• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 27, 2021

    ARK: Survival Evolved Of all the max level creatures I could find it just had to be a Parasaur...

    ARK: Survival Evolved Of all the max level creatures I could find it just had to be a Parasaur...

    Of all the max level creatures I could find it just had to be a Parasaur...

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 03:00 AM PDT

    The route of transport from my old base to my new base

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 05:37 PM PDT

    I almost made an awful, awful mistake

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:16 PM PDT

    So a few minutes ago I finally ascended on the island single player at alpha level. After I beat the overseer, I quickly put my stuff on one of my tames to preserve it, including the fur armor I was wearing. A couple second passed before I realized my mistake. I lost more than half my health before I was able to get my armor back on. I almost killed myself between defeating the overseer and the ascension cinematic. This is probably the dumbest thing I've ever done in ARK but luckily I caught myself and am now ready to have some fun in scorched earth

    submitted by /u/t6yl99
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    Unpopular Opinion

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 11:49 AM PDT

    I think the two shoulder mounted dinosaurs in the lost island creature vote "the Simonacrops Bondei and Yi Qi" are the most interesting concepts to me.

    submitted by /u/CkPlayzGames
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    New raiding method

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    Question about single player structure limit xbox

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    I just built a base with lots of pieces and before I start farming for my next build I'm wondering is the limit for my tribe or in a certain area like turrets? I'm on extinction just built my base on the big pillar things and want to build another base in each biome with teleporters between them but I don't want to be halfway through and hit the limit.

    submitted by /u/ALonelyDodo
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    Should I get a raptor?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 04:31 PM PDT

    This will truly only last for 12 hours

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/slizmaster2_imean3
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    How do I separate raptors from their pack?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:41 AM PDT

    I found a pack of 2 raptors and 1 Alpha raptor, but how do I seperate them? Im on a pteranadon and I don't have an argi

    submitted by /u/slizmaster2_imean3
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    Quetzal help

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    Hello can any one help me find a good spawn locations for quetzals (please up vote bc I need a lot of help)

    submitted by /u/Garfield_the_orange
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    grief highlights :D

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    Explorer note command

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    I'm an admin on a cluster but it only has ragnarok and center, we have a buyable ascension+all explorer notes for bushberry seeds but the issue is that i dont know how to use the explorer notes command on other people what is the command to do it?

    submitted by /u/dollchuck18
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    Where can I find raptors on the island?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:13 AM PDT

    Newbie here, I just wanted to find some raptors to tame

    submitted by /u/slizmaster2_imean3
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    Abilities / items I hope will be implemented into the game: stealth, hacking device, creature recruitment, sticky (remote) bomb projectile

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    These are some things I hope to find in Ark some day. These things aren't optimized and not all of them might be PvP viable, I'm just throwing ideas out there that would have to be shapend into something fitting.

    Ability: defensive stealth

    Right now everything has an aggro range and simply aggros, there isn't much one can do and creatures are never in the mood "not to aggro". When I thought of this I had the Dinopithecus / Baboon in mind, but any creature could have this ability. When ridden you could press C and enter into stealth mode. While in stealth mode other creatures don't aggro, unless directly bumped into. Creatures in stealth mode could "stealth-walk", but not run and wouldn't be noticed by Parasaurs alarm and possibly things like traps and plant species X.

    Ability: offensive stealth

    Going into this stealth mode allows a creature to slowly move forward and target another creature. Imagine a lion stalking its prey. This could look like the Teksuits power punch, crosshairs going green or red when prey is targeted. Pressing another button makes the creature run and pounce the target. Imagine the Thylas pounce attack, just from the ground and with a running start. Creatures like the Dinopithecus could pounce + repeatedly hit the target, possibly stunning it, Raptors could use their pounce this way, but it would have to be set up through stealth mode. Larger creatures could bite, pick up and shake the target violently.

    Tames could have either or both stealth abilities. If creatures ever get a "there is a dangerous predator, I will flee now" mentality, stealth mode would prevent prey from seeing the predator. It would make things more realistic and immersive.

    Ability call to friends / recruitment

    When I thought of this I again had the Dinopithecus in mind. Call to friends is like the Yutys roar: nearby creatures turn friendly and protect you and your tame. Recruitment is a little more immersive. You are riding on your Baboon through the mountains, searching for other monkeys. Once you found some your Baboon can emit a call that makes them interested in you. They sniff around you, sit down and hold out their hand, scratching their butt, expecting something fun. Drop them some spears, armor, something interesting. This will make their "taming bar" go up until they decide to follow your orders up to an extent. You now have recruited Baboons for X minutes (30?), who can't be ridden, but they will follow you, protect you and follow some basic whistles like "go there" and "attack this target". In PvE this would lead to a lot of fun, in PvP you could get some additional forces for a kamikaze attack. This would obviously have to be balanced, like only high level Baboons can recruit high levels, the stronger recruits despawn sooner than the others and so on. It would also have to be worth doing this, if it's too much work or has no real benefits people could just go out and tame Baboons normally.

    New item: hacking device

    Right now if you want to get in somewhere you blow up a door. With a little Tek device that you can place on a Tek door you can now hack into the system and unlock the door(s) or disable everything connected to that line of electricity. Like Stryder taming this could be achieved through some minigame. Of course blowing something up is faster, but it would give options to more casual players and not make things so linear in Ark. Lower tier tools could be used to pry open lower tier doors, boxes and things like smithys. No more blowing everything up, instead you can unlock stuff and take what you want.

    New item: sticky (remote) bomb projectile

    This could be implemented in different ways. Either the bomb is shot through a rifle onto a structure, the ground or a person or it has to be put onto something by hand. The goal is that the enemy doesn't notice what's happening, so if it's required to be put on by hand then putting this tool on your hotbar and pressing the key could just not change your appearance, but if you punch somebody it now sticks to them. This projectile could either be remotely controlled, as in you press a button when it's supposed to go off, or you can set a timer on it which starts when it's set. Depending on the tier of the projectile it could cause quite the explosion, giving you the chance to blow up an enemy alongside some of their stuff, while they are inside their base. So instead of shooting a rocket at them you do things in a more ninja way.

    Well, that's it for now. Would love to know your opinions if you would like to see any of these things implemented (in a balanced, fitting way)

    submitted by /u/Guardianangel93
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    ARK Memes

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 05:13 AM PDT

    When will they fix flyer leveling on console?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:23 PM PDT

    Like we have the option but it just doesnt work, does anyone know when they will fix this?

    submitted by /u/360MLGBeast
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    Searching Members on PlayStation

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 03:42 AM PDT

    Yo guys,

    i want to ask you if some of you want to join my tribe on ark on playstation. we have 2 massive bases with caped turrets, but many members are inactive and we are getting attacked 24/7.

    So I am lookin for active guys, who just want to fight and pvp against other tribes. no limits.

    Its official server.

    submitted by /u/Critical-Engine4316
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    Breeding multiple lines of same stat?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:59 PM PDT

    Hey all, I see that most people try to keep their lines separate. I'm on boosted private server so I have a lot more to work with in terms of numbers.

    So here's the question... suppose you're buffing up your pool of breeder females, hatching a new clutch of say a dozen eggs to add to your existing dozen, using the original male and the current breeder females. You've already got a line started for HP and Mele mutations.

    What do you do when you spawn a new HP or Mele mutation? So to be perfectly clear... I have one line of HP mutations... and this new one has a mutation counter of 1 with 2 points in HP.

    Would a 2nd line of HP be mergeable with the first once they each hit 20?

    submitted by /u/McRedditerFace
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    Alpha raptor hunting

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 03:16 PM PDT

    Hey can my level 166,98 argentavis with my level 177,116 Pteranodon take on two level 16,44 alpha raptors? put it in the comment below i need these raptors dead so I can tame the ankylosaurs in the area and don't say you can pick them up because the ones I want to pick up get eaten and I don't know how much damage those things do.

    submitted by /u/MemeulousNotShort
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    Mac setup

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:34 PM PDT

    I need opinions on which is the best Mac on which to play Ark.

    submitted by /u/Danicobras
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