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    Tuesday, October 22, 2019

    ARK: Survival Evolved - You're in danger

    ARK: Survival Evolved - You're in danger

    You're in danger

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 02:49 AM PDT

    Wait a second...

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 05:59 AM PDT

    His first time breeding. He waited the whole incubation like this

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:26 AM PDT

    Being dead is no excuse for not doing a cool pose in a photo

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 11:16 PM PDT

    Woah! What kinda dino is this going to be??

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 06:30 AM PDT

    Let uae the proper names

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 09:51 PM PDT

    Xbox PvE Official servers. Only lost 4 rexes ��

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    Stuff of Nightmares

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 05:21 AM PDT

    oh heck

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    Can we talk about how Poe is wearing Desert Cloth Armor?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 07:18 AM PDT


    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 08:18 AM PDT

    How do you guys like my mosa I tamed? Pretty thicc aint he?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 04:01 AM PDT

    Just how good is a giga

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 07:16 AM PDT

    I was thinking on solo taming a giga on Rag and just wanted to know how good it is before I go on a painfully long taming process

    submitted by /u/Expired-Donuts
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    New To Ark? A Newbie's Guide!

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    Someone recently made a 'newbie tips and tricks' post that wasn't very good, so I figured I'd make my own that was much better, more correct, and hopefully more helpful.

    Disclaimer: All technical information here is correct, to my knowledge. I am a pve player and console player for years, and have double checked myself with Google, but if any technical information is off please correct me in the comments. But let's be real; the 'right' way to play Ark will always be opinion, and opinions are like assholes.

    Let's jump in!

    Deciding How You Play

    There are advantages to any and all playstyles with ark. It was really meant for multiplayer and at least one other person, but everything is doable solo- sometimes it's just harder. Sometimes it's much harder, to be fair, but I played solo for the majority of time I played Ark- on officals, none the less. Let's start with session types:

    Single Player/Nondedicated Session/Server

    If you're playing on singleplayer or on a nondedicated server, there are admin commands you can take advantage of to make your life a bit easier. Yes, 'cheats'. I'm going to say that if you're playing for the first time, keep these to a minimum, as I think all new players should do things the 'right' way the first few times; but this helps hugely with the tedious parts of Ark such as building.

    Things will stop when you log off, unlike on officials. No starvation, no danger, you can take a months long break and come back to things exactly like they were when you left. This is my favorite part about my nondedicated games, and why nondedicated/singleplayer is my recommended go to for anyone who doesn't have a ton of time to play or won't be playing with a rather large tribe. Fiancee and I hated that Ark wanted us to treat it like a full time job instead of a game, and had no desire to join a large tribe, so we appreciate that we can play for as long as we want and not have to worry about consonantly logging in to keep our things alive and around.

    Another advantage to this is being able to learn the game at your own pace, figure it out and get your feet wet before jumping into the more harsh environment of officials- or even unofficals. You don't have to worry about other tribes, people, or- best of all- people pillaring off half the map.

    You can also change the settings for your game, making everything- and I mean everything- customized to how you want it. Want a two minute night cycle? There's a setting for that. Want four minutes between breeding your dinos? Setting for that. Want it to take way longer before you get hungry or thirsty? Yep, setting for that. Want your dinos to be OP crazy beasts wrecking anything else? Yes, there's a setting for it! Want to take over the world, Pinkie?

    Well, there's. No setting for that. Really. I swear.

    Ahem. Anyway.

    The downside to singleplayer or nondedicated servers is a pretty big downside, at least for some people- if you play with anyone else, you have a tether. It's a rather decent distance, and on PC, at least, you can adjust it to be even larger, but it does exist, and it can be a serious downer. At one point, it was possible, on PC, to adjust this tether to make it as if it didn't even exist, but I'm not positive if it's still doable. On console, it's around 200 meters from the host player. (It might be larger on the Xbox One X, but I've gone and forgotten- either way, you still have to stick relatively close.)

    Now- on to:

    Official Servers

    The default way to play. This is how much people at least start off. Dinos spawn at max level one fifty, things continue to happen when you're logged off, and you will be on a map with a handful of other players. There's not nearly as much to say about Officals; it's all fairly simple and straight forward. You can't customize anything, everything is set to group difficulty as they expect you to be playing with one, and people can and will pillar off half the map, claim huge amounts of land, and sometimes lead big, dangerous dinos to you to try and kill your tames and things on PVE.

    That said, people often have good reason for pillaring- it's used to protect spawns from being built over or areas from being built in to troll other players- and there are also often a ton of really nice, helpful players on officals (pve, at least.) I've been gifted everything from Rexes to Journeyman gear, eggs to resources. Once I was given my pick of a tribe's tames- anything I wanted- because they were leaving the server. Larger tribes are usually quite willing to help out smaller tribes or new players- again, at least in PVE.

    Officials also have a subsection called 'legacy' servers. These servers are no longer supported by WC, but they are also rather less populated and usually 'self governed'. If you decide to play on one, it's possible that you may lose everything- if they become too underpopulated, WC will 'reclaim' them and refurbish them. This has happened at least once, to my old server, and I believe it was stated that it could happen to other servers at any time.

    And finally:

    Unofficial Servers

    Many would say this is THE best way to play. You can find everything from role play servers to servers that let you be insanely op to no-tame servers. There are HUNDREDS of unofficals, and something for everyone. There is an owner, admin, and usually 'managers' of sort that handle the settings, server itself, and community- they make the rules, enforce them, and set up the server. These can often be found being called 'clusters'- it means that you can play on any of the maps that the owner/admin says are avalible to play on from them, assuming you also own that map. (IE, you can't play Scorched Earth, even if the person says they have Scorched Earth servers, as you must buy it before you can play it.)

    There are many upsides to Unofficals- customized rates, roleplay communities, more engaged admins, and often smaller, more tightly nit communities. There are, however, a few downsides; I've seen more then one time where a server was shut down unexpectedly, or the owner/admin turned out not to be quite as nice as originally assumed. Since things are smaller and more personal often, there can be drama and silliness- but this can really be found anywhere.

    Like officals, unofficals generally keep running when you're logged out, though the times things take to starve/spoil/decompose are often changed to be a bit longer.


    NOW! We've got all that out of the way,so let's move on to a brief section on PVP/PVE/PVPVE.

    PVP- Player Versus Player.

    You compete with other players to stay alive, be the best, rule the server, whatever it is. Getting started in PVP is usually quite diffcult and it's a vicious world; players will backstab you, trick you, kill you when you're barely built up, and harass you. Many people chose to go to unofficals for pvp as opposed to officals, as something called 'meshing' is rampant on officials- essentially getting under the map to fuck up someone's day, short version.

    PVP can also be remarkably fun, though, if a massive challenge and tactics are up your ally. You can met just as many fine people there as in pve, and either make a spot in a large tribe or try your hand at guerrilla tactics- or try to build up in secret and take out the big bad on the server. PVP is ruthless, unforgivng, and often feels unfair; but satisfying as _hell_ when you accomplish your goals despite all your obstacles.

    PVE- Player Versus Environment

    Not without it's own challenges, but generally easier then PVP. This mode is basically what it says on the tin, and my preferred method of play. Your only real threat is wild dinos and the world around you. You can still start wars/fights with other tribes, but it's more of a 'hey you, fight me' situation, and there are still players that will lead wild dinos- rexes, gigas, etc- to your base sometimes to grief you, but they're relatively rare.


    A mix of the two! Often when on unofficals, these types of servers/modes have days or time when pvp'ing each other is acceptable, or very specific rules to their pvp. Not much else to say about it.

    Now, on toooooooo-

    Building Up/Getting Started In PVE

    First of all, be aware of what narcoberries are. They're the black/blue berries, and you'll want a lot of them. These are going to be your staple throughout the entire game, though later you'll be using them to make proper narcotics.

    When you're getting started, don't worry about levels or taming effectiveness. Those will come later, either on runs when you're more experienced or later in your game. Slingshots are surprisingly good for a new player before you can get consistent tranq arrows and a bow; you can even take out a trike with them.Don't worry about rushing yourself. Ark isn't a game you 'win', particularly not in PVE, so take your time and go at your own pace. There are no 'bad' tames for a beginner. Everything has a use, and everything is helpful.

    My personal 'first tames' list for a truely new person starting on the island, however, would include trikes and iguanadons. Parasaurs aren't bad and can warn you of danger,but are otherwise fairly useless. I would recommend having one as a base alert, but nothing else. They are a good VERY first mount- fast, can swim well, gather berries and they're about the first decent thing you can saddle- but they rapidly become outclassed save for the alert system.

    Trikes, however, can take down things much bigger and scarier then themselves so long as you're riding them due to the knockback. If you're trying to tame one of those, do NOT aim for the head; they take reduced damage. There are 'alpha' dinos running around; they glow bright red and they're much tougher then their usual counterparts.

    A ridden trike can and will kill an alpha raptor. As stated, it has significant knockback, and all you have to do is time it correctly and you can kill alpha raptors with ease. I would recommend taming a decent level one and keeping it for this purpose.

    ( Speaking of alphas, you do NOT need 'level two hundred, saddled, mate boosted rexes' to kill alphas.

    You can kill them with a decent level argentavis, or lead them away with a pteronadon, or even lead them away naked and on foot. If you're on a server with other people and really worried, someone is almost always willing to come help kill one if you're honestly worried, but like I said- a ridden trike, with it's knockback, can actually take out most alpha raptors; and alpha raptors are what you'll see more then any other when starting out. Other alphas are something you'll only need to worry about later. )

    Iguanadons use no stamina in four-legged mode and hardly any in two-legged and do a not insignificant amount of damage, and they're fast and can jump, giving you a fantastic escape mount. They also carry quite well and gather well. They can be bola'd, and as long as you don't stand right in front of their little pokey front legs, pose no threat when being knocked out.

    Both of these things are only slightly more difficult tames then the parasaur and far, far more useful.

    Get yourself a small base. It doesn't have to be anything impressive. A barn or walls is a good idea- build out of stone, as almost nothing can destroy stone structures. If you decide to use walls, make them five high, as that's what most everything can't get over. Make a small crafting area and the biggest thing to note is to be prepared to expand, as you're going to have to do so. The later game items are BIG , and you'll need a ton of room for them.

    One of the first thing I recommend getting your hands on is a mortar and pestle, as this will allow you to make narcotics and tranq arrows. This will make taming a million times easier and more effective.


    I don't play PVP, so I can't offer much advice as to how to get started there; from what I understand, however, finding a good tribe to get situated in is always a good idea. If you'd rather not, I would recommend limiting your tames to small and fast, easily hidden, and NOT building on the beach. DO NOT BUILD ON THE BEACH. Find a secluded spot deeper in, or in a cave, and make SURE to keep your base tiny, multilayered and hidden.

    Do NOT keep your most prized possessions there. Keep caches and hidden stores around. Here, far more then in PVE, you'll want to focus on things like turrets, plant turrets, and things like Purlovias that can burrow under ground and spring out at raiders.


    And that's really it. You've gotten started, and from here on out it's up to you. Dododex is an AMAZING resource that you should take full advantage of, with everything from taming times to tips and tricks about each dino listed. The Ark wiki is a slightly less reliable source of information, but should still be used and checked alongside dododex- and of course, there's this reddit and the forums if you still need help.

    The most important part is to have fun and to play YOUR way. Tame what you want. Raise what you want. Do the bosses, run caves, or don't.

    Last tips? Keeping bodygaurds, especially at the start of the game, is VERY important; never go out on foot alone, or with a dino that isn't much of a fighter. Remember your whistle commands! Become familiar with them and good at using them quickly. Shoulder pets are surprisingly useful, ESPECIALLY monkies and dimorphodons.

    If you're playing solo, use traps! Even with small tribes, one or two/three or four people, traps are INVALUABLE.

    Always protect a downed tame! Wooden spike walls can help keep your tame in progress safe.

    I would recommend NOT keeping your tames passive. I've seen level two hundred rexes killed by a level five ants because it was set to passive. Neutral is the best way to go, especially when out and about, in my opinion.

    Fortitude seems like a useless stat, but it's NOT. It increases heat and cold resistance and slows down food and water drop. It has impact on your torpor. Buff. Your. Fortitude.

    And finally?

    Don't punch that titan, no matter how tempting it is to see what happens. Trust me.

    submitted by /u/EldritchVulpine
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    y e e t

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:51 AM PDT

    What animal is best used to steal a fire wyvern egg in Valguero?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    So, I'm playing on Valguero and I'm wanting to try and steal a fire wyvern egg. I'm wanting to use a land animal that can outrun wyverns, but if anybody thinks flyers would be better suited I'll use one. I have a Ice wyvern (he just became an adult), a Ptera, and a tapejara for flyers if that gives you guys a better idea

    submitted by /u/Melio17
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    NextGenPvp: 6 man tribes , 10x father and instant tame

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    Xbox / PC with ragnarok and center 32 slots , discord is dbUJXYk

    submitted by /u/miniblaze5
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    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    In your opinion what is the best way to kill other players wyverns in pvp? Me and a couple of my buddy's just found an alpha base that has about 7 wyverns we scouted the place out and there turret towers are in bad spots. We can easily lure the wyverns away but when we do how do we kill them? State your opinions below.

    submitted by /u/Tepee212
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