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    Tuesday, September 3, 2019

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Storytime Tuesday!

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Storytime Tuesday!

    Daily Community Thread - Storytime Tuesday!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 06:33 AM PDT

    Welcome to Storytime Tuesday!

    Tales from the ARK can be wild, hilarious, and/or downright captivating. Consider this thread an open invitation for you to to tell us some tales of survival, tribal warfare, epic taming, thrilling exploration, etc.

    All community rules are in full effect here, so please, no witchhunting!

    You can find the full Daily Community Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Taking a moment to reflect after a difficult start to the day... but what a view!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 01:55 PM PDT

    Bubblegum Broodmother army!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 05:50 AM PDT

    Bubblegum Broodmother army!

    Fully mutated megatherium army for fighting the broodmother on Valguero


    submitted by /u/yoghurtdave
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    Mega Killer Penguins

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 09:49 AM PDT

    A large prehistoric species of penguins was discovered in the last few years that could reach upwards of 6'8" in height.

    How's about a new rideable version be put into the game that could be used as a fast underwater mount? I was thinking that it could be just as fast as or even faster than the ichthyosaurus.

    Maybe even have secondary uses such as being able to passively produce organic poly or used as an incubator for eggs to boost incubation times?


    submitted by /u/Titonxxx1
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    The state of ARK Official

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 11:07 PM PDT

    We all know ARK has always struggled with aimboters, meshers, exploiters etc. but in the last couple of months it's really gotten out of hand. There are aimboters almost everywhere now. There hasn't been a big war where multiple rules haven't been broken, aimboting and DDoSing are the new normal. Tons of proof and reports yet the enforcement team won't do anything about it. No one gets banned, nothing gets fixed.

    Now let's look at the recent exploit that's been going on, people spawning in ATV's, tons of TEK structures just getting spammed randomly, dinos with insane stats that no one knew about popping out of nowhere, extremely overcapped saddles etc, here are just a few examples: https://www.twitch.tv/n3billy/clip/TransparentHandsomeGrasshopperTTours https://www.twitch.tv/n3billy/clip/AliveEnergeticGrasshopperTwitchRPG https://www.twitch.tv/fifixd/clip/PerfectTangibleToadOpieOP

    Overall enforcement's been lacking, no matter which cluster you play on, whether it's regular official PvP, small tribes, PvE etc. the devs don't care. On small tribes almost every server has an alliance, if you attack someone you should expect to get teamed on. Meshing's also a big issue on 6man, even if a mesher gets banned by some miracle, he can just buy a new account for 4€.

    If the game keeps going in this direction, it'll die. Wildcard please do something.

    submitted by /u/Lolzoor69
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    Shinehorn Valguero

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 10:46 AM PDT

    I have been looking all around but I can't seem to find any information regarding Shinehorn being on the Valguero map, does anyone know if they are on the map or not? I've been looking inside the abberation area and can't seem to find them (might not have spawned yet or I might've overlooked them)

    submitted by /u/lightflamingo
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    How to get the season pass skins when i already have everything it contains already?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    How to get the season pass skins when i already have everything it contains already?

    So ye, i dunno why i never purchased it, i guess i got bored of ark and took a break, then bought each dlc individually over time. Now that im trying to get the season pass just to get the skins they offer, it won't allow me because i own everything in that package already, I just don't have the skins. I need the season pass alone to unlock them. Any way to solve this?


    submitted by /u/Agendoo
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    Object placement green, wont place.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 04:24 AM PDT

    Edit: I solved it

    Hi everyone, sorry if this question has been asked to death, I've been researching it and there seems to be a lot of threads about it but I just cant figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm attempting to lay foundation in the Swamp Castle on Ragnarok, but it just wont happen.

    I am playing on Xbox and using Nitrado, and have the following boxes checked under server settings

    Enable Pve

    Allow Building in Caves on pve

    Allow Crate Spawns on Structures

    Disable Structure Placement Collisions

    Pve Allow Structures at Supply Drops

    Now, from everything I can find on the subject, this should allow me to build in the castle, but I still cannot. Help?

    submitted by /u/PocketsMoreau
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    Clarification on What's allowed for Overseer fight?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2019 02:48 AM PDT

    To generalize, the internet is all over the place in regards to information about what we can and can't bring in the overseer fight.

    It is generally accepted that for Tek Cave, 10 Riders + 50 dinos are allowed.

    But when it comes to overseer do we have concrete evidence on what's possible?

    We currently have:

    6 people riding rexes

    1 person with a Yuty

    13 Therizinos

    If we can, we are considering to bring allos in pairs of 4 to the overseer. But I've read conflicting information:

    - There is a dino limit. Exceeding 20 total dinos will send extras randomly to a kill zone when porting to overseer.

    - No dino limit. Exceeding 20 total dinos will send all to overseer if they all fit on platform.

    - The 20 dino limit is per teleport, which means multiple teleports can take place before overseer fight is triggered.

    So, which of all those is true?

    Additionally, can we cryo the extras in Tek cave, instead of losing them?

    submitted by /u/madkimchi
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    Glass Walls Bug

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 07:23 PM PDT

    I seem to be having a bug where the glass walls i put up are coming up with different shades, they have the same transparency settings. Anyone with a solution?


    submitted by /u/zestar2
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    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 02:22 PM PDT

    Looking for map suggestions.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 05:28 PM PDT

    I host a small server for about 5 people and will soon be completing our run of Valguero.
    We've done Island, Center, Scorched Earth, Extinction, Ico Crystal Isles, Ragnarok.
    I know we haven't done aberration yet but im looking more towards the community stuff since Ico was basically better than the official maps and free.


    submitted by /u/Biurfe
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    Ark Crashing

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 08:20 PM PDT

    Ok so iv done alot of research on this subject and it seems this is quite common. But im getting this code

    Fatal error!

    VERSION: 298.37

    ShooterGame.exe!FMallocBinned::FreeInternal() (0x00007ff6e27ffda8) + 0 bytes [h:\trunk\engine\source\runtime\core\public\hal\mallocbinned.h:593]

    ShooterGame.exe!TSparseArray<TSetElement<TPair<FHeightfieldComponentTextures,TArray<FHeightfieldComponentDescription,FDefaultAllocator> > >,TSparseArrayAllocator<FDefaultAllocator,FDefaultBitArrayAllocator> >::Empty() (0x00007ff6e3dcd94a) + 0 bytes [h:\trunk\engine\source\runtime\core\public\containers\sparsearray.h:215]

    ShooterGame.exe!FViewInfo::~FViewInfo() (0x00007ff6e3e142f3) + 66 bytes [h:\trunk\engine\source\runtime\renderer\private\scenerendering.cpp:164]

    ShooterGame.exe!FSceneRenderer::~FSceneRenderer() (0x00007ff6e3e16d1d) + 113 bytes [h:\trunk\engine\source\runtime\renderer\private\scenerendering.cpp:824]

    ShooterGame.exe!FDeferredShadingSceneRenderer::`scalar deleting destructor'() (0x00007ff6e3d314f9) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]

    ShooterGame.exe!RenderViewFamily_RenderThread() (0x00007ff6e3e17730) + 0 bytes [h:\trunk\engine\source\runtime\renderer\private\scenerendering.cpp:1157]

    ShooterGame.exe!TGraphTask<`FRendererModule::BeginRenderingViewFamily'::`13'::EURCMacro_FDrawSceneCommand>::ExecuteTask() (0x00007ff6e3e3c9e2) + 12 bytes [h:\trunk\engine\source\runtime\core\public\async\taskgraphinterfaces.h:871]

    ShooterGame.exe!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread() (0x00007ff6e2738558) + 0 bytes [h:\trunk\engine\source\runtime\core\private\async\taskgraph.cpp:939]

    ShooterGame.exe!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit() (0x00007ff6e273770d) + 0 bytes [h:\trunk\engine\source\runtime\core\private\async\taskgraph.cpp:680]

    ShooterGame.exe!RenderingThreadMain() (0x00007ff6e2c3ec79) + 0 bytes [h:\trunk\engine\source\runtime\rendercore\private\renderingthread.cpp:265]

    ShooterGame.exe!FRenderingThread::Run() (0x00007ff6e2c3efe0) + 0 bytes [h:\trunk\engine\source\runtime\rendercore\private\renderingthread.cpp:385]

    ShooterGame.exe!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() (0x00007ff6e281a7e6) + 0 bytes [h:\trunk\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsrunnablethread.cpp:73]

    ShooterGame.exe!FRunnableThreadWin::GuardedRun() (0x00007ff6e281a6a8) + 8 bytes [h:\trunk\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsrunnablethread.cpp:26]

    KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction (0x00007ff909ac7bd4) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]

    ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ff90b76ce71) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]

    ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ff90b76ce71) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]

    Can anyone look at this and help me find out whats causing this? iv tried underclocking everything in my system to crazy low levels to make sure its not my hardware. ryzen 2700 with gtx 1080 ti

    It wont go away, it happens randomly and lastnight i didnt do anything but it played for hours. woke up tried again and it crashed 20 mins in. I tried verifying the files tried new drivers. tried the registry fixes,

    Not sure what it is.

    submitted by /u/AstroPC
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    Chocolate Boxes Missing?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 07:33 PM PDT

    Did anyone else have their box o chocolate vanish lately? I went to get mine, almost a stack of them, and their gone. Nobody knew where they were or has been on so nobody took them.

    submitted by /u/worldgate
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    Ragnarok boss slow loading

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    Hello arkers! I just started doing the bosses in ragnarok with my tribemate but i have a big big problem: Teleport to boss arena takes a lot to load and when im finally in the map able to move its already 4minutes in the fight. My mate could enter faster but i almost die all the times. Any tips to make the arena load faster and avoid to be killed on start? Possibly withiut hardware changes ;) Thanx!

    submitted by /u/dax85
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