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    Tuesday, June 4, 2019

    Ark PS4 Imprinting help.

    Ark PS4 Imprinting help.

    Imprinting help.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 04:54 AM PDT

    So to shorten this. My dino max lvl is 240, wyverns imprints only go up 6% with a 45 min separation period. Raising is at 7x so it can be done but we cant miss a single imprint. I'm wanting to know if there is a setting or code to input on Nitrado Expert settings to maybe allow the imprint percentage to go from 6% to 25%. If not I just raised the imprint quality to 25% so 4 imprints will be roughly 100%. Any help would be useful, as searching the internet proves useless.

    submitted by /u/Puncher65
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    HELP! My Rex is stuck underground

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 12:49 PM PDT

    The game glitched as a tribemate was riding my Rex, and now she is stuck under the beach. We tried whistling for her to follow, but she doesn't move, and there is no option to ride her now. Any idea how to get her out?

    Update: we got her out. Well, someone else came and helped. Not sure what he did, but she's free! Thanks so much for all the quick responses! You guys and girls are awesome!!!

    submitted by /u/bratysmurf
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    Larger item stacks

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    In ark videos you see people with items stacked into the thousands, i was wonding if this can be done on Ps4 and if ao, how?

    submitted by /u/Thorginson
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