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    Wednesday, December 4, 2019

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Mentor Wednesday!

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Mentor Wednesday!

    Daily Community Thread - Mentor Wednesday!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:09 AM PST

    Welcome to Mentor Wednesday! Do you have an ARK-related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/playARK will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to ARK once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Community Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Took my first squid I ever bought into the easy cave on the island and got destroyed by an eel

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:28 AM PST

    Saw someone post 1600 hours played on one of the ark groups I'm in and thought to myself "that's a lot of time playing ark" then I decided to check my time played... I think I need help.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:27 AM PST

    Just a friendly reminder regarding Official pvp, hopefully wildcard hears.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:21 AM PST

    Just a friendly reminder that out of the 76 island servers on the OFFICIAL PVP CLUSTER, there are a WHOPPING 0 BASES on the island map. You heard right folks, somehow with all the rampant duping (making bases cheap) and rampant meshing (making caves dangerous) tribes refuse to build a base.

    This plague started just before extinction came out, and became viral after the amazingly imbalanced DLC hit official. I hear a lot of people claim that this is legacy 2.0. I laugh at this statement because in legacy there literally were servers that had more bases on them than EXIST on the entire Official pvp cluster of Island, SE, RAG, and center.

    For those of you that haven't played official in a long time, the only real bases that exist nowadays are k76 Dessert Plateau, k37 Dessert Plateau, h204 Mountain, and R365 Underworld, and whatever BLDX center server is. There are a few other "bases" on official, but every single one of those requires a fortnite style ramp to even get into parasaur range.

    To give you an example of what official used to be https://www.twitch.tv/videos/201411595 This Livestream has more bases shown than exist on official Island, Rag, Center, SE.

    Meanwhile Wildcard is hard at work making, tamable whales with turrets on their backs, that can teleport themselves and a few tames with them, only to drop bombs on bases. It's just gonna be a repeat of OP dessert titan days https://gyazo.com/7146c04f33f1f8f3f857816f8a41a1a2

    My favorite is the player-controlled guided missile that ran hit you about the same range as a longneck rifle. I wonder if wildcard will make turrets shoot them like mek rockets? https://gyazo.com/4396333a8722fe8cb2f923831507dfe8 for a very long while they didn't, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/347559324744417290/510521508112760832/image0.png https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/494093016085168130/510779992590909450/1faa1f52e025b751a70812b39f23be59-png.png and it took a while for wildcard to realize that their giant robots weren't as balanced as they though.

    When legacy wiped there were no gameplay balance issues present at all, meshing and aimbotting were still a problem, but that issue will always effect official.

    As of right now, there are major gameplay issues caused by extinction (meks lol, velos, manas, op element rates, titans) and in general ark as well (brontos taking bonus damage from tek turrets?, cliff platforms hidden damage resistance from c4?, farming on vanilla maps is pointless, boss fights are pointless, pocket dinos, stegos useless, crouch points, bloodlines out-scaling turret limit, limited quantity of viable base locations, tek tapajara, element being too easy to get, tek turrets taking 4 times as long to soak as heavies (8 minutes) all the while doing more damage per shot and being wayyy cheaper to build, removal of raiding methods such as throwing c4 off stegos and placing c4 on platform saddles (which we need to raid caves like center ice cave and underwater caves without mekrushing lol).

    The last 6 months wildcard has been completely ignoring official PVP instead, they focus on their new dlc. Just from the various trailers they showed us, I have absolutely no hope that this dlc is going to fix any of the current issues on official pvp.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRhVwxy1T3c This is the genesis missile trailer, its clearly in a SE map and I went ahead on single-player and found the place that the missile was launched from and placed foundations all the way to the point that the guy on the raptor got shot off.

    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/627678437246500864/651837286702645248/genesis_rocket_1.jpg This is approximatly the area that the missile began to approach the raptor. You can see the little waterfall in the background in both the trailer and my screenshot.






    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/627678437246500864/651837595877376051/genesis_rocket_7.jpg Just a better screenshot of the landmark at the beginning of the trailer. For each screenshot, I flew to the foundation at the end of my render range and took a screenshot. I didn't bother to count how many foundations this is, but wildcards history with explosives (cluster bombs, and mek rockets) isn't very good lmao. This missile is gonna be a meshers favorite tool as they don't need to even be within parasaur range to rocket your shit.

    I'm sure everyone here has heard of MrDarkTitan. This is his tribe getting meshed during a war. https://gyazo.com/695a3b2a25fd0f551e58ef321a1aab8e

    Notice that a rocket is being used lol.

    Mek rushing has been an ongoing phenomenon for a long time now. Its incredibly stupid and should be fixed. With the absurd rates that we have nowadays thanks to the perfectly balanced Extinction and Abberation, high level meks are not hard to legitimately farm. I dont understand why you guys removed dick mosas after a few youtube videos showed them suiciding into poorly build underwater walls blowing them up, only for you guys to ignore mek rushing. I cant wait to see that new genesis turtle, that looks like it can chomp an entire island pearl cave in 1 bite. I'm sure the official community loved titans, why not add another one right?

    Wildcard has been hinting for months that they plan to address the cave meta on official, but I dont think they realize that without caves, official would be a boneyard of empty servers. Most tribes refuse to build in underwater caves nowadays because of meks, and the genesis turtle is not looking reassuring. If wildcard properly balances caves (making them dangerous to main in) where would we live?

    https://gyazo.com/c7b7e05ca0a9b092a757d6214799693a This is the official pvp cluster map count.

    Island is literally a useless map, the turret limit has made EVERY SINGLE SPOT uncompetitive, tek tapajaras would strip any tower of its turrets in record time they have so much HP nowadays that they can tank tower shots and destroy turrets or the hatchframe that they sit on. If that doesn't work, then go ahead and keep throwing meks at the tower till it does. Carno island was made useless as soon as extinction came out, it just became too easy to destroy 100,100 turret towers that just lie on flat terrain. YSS D7 carno was blown into in 20 minutes when GG landed on their island. If caves become TOO weak, then frostfang isn't an option because you have almost no room to breed on that frozen mountain top.

    Redwoods waterfall on center is easy to raid, the last one stopped existing months ago and it got wiped in less than a day. The only meta spot on that map is underworld, and its only good because the tribes living in there build 40 100,100 turret towers lol.

    Ragnarok used to be the best map in the game, before extinction wiping a dessert plateau and clearing all the necessary spam to get to the plateau was a massive undertaking. There are only 2 dessert plateaus left, alpha plateaus, alpha spiral, and redwoods plateaus are joke building locations thanks to the turret limit. I still think this is a strong base location but most official players think its an uncompetitive spot.

    Scorched Earth, I honestly wouldn't call the only base that currently exists on SE204 a base lol. It's literally a 10x10 box on top of a mountain with turret towers running all the way down. There is no room to breed and if caves become too weak, the map would become useless, as corner dessert bases are unfortunately no longer competitive.

    Tribes would only live on Abberation tree, valguero tree, and extinction (tree and city top) if they want to continue to exist on official, unless they are sufficiently big.

    Back in the day, it was common to see multiple tribes living on 1 server, there were alphas and betas.


    This is what servers used to look like, blue obby, twin pillar, 10,10 , Carno island all used to be competitive base locations.

    submitted by /u/BigWeenie45
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    Question about radiation zone abberation.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:54 AM PST

    Im trying to get rock drake eggs but died and lost all my rad suits i had prepared. The going is so slow on foot andmy cluster allows flyers in ab, my question is if i took an owl and went down there(suint on me of course) would i be able to fly down grab a few and head back up? Ive seen non rad immune dinos and they seem to take only 1 hp dmg per second when exposed. Im thinking with 20k hp itll fly down and back no problem. Anyone else ever tried this?

    submitted by /u/Vexx1214
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    How's the single player of this game?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:43 AM PST

    Hey all it's been a while probably a year or two did they fix some of the bugs with caves etc that affected single player games?

    submitted by /u/No2witty
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    Fur Armour Tips

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:24 AM PST

    Fur Armour isn't the worst thing in the world to get if you know how. The Valguero is what I play on and I'm almost lvl 70, but I didn't bother about fur armour until I heard that wyverns are up in the north, so I decided to search for a way to get fur. I then remembered where to get it. the chalk hills zone 2 has ovis that give you a decent amount of fur (About 30- 50 for good lvl), and beach zone 2 is near tundra land so mammoths are there, and to make it all better they're just a hike and a raft's trip apart

    submitted by /u/Doggo_Adventurer
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    Any Arkpocalypse players?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:54 AM PST

    I wanna join a tribe that currently plays on an arkpacolypse tribe, I want to join in with my friend, Idm starting a new tribe but if you already have one I would like to join

    EDIT: I got wiped on ragna by a big tribe when I played in a tribe, loads of the players don't wanna play anymore so i'm looking for members.

    submitted by /u/Tornado_Hunter24
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    Duping wishbones.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:12 AM PST

    How in The world Can you only have 3 titans every 6h on a server but you allow dupers litterally allowing dupers to summon infinitly amount of dodorexes at The Same time.

    Theres no tribe that Can LEGIT pull out more than 5 dodorexes. The farming time to what u get isnt worth it even with The skin glitch which is already patch

    Dodorex are litterally made for dupers

    So i came online today to hundreds of dodorexes suiciding my turret Towers and actually wiping my ground turret Towers but couldnt touch my cliffplats.

    and The event is extended so dupers Can enjoy their dodorexes even more Lmao atleast they cant fly.

    what a joke honestly.

    submitted by /u/hasefanatiker
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    Tryna free up disk space

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:41 AM PST

    Hin guys i was just about to download Ark Survival Evolved but as i clicked install it said i didnt have enough disk space. I might not be in the right subreddit but because i wanted to download ark i thought this would be a nice subreddit so i came here. Does anyone know how to clean up diskspace or gain GB somehow so i can download ark? Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/AlRahivi
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    Any mods to change background music?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:55 PM PST

    I have a couple of playlists but something that could be built into the game would be awesome

    submitted by /u/CrimsonFlam3s
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    Do unsnipeable velo towers still work?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 09:57 PM PST

    you know with fence foundations or ladders or whatever u wanna use... is that still a thing or did they patch that

    submitted by /u/CurseMark87
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    Drake Thief Stats

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 08:09 PM PST

    I'm currently training my spinosaurus to take on angry momma rock drakes and it currently has around 6,500 hp and 200 melee. I tested him against lone wild drakes and yeah not even close to strong enough, what are good numbers to aim for and quick ways to level up (a spino or kark gives near to nothing at this point)?

    submitted by /u/mindflayerflayer
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    I thought the event was extended?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 04:35 PM PST

    I logged on to play Turkey Trial on my PS4 SP world and it was gone today, but they announced in the Crunch it was extended until the 6th. What's up?

    submitted by /u/diamondcreeper
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    What ya'll think about trolling on Baryonyx?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 08:53 PM PST

    [pc] smalltribe looking for tribe member

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:37 PM PST

    I'm a solo player and it hard because I would like to farm to build my base up but I can't do it if I spend most of my time scouting. So pm if u interested helping me build up and pvping

    submitted by /u/ntran1457
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