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    Monday, March 9, 2020

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Bug Report Monday

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Bug Report Monday

    Daily Community Thread - Bug Report Monday

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    Mondays are for bug reports.

    Please make any reports of bugs you may find in the game here. Wildcard will be keeping an eye on these threads.

    Information to include:



    What happened when you encountered the bug

    How long has this been happening?

    All community rules are in full effect here, so please, no witchhunting!

    You can find the full Daily Community Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    True Evil

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    When you come back from an explorer note run

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    Last Resort

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Honey I blew up the Raptor!!!

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    ARK GENESIS OIL VEINS: Best Location, Easy & Safe (2020)

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Magmasaur taking down tek shield in no time, at no cost.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    So lets talk about this WC. what the actual F.https://clips.twitch.tv/PoisedNastyLegTBCheesePull

    submitted by /u/Patnor
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    A current list of easily replicated bugs in Genesis Part 1 and how to replicate them.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    I just wanted to compile a list of bugs in hopes that devs might see it. Replication percentages are based off repeating the actions 10 times.

    • Creatures spawned by Bog Beatdown will clip under the mesh as they run onto the center metal platform. This normally occurs on waves 4+5 and common culprits are terror birds, raptors, spinos, and kapros.

    Replication (100%): Stand near one of the exits while doing the mission. Dinos on the opposite side will run over the center platform and clip into the ground, causing the mission to eventually fail.

    • Mining Drill sound even after putting the drill away.

    Replication (80%): Fire up the drill and use it, then while holding the drill mount on a creature.

    • Bloodstalker getting stuck in "Standing" position even after dismounting

    Replication (40%): Equip a weapon while on foot and mount the bloodstalker, equip the weapon again while mounted and then dismount after the bloodstalker finishes standing.

    • Ferox dying/despawning from the mesh during transformation

    Replication (30%): Put the ferox near a tight cliff, near a natural wall, or in a cave. Transform the ferox and let it transform back into it's small form. It will die or disappear.

    • Bloodstalkers pushing creatures/players with web instead of pulling

    Replication (30%): Equip an offhand item and let the bloodstalker grab you with it's web. You will be pushed away instead of pulled. This sometimes occurs without one, but usually happens when an offhand item/armor attachment is equipped.

    • Teleporting outside of the mesh/ border in lunar biome

    Replication (20%): Move near a biome border and fall into the void while mounted. You will be teleported inside the mesh or outside the border

    • Astrocetus teleporting inside the mesh (New meshing technique)

    Replication (30%): Keep flying into the ground or cliffside and teleport. You and your copilots will eventually teleport into the mesh.

    submitted by /u/Yazkin_Yamakala
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    My babies!

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    My first 2 tames. I'm proud that I managed to tame a lvl 145 Rex (now 212) at lvl 30

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    Trying to get into breeding but i got 2 questions. 1, theres no point in taming any breeding pair under the level 150?(wild?) Whats best way to ...farm (i guess) level 150s?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    I have the difficulty max level box checked and the slider up to 1.0 and i am trying to find 150 baronxy and a thyla i just keep killing everything in the area where i hav3 seen them and circling back around

    submitted by /u/whosmansisthis24
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    Thanks for the help...and Genesis is amazing!

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    I started playing Ark about 6 weeks ago. I dabbled on The Island (even paying an outrageous $50 for the Switch version...which I still love. I think you have to have been a child trying to play Tetris on your original Gameboy in the perfect light to appreciate what was done to bring this game to a mobile platform), then settled on Ragnarok which is a great map. I've looked at the others but, like I said, have not been playing long. I had friends that have played for years and they gave me some pointers but I played and learned how I learn best... by doing it myself. And dying. A lot. But I tamed a few creatures and learned how to survive and felt I had a good grip on the game.

    Genesis seems to me to be the culmination of everything they learned up until now. I basically paid for 5 new games that are tied together. I have seperate empires being built in 5 completely distinct and unique areas. I was also, finally, able to play on an official server and stake a claim on good pieces of land. I know, I know...the game doesn't really respect your time and rates on taming and breeding are insane...but then you have evolution events like this last weekend where the whole server is on to take advantage of 2x meters. It's fun and it's what I'm used to in an online game. I play 100% solo and I like it that way. But if I ever get to a point where I want to do harder stuff, people are there. Plus, my dinky little bases I'm attempted are along side mansions that can barely be believed in this short of time.

    Ark is one of the best games I've ever played in my Methuselah time playing games...and I believe Genesis is the best map they've made. I love the idea of your store and earning points to make builds easier...I love the new magna creatures and I love that very inch of the map hasn't been built on yet. Just yesterday I found amazing underwater cave areas in the ocean biome I was able to build in. To anyone that is complaining about having to spend money on this season...I wonder how much you spend on lunch everyday. $40 to be is a pittance for a game and map this good.

    I know I'm garbage...I'm way new. But I am proud of the two tames I was finally able to accomplish this weekend. I feel like I earned it. I failed miserably (and very far along in the process) twice. Once with a Stego in Volcano, where just as I successfully named my first tame a Magnasaur appeared out of nowhere and stomped him. Something similar happened to my first Mammoth in Arctic. Luckily, I've been playing games for decades and was used to disappointment...it just made me smarter. I built up walls and a taming cage and got two great creatures. It's a start! Anyway...just had to share my story and thank the Reddit community for putting up with newb questions. I love this game and I think about it constantly. Very happy with the new map.

    submitted by /u/The_Doctor2112
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    Am I the only one having trouble with my magmasaur not auto eating, and having to force feed him?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Noob problems

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    Is there any way for updates to NOT BREAK MY MODS AND SETTINGS EVERY TIME?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    Sorry for the all caps. But it is driving me insane. I am doing single player, and I have a life outside of video games, so I don't want to spend my valuable gaming time reinstalling mods and settings.

    Actual advice welcome.

    submitted by /u/miraluz
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    When juvenile asked to be walked must it be outside?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    I walked my baby anklo all over the big compound but it never seemed happy. There was a wild rex stomping around outside so I just gave up and cryo'ed the juvy anky. Was I suppose to walk it outside the building?

    submitted by /u/AlpheaDora
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    I hate passive tames

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    Any good video guides or tips for base defense/turret placement?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Haven't played Ark in a few months but have been a day one launch player on Xbox and have way too many hours than I'd like to admit all on officials.

    With all the new creatures that keep coming out we got to build bases accordingly to keep up with the OP additions to the game.

    We are on small tribes and just watched a guy on a non bred trike around level 220 soak 700 turret bullets. And they were all set to players only. And his armor was primitive flak.

    How is this even possible? He wasn't even level 100 and wasn't that good at pvp as I ended up killing him which is how I knew what kind of gear he had on.

    Also, what's the best way to defend bases with turrets or other means? If he can do that on a trike I don't want to even know how easy it would be for something faster like a Mana or Kangaroo. I bet the bullets wouldn't even hit the rider.

    submitted by /u/TeknicallyChallenged
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    The state of the Ferox

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    The state of the Ferox

    I would say the Ferox is the Face of the new DLC, no other Dino got that much Spotlight during the Teasers etc.


    And I must say I like this little Creature a lot!
    Thats makes it sad, that currently the Ferox is beyond broken.

    I tryed during the last days a lot of stuff with feroxes, so lets make a list what works with the Feroxes as whats not so far.

    (I will make some assumtions on what works like intended and whats not)

    (Wild Ferox)

    -Working as intended:
    -Evolves sometimes randomly

    -Evolves when getting feed Element

    -Comes at you and beggs when you have Element in your 0 Hotbar

    -Is passiv unless Evolved then Agressive

    Not Working as Inteded:
    Has the Jabora settings (KO tame with Berries or Y-Seeds)

    So far I dont like that the Ferox is one of the easiest tames in ARK (due to the Jerboa bug) but besides this the wild Ferox behaves like expected.

    Now the Tamed one:

    Working like intended:

    -Gets addiction if you feed him element

    -On high addiction it will follow you if you have element on you

    -Is breedable on high addiction

    Now the buggs:

    -Climbing is very clumbsy and you get often stuck

    -He wont keep names if he switches Forms

    -He wont keep his Movementstat if switches Forms (will be added to Melee)

    -He will loot inventorys if he kills with the rock throw (c)

    -Will sometimes die to anti Mesh if switches Formes

    -The two different Forms will have different Lvl rolls (like two complete different Dinos)

    -sometimes on the first evolution he will lose all the Bonus taming levels and loose his EXP bar till you evolve him again

    -The eveolved Ferox will not keep the Imprint Buff or Bonus stat from the little Ferox (making imprints useless on him)

    All that said, its sad that one of the most hyped Creatures from the DLC is so broken and I hope WIldcard will tackle some of this issues with a high priority.

    TLDR: Ferox's have a lot of buggs and should be fixed!

    submitted by /u/Giankvothe
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    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Ok, so i have been trying to learn about stats and breeding. I just tamed a dire bear to 220 (it was 150) his movement speed is 200%. Hes trash right?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Lol is that not the worst?

    submitted by /u/whosmansisthis24
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    Genesis Map: region barriers, why?!

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    I do really enjoy the new map and while the teleportation mechanic is broken (teleport and get killed before fully loading in), I also really like HLNA as a companion and tool but what I'm most disappointed with is how they cut off each region from the next with immersion breaking tek barriers that force us to use the broken teleportation.

    Since these teleportation points can be built into prisons or deathboxes quite easily by the many trolls I just dont see how you're supposed to be able to enjoy genesis in a multiplayer setting. Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/Ganja_4_Life_20
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    starving whilst taming?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    is starving the tame before knocking it quicker or just easier and less dangerous?

    submitted by /u/PeenWetBinbag69
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