• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 7, 2019

    ARK: Survival Evolved Wait, they aren't the same thing?

    ARK: Survival Evolved Wait, they aren't the same thing?

    Wait, they aren't the same thing?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    Still serious about finding all the explorer notes for each map

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 03:18 AM PDT

    Give to me not working.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 06:04 AM PDT

    So I recently lost all my progress by transferring maps. I've lost claim over everything and give to me is working on everything. Apart from my pipes. Does anyone know if this is a bug or if there is any fix I could use?

    submitted by /u/SoMebOdYkI1LmE
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    Learned engram text

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    That annoying ass wall of blue text when you learn a ton of engrams at once. There gotta be a way to turn this off. Im playing on a private server and we are helping the owner tweak things and set things up, we have auto learn engrams turned on so every time we level, BOOM wall of blue text cancer. Does anyone know of a way to turn this off without having to use mods to do it? Ive already gotten the standard responses everywhere else ive looked. "Just deal with it" and "just download a mod for it theyre only like .5mb" that's the thing. If the mod is only .5mb then all its adding is just a damn line of code that disables the text right?

    submitted by /u/joshuasteele670
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    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 09:35 AM PDT

    What, in your guys' opinion, is the best all around land mount?

    submitted by /u/ComponentName
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    Is there a comprehensive list somewhere of all Valguero Deep Sea Loot Crate locations somewhere?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 09:01 AM PDT

    Preparing to make a routine of running them on my server for myself and another tribe, and after spending fucking (I had a REALLY bad day yesterday) over 10 hours JUST to find a Dolphin, just to have sharks and jellies and mantas and piranhas etc eat my traps and kill my freshly tamed dolphins, I really need to know EXACTLY where I'm going. Hahah.

    Oh, and eels poofing into existence behind me and making my Passive Flee Dolphin disappear, unkilled, forever. 😂

    submitted by /u/dxswantan
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    Whats gacha's best food

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 01:01 AM PDT

    So as title says, whats the best resource to give the gacha?

    Im giving them stone but i think it got nerfed, pretty sure they used to eat 20 stones per crystal, now they take 100...

    submitted by /u/MisterBrandts
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    Dino’s Randomly dying in pearl caves?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2019 03:27 PM PDT

    This has been a consistent bug for a long time now. I thought it was fixed because I hadn't seen it in a while, but apparently not..
    For whatever weird reason, I've been having Dino's die in my pearl cave bases for nearly a year now.
    The assumption is that they go out of render, and when I come back, the air bubble just somehow isn't loaded properly in the cave for certain Dino's, and they suffocate.
    But there are times I'm literally standing right next to something and it just flops over dead.
    This seems to really consistently effect Megalosaurs. Probably when they switch between being awake and asleep.
    It doesn't effect everything equally.
    Today I had a megalo and a parasaur die in my base. I was across the map when the parasaur died, but I was there the entire time for the megalo.
    I really don't know what I can do to fix this. Even logging in while sleeping in a Tek pod will cause you to start suffocating if you don't get out of it.
    My birds are usually fine but sometimes they end up hovering for no reason. I once had a tapejara go through the ceiling of my cave and swim itself all the way to the surface, where I had to upload and redownload it into my base.
    Whatever the heck is going on with these caves needs fixed a year ago.

    submitted by /u/deskphone1
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    Any good HUD mods?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2019 07:46 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm running a server on version 298.31, and I really want to run a HUD mod. Preferably something that always shows the numbers, but bars would also work. These icons and numbers as of right now are pretty hard to read, especially the stamina of pets. I really liked the stat bars mod, but it doesn't work at all with pets. ReHUD doesn't work for me. I can't seem to find anything besides those two.

    submitted by /u/Dante162
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    My Useless Guide for PVP

    Posted: 06 Sep 2019 07:38 PM PDT

    Hello all! Your friendly neighborhood - shut up and get to the point. So what you do is you get a Pteranodon or big flyer, upgrade health, stam, and weight a lot. Next, tame a pack of small flying creatures, 15-30 would be good. Icthys would be for easy targets but Dimorphs and Onyc would be the greatest for the tactic. After this, level up melee on your small flying creatures. Right before all this, carry a tame Pego with your Pteranodon, set the Pego on aggressive, upgrade speed, health, and melee, then drop him on the enemy. While the enemy is distracted, then you can unleash your pack.Hop on your Pteranodon, make them all follow you, and target a player. Then watch as the player is ripped apart. I hope this helps you, as I have never played PVP.

    submitted by /u/ApatosaurusKing
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    Back into the groove

    Posted: 06 Sep 2019 04:50 PM PDT

    Hey guys and gals. I'm a very experienced Ark player returning to the game after over a year break. On PS4. I quit right after Abb came out. Came back from time to time to check on my old tribe, but couldn't really play much. I am now able to get back into the game, but sands shifted and my old tribe fell apart. I'm 36 and dont like playing with little kids. In my experience, they do the most insiding. Looking for a chill group of experienced adults to tribe with. I want a tribe that promotes from within. I was leader of an Alpha Tribe on Legacy, and admin in a mega on Ragnarok (and cross server). I'm definitely willing to earn my keep, grind, and prove my worth/loyalty. But, I have no doubt that whatever tribe takes me on will find me admin worthy and leadership material. Balls and brains for politics. I have a level 102 character floating around official somewhere that needs a new home and also to do the ascension bosses. Gauraunteed asset for whatever tribe willing to pick me up. I want a tribe that's pvp minded, but also all about the grind. Hope to hear from yall. Ideally, would like to Tribe up on Official or maybe even small tribe. Looking to get in now so I can find a group I gel with ideally on Valguero. Looking to go hard day one on the new dlc map.

    submitted by /u/Alex_Supertramp1
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    why do the servers take ages to load in the session list

    Posted: 06 Sep 2019 01:19 PM PDT

    i will put it on anything like offical the filters dont even matter it takes ages to load each server so ill be siting there for ages waiting for every one to load. how do i fix this

    submitted by /u/xJD03
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