 06:04 AM PST

    Ideas for a "Player TLC"

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 02:51 PM PST

    I feel like ARK is ready for a "Player TLC" pass. What do you guys think?

    Here's what I've come up with so far. Some of these points echo the general sentiment that I've heard from players, too:

    • Hairstyles should be unlocked by default. This is basic character creation stuff, not crazy things to be unlocked from bosses. Gate-keeping basic player cosmetics behind huge PvE achievements also significantly impacts RP servers, where players are highly customizing their characters from day 1, and have little/no interest in defeating all of the hardcore PvE content.

    • Players should have options to change the players face and musculature. Not everyone is a roided out jock.

    • The player moveset should be expanded and fleshed out. For example, players should be able to do quick-dodge maneuvers by jumping/rolling in any direction, jump and grab on to the tops of ledges and buildings to pull themselves up, do some basic mountain climbing if they lay on their stomachs and climb up slowly, and kick things for a small pushback and stun effect, etc.

    • Weapons and equipment should function more naturally. For example, torches should be able to be carried in the off-hand while holding a single-handed weapon or tool in the primary hand. Also, there should be separate/better animations for the pick, hatchet, sword, and sickle -- having all of these weapons to a generic "chop" action, without actually moving the characters legs, makes the animations feel really stale and artificial. Likewise, there should be some effort put into actually keeping a player's hands on the weapon, rather than just having players hold weapons with their hands glitching through the side, etc. Also, pulling out the map should never cause clipping issues with the player's armor (Ghili, etc). Lastely, the game could really benefit from having two-handed weapons/tools. Claymores, maces, giant two-handed Tek "buster" swords, the list goes on.

    • Better skin and attachment interactions. Armor attachments should not override the colors of the armor it's attaching to, and each should be paintable independently of the other, so that attachments can be added/removed easily without needing to do constant re-painting. In addition, purely cosmetic skins should not be physical items -- they should just be options that players select for each slot based on the skins they've unlocked. This would remove the need to store these skins, and to resupply them to the player after each death, and also remove the fear of using them when dying. Skins should only ever be unlocked, and should never be losable.

    • More equipment slots. Having additional character slots would really open up the game and allow for more varied loot options. Belts, rings, necklaces, back, trinket slots, etc. These slots could be both cosmetic and practical. For example, the "back" slot could allow for gliders, fur cloaks, backpacks, etc. Jewelry items could be primarily cosmetic, but there could be a few rare items in the game that give the player perks to various things. Trinket slots could hold things like the blood extraction syringe, radios, trackers, etc. Having more equipment slots really helps the game feel mature and fleshed out, and gives the players a lot more options.

    I'm sure there's more that I haven't thought of yet.

    What do you guys think?


    submitted by /u/Luckboy28
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    Login Lock

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 11:10 AM PST

    This is so ridiculous. They are going to make us wait arbitrarily because they can't figure out duping. I don't think buying the new season pass makes sense if they are going to limit your ability to actually experience all of that content. Why have more maps to play on but no ability to transfer or switch toons without wasting more of their customers time waiting for some hidden timer to expire?

    submitted by /u/ddrescueb2048
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    Is it worth breeding?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 07:03 AM PST

    Got a rex with high stats from another player but it has 400k mutations. Is it worth continuing to try to breed it? I got one baby from it and the colors transferred over but not any stats. New to breeding

    submitted by /u/oreganosoprano
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    Ark: Winter Wonderland 4 - When?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 10:00 AM PST


    Does anyone of you guys have any clue at all when the event will start?

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/eaken
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    game running at 1fps in fullscreen

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 07:43 AM PST

    after not playing ark for a while i decided to boot it up and it was running pretty well, abt 30 fps full screen with high settings. I play for like an hour and then close the game. The next day I start it up again and when I go to play it in fullscreen it runs in like 1 fps. I turn down my settings to the lowest possible and it still doesnt improve at all. I get ~60 fps in the windowed version but as soon as i fullscreen it it lags like crazy. any solutions?

    i have an i5 core with 8 gigs

    submitted by /u/gunnerjaxduzreddit
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    Is there a mod to bring back how the old dino dossiers worked?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 10:07 PM PST

    I hate how they changed that long time before, its a great thing to have and adds another thing to do in ARK, tame dinos and fill out the journal entries and look at the nice art in the dossiers, having a check mark journal system adds so much gameplay at least for me that like to complete things.

    As i understand now they are spread out in random boxes on maps? seems like a strange thing to do as who has time to finecomb a map for small boxes? a shame as the art is really nice in that dossier and if it is like this then most people will not even see that art.

    submitted by /u/hedicha
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    Looking for some people to play Ark with

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 09:21 PM PST

    Hello, I am looking for some people to play ark with on my Private PVE Xbox cross-play server.

    *The server stats are very similar to single player settings.

    *The map is the Island.

    *Max difficulty is on.

    *Structure Collision is Disabled

    *Finally, My goal is to ascend through all story based maps.

    I play some during the week, and more on the weekend. If you would like to join me on this adventure, let me know as soon as possible.

    submitted by /u/Below__Celcius
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    PC : new to ark pvp is there any OCE servers?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:57 PM PST

    As title said is there any small tribes servers would like offical ? But un official could be okay too if not overly modded

    Thanking you

    submitted by /u/DRAGONRODEO
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    Ark just updated, now Battleye error?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:41 PM PST

    Just got a small update directly to the Ark client (not Workshop). Now trying to launch Ark from Steam gives a small Battleye window with this text:

    23:37:56: Starting BattlEye Service...

    23:37:59: Launching game...

    23:38:10: Note: File blocks can be ignored if they don't cause problems with the game.

    23:38:10: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\System32\opengl32.dll".

    23:38:10: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\System32\dbghelp.dll".

    23:38:10: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\System32\wininet.dll".

    Then the Battleye window closes and nothing. Using a direct shortcut with -noBE still lets me run the game.

    Any ideas wth?

    submitted by /u/MoarTeaPls
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    Ark - November 2019

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:14 PM PST

    Small tribes downloads?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:52 PM PST

    Are on the official small tribes servers downloads allowed?

    submitted by /u/12Emil34
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    So they made it that you can’t carry the Kaprosuchus...

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:56 PM PST

    You know how it is taming one of these boyos; best way is to carry it to your own taming pen, OUT of the swamp seeing as it's almost impossible to get this done within. So took my wyvern over to the swamp bc why not, and noticed I was struggling to grab the fast croc boy, went home and grabbed an argy, and after dozens of attempts and almost driving me nuts, no dice.

    Then I read that they changed the drag weights of some creatures including the kapro, for meshing reasons... but why can't it be carried even by a WYVERN?

    Nice Wildcard. great corner-cutting solution, Change some simple values rather than make something effective, for example anything similar to the community made anti-mesh mods (which are no budget & mostly single coder etc....)

    Like I get that you got bought out by that supergiant Chinese gaming company Snail Games, hence the focus on DLC over straight up issue & bugfix overhaul patches, but this is literally on wildcard directly simply for, being lazy. '-'

    submitted by /u/TheTorchBomb
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