• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 27, 2021

    ARK on Xbox One u ever been angry then been hit by a troodon then he knocks you out but doesn’t kill u but yet your torpidity goes thru the roof because yeh same :).

    ARK on Xbox One u ever been angry then been hit by a troodon then he knocks you out but doesn’t kill u but yet your torpidity goes thru the roof because yeh same :).

    u ever been angry then been hit by a troodon then he knocks you out but doesn’t kill u but yet your torpidity goes thru the roof because yeh same :).

    Posted: 26 May 2021 11:32 PM PDT

    Maybe a stupid question but at least it’s quick...

    Posted: 26 May 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    Are there admins for official servers?

    There are a couple things that me and my friends (as well as the whole server) sort of want changing on our Island server but if there's no admins we can't do anything about it.

    An example is there's this problem which is probably a glitch of some kind but there's a stupid amount of alphas spawning. Everywhere. It doesn't allow anyone to progress so it's :/

    submitted by /u/kyetonio
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    Best way to reduce lag?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 06:56 PM PDT

    I have the Xbox one X, and my system isn't normally THAT laggy but I've noticed more recently, to the point where, its laggy enough when I withdraw from my tek storage, what should be a very fast process is actually kinda slow because of the lag on the input.

    Basically, in 2021 whats the best way to reduce xbox one lag on ark?

    submitted by /u/PFM18
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    Getting back into the game but this time on an official...

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    So I used to play a while back on single player which was pretty fun, then as you'd expect the game got boring and I stopped.

    Anyways, this time I'm back on The Island with some friends (3-5) and we enjoy the game.

    Naturally, there was some higher level peeps that gave us a hard time but that's all good we expected that. We just made our place somewhere more hidden and began grinding.

    But ngl, it got quite annoying when these dudes with names like 'Globally Banned' fly in on high level crystal wyverns and wreck our hours worth of grinding.

    This sounds like a rant/complaint but honestly I just wanna ask y'all what we can do about this.

    And before you say PVE lol, we kinda want to play on a PvP server for raids and stuff in the future.

    submitted by /u/kyetonio
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    Is there a way to transfer engrams and creatures from other Arks into my friends world?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    For context, my friend has a world that we'll all play on Ragnarok. While there is plenty to do on there, I see other Arks with cool features. Specifically, I would like to get the wingsuit from Abberation and the Bloodstalker from Genesis. How can I aquire these legitimately and bring them to my friend's world?

    submitted by /u/LetsGetKraken6411
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    A guide on bolas

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:36 PM PDT

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