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    Tuesday, January 29, 2019

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Storytime Tuesday!

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Storytime Tuesday!

    Daily Community Thread - Storytime Tuesday!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 05:33 AM PST

    Welcome to Storytime Tuesday!

    Tales from the ARK can be wild, hilarious, and/or downright captivating. Consider this thread an open invitation for you to to tell us some tales of survival, tribal warfare, epic taming, thrilling exploration, etc.

    All community rules are in full effect here, so please, no witchhunting!

    You can find the full Daily Community Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Anyone else find it annoying that the bed's drop down menu can block the respawn button?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 10:23 AM PST

    PvP - whats the point?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 07:25 AM PST

    Building in the open = fucked by Titans or meshed

    Building in a cave = getting meshed

    Setting up mesh defense = gets you dev whiped

    Starting a Bossfight = some troll will reroll the server

    Pulling up on a enemie server = server gets rolled back and character gone..

    How am i suposed to play this game?

    Edit: i forgot DDOS.. and i play on console small tribes if that matters.. (playing ark for 3y now on official (thats the only real thing for me))

    submitted by /u/Teranos
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    Can we have an honest discussion about the future/health of the game?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 11:23 PM PST

    This is a discussion about Official Servers and the main game, please keep the "just join an unofficial server" comments for another thread.

    I have a lot of time in ARK, as I'm sure a lot of people do, but I think the reason why I have a lot of time in the game is the reason why new players aren't playing/staying with the game, and why older long time players are being turned away.

    There are some sticking points with the game that I have issue with that would literally be game changers, but I think would be for the benefit of the game, and it's players, as a whole.

    • The lack of PvP, and how fragile base defense is.

    I've played 1500 hours in ARK since it first released. Always on Official servers. I can honestly say that less than 50 hours of that max is some form of PvP. I do not count offline raiding people as "PvP" because no players are involved in the defense. Most raids I was a part of were almost always against people who were offline. Draining turrets, killing passive tames, it's effectively PvE content. PvP in ark can be awesome and fun, but way too often does my base get wiped by people who come when I'm offline at the time.

    Part of the reason for the lack of PvP is because of how fragile a players ability to defend themselves/their dinos/their base. You don't want to provoke anyone on a server before you're built up because of how easy it is to get offline-steamrolled by a single player who's mad you killed him. But what do you do if this player bullies you on the server, but doesn't wipe you? Kills your tames when he sees you or knocks you out and cages you. You can't do anything about it because they're a bigger tribe. You could always switch servers, but then you risk everything while transferring and step into what could be a more toxic environment.

    It's not fun. Being offline raided isn't fun. Logging back in to see someone bypassed all my defenses because I didn't have all 100 of my turrets placed "just right" isn't fun. All those hundreds of hours of progress gone in a single night. I believe this is what turns people away the most: Getting wiped and not being able to do anything about it, and knowing you will never be able to do anything about it, because players who have more time on their hands will ensure you never do.

    This shouldn't be possible. Raiding someone, online or offline, should come at a deficit. At the moment, all it takes is a little bit of time with a soaking dino, a titan, or a box quetz and you can easily destroy most bases.

    A few solutions I can think of (though I'd like to see discussion on first) are a few things.

    1. Make normal turrets do 4x the damage they currently do (or more), heavies do 4x the amount they do currently using the same amount of bullets they do now.

    2. Give all Official servers Offline Raid Protection. This obviously comes with some concessions of people abusing the ORP system to block caves and the likes, but it's better to me than having my base wiped overnight or while I'm at school/work.

    3. Raiding supplies is a hell of a lot easier to get than defensive supplies. In my opinion this is the opposite of how it should work. Raiding needs to be something you have to work towards, rather than just something you can do on a whim at a low level with no repercussions. It's stupidly easy to get enough C4 to break into a metal base that I had to farm for. Some solutions to this are to decrease the amount of damage explosives do to structures by a metric ton, and decrease the amount of damage tek does to tek. Super end game structures like tek should not take only a few minutes to destroy when it takes longer to do the boss fight for the engrams and element to make it.

    4. Players who cross server raid/grief and then quickly hop to a different server to avoid literally any negative outcome are an issue. I suggest putting a debuff on tribes who attack other players/their dinos/structures, that prevents them from transferring items or their character to another server for 12 hours since their last pvp interaction.

    5. Fix item tiers. Blueprints need to be brought in line. Durability is insane, and unless you have high tier ascendent gear to match other players high tier ascendent gear, you aren't going to win the fight even if you are more skilled. Not to mention durability that allows players to straight up run though a field of turrets with no consequence at all. Durability needs to be reduced and capped at a certain amount per tier (armour as well). That way you still have to grind for ascendent gear if you're new, but new players will be on "level ground" much quicker.

    I have more, but it's late and I'll have to add them later.

    I can already tell this isn't going to be a popular post, but I feel like it needs to at least be discussed. This game could be amazing, and we could have new people joining and playing left and right. We could have real server communities again, and not have to worry about an alpha being in a bad mood one day and wiping a server for no real reason.

    Please don't downvote without at least giving a reason why in the comments. With Atlas taking the bad devs away we finally have a chance to have the game fixed for the better, and I don't want to waste that opportunity.

    What do you guys think?

    TL;DR: Raiding is too easy, most PvP is actually just PvE'ing offline players bases, Defenses are too weak, I shouldn't have to play this game like it's a second job just for the chance of making any progress at all.

    submitted by /u/Froggmann5
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    Defensive Items

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 05:31 AM PST

    I see many posts regarding how easy it is to offline people, and I've noticed Wildcard is open to ideas on reddit so here's three items that could potentially offer some defensive solutions without adding an easily abused ORP system.


    Placeable wall item in the metal tier that is electrified in generator range.

    Does not ignore friendlies. Detonates C4 on placement. Provides Jellyfish stun on contact.


    Placeable explosive in metal tier.

    Does not ignore friendlies. Visible when placed. High damage explosive.


    Metal Tier anti air defense

    Shoots volley at air targets (Upward Cone) High range Does not dismount Attacks Stamina/Grounds flyer

    submitted by /u/CAK780
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    Is it possible to use the S+ mod with the new kibble and s+ beta?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 07:15 AM PST

    PSA: Characters with the Tek Transmitter unlocked get deleted on Aberration every single time

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 10:56 PM PST

    Hi guys, XB1 Legacy player here. My tribe and an allied one have done the Ragnarok Boss fight twice over two days (once on Beta and once on Alpha, both successfully). Each time we transferred two characters from Aberration over to get the Tek Transmitter Unlocked and out of the four characters, three of them were deleted. The last one failed to get into the boss fight due to a glitch and so didn't get the Transmitter unlocked.

    The other three characters transferred successfully, ran around, one actually accessed a drop, checked the Ark Data, waited for the timer to refresh and uploaded an item just to be sure, but upon logging out and in again we were all greeted with the character create screen and had no survivors to download.

    Luckily we'd all predicted this might happen and had no imprints on those characters and had given tribe ownership to someone else that wasn't transferring, so we can level the characters back up to 70-80 in no time at all, so it's no problem for us. It's just an inconvenience that we can't use Tek Transmitters on Aberration.

    I don't know if this is a bug, but it seems deliberate. I've done a lot of google searching, searching through Reddit, scoured the Ark Wiki and can't find anything on this. If WC could comment and clarify if this is by design, or is a bug, that'd help. Seems like the sort of thing that really needs to be public knowledge if it's deliberate.

    Edit: I don't think I was very clear, so I'll outline exactly what we did:

    1. On the same Ragnarok server, we accessed the Obelisk or a Transmitter.
    2. We clicked "Travel to another Ark."
    3. We travelled to the same Aberration Server.
    4. We spawned on a bed and all spent at least 20 minutes on the server.
    5. One of us accessed a drop, saw the timer on the item in his inventory tick to zero, accessed the Ark Data and uploaded the item.
    6. We all then logged out.
    7. When we logged back in, we were met with the character creation screen and had no survivors to download.

    The only person that got back onto their character was the person who failed to get in the boss fight and so didn't have anything from Ragnarok Beta unlocked, i.e, no Tek Transmitter Unlocked.

    submitted by /u/CptJeiSparrow
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    King titan dermis?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 10:22 AM PST

    Is there a console command for one? I wasn't able to find it. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Faulkal
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    A feasible fix to make ARK PVP more Fun.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 06:03 AM PST

    So the main worry for most tribes is offline raids. Its super easy and bases are made to ensure it takes as long ad possible to raid in order to give you time to sign on. With the exception of some unhittable velo boxes no base is unraidable.

    A good solution to offline raids and to encourage more PVP not player vs offline is introduction offline damage reduction.


    Say 5x less damage taken from players to your structures or even tames aswell if you are offline for like 45 mins.

    This would make online raiding more appealing and even the people who try to abuse it are still raidable.

    You could even have a system where if an ally is near then the reduction fails so to prevent ally defending with damage reduction.

    I read a post on ark pvp balancing but this is only idea that made sense to me. This would encourage online pvp and make the game more entertaining for both the raider and defender.

    Edit:looked through the subreddit and found electric fences. Its a good idea too.

    submitted by /u/The_Real_Monk52
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    The Return

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 09:38 AM PST

    Hey guys! I have nearly 500+ hours on console and I am just coming back from a long break. I believe the last thing I remember being added was the Kangaroo. I have been playing on a busy PVP server, but I cannot make any progress due to consistently getting murked while offline. I am considering trying my hand a PVE, unless I can find a good PVP server. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/kota366
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    Gamma king titan with Gigantos - is that viable?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 03:42 AM PST

    On MULTIPLAYER server (PVP) is that viable to kill the Gamma king titan with gigantosaurus?

    So far I heard tamed titans are mandatory (as king titans one shot everythingelse) but the wiki says this:


    " A good pack of 15-16 📷 Giganotosaurus with 100% Imprinting couple with 2-3 high level 📷 Daeodons can easily take down the Gamma form in a matter of minutes, as well as defeating the Beta form with few casualties. "

    Can someone confirm or deny if it is true?

    edit: thanks for the confirmation guys, I've updated the wiki page to not to mislead people. The author probably had single player experience....

    submitted by /u/lammaer
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    Dipping my toes in after a year without ARK . How's the water?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 12:46 AM PST

    Hello fellow survivors! I've been away for almost a year now and was wondering how the game is feeling at the moment. Mainly thinking about official servers and balance changes. How has the game stabilized after the extinction release? Are meks still super strong? What about meshing? And in general, what is your gut feeling about the game? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Baityboy
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    Searching for perfect Tek base location

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 12:23 AM PST

    I've built a lot of bases both on pvp and pve, official and non-dedicated.

    My favorite way of building requires the use of all of the Tek structures, including the underwater chambers, as well as including nearly every aesthetic item, such as taxidermys and trophy mounts. I try to use every item in game.

    I'm looking for a place to build a perfect 'solo' style Tek base that has access to water dino storage as well as flyer storage.

    I've only found two places that are *really* good locations for this style of setup.

    The first base location is at the northern part of The Island, inside of one of the underwater pearl caves.

    You're able to build water vacuum chambers into the exit of the cave, even with no-clip building turned off, making the interior of the cave completely blocked off from access.

    This makes for a really good tek base, except you cant bring flyers or other big dinos inside without cryopods or a tek transmitter.

    Obviously any of the other four pearl caves with the same design (one on each side of the map) are good to use as well, I just prefer the one to the north.

    The corner pearl caves are not suitable, and the largest of the pearl caves (the ones in the center of the north and south ends) are *too* big to build in properly.

    The second base location I've found that suits my needs is on The Center, in the ruins of the cave with the Immune Artifact.

    This cave require no-clip building to be turned on, but it still creates a very nice base.

    You can have underwater chambers inside the sunken portion of the ruins, extending all the way down to the underwater entrance of the cave. You can then build regular tek foundations along the edge of the surface atop the ruins. There's both a surface entrance and an underwater entrance, so you can bring flyers or ocean dinos in without the need of cryopods.

    Any good base will have separate areas for each of the following activities: Farming/cooking, crafting (replicator and chem bench +gachas/owls/snails), metal smelting (with easy argy or quetz access), dino breeding and hatching, personal rooms for individual tribe members which include vaults and cryofridges, a raid transfer room including beds and vaults for returning from or transferring to other servers, and farming dino storage.

    The base I designed on The Island has *only* enough room for one or two people to comfortably live. The base on The Center has room for a full 6-man tribe or maybe even more. Both bases can be run on a single Tek Generator on maximum radius, and the generator covers everything from the crafting stations to the underwater chambers and even the outside turrets.

    Does anyone know of any similar base locations that can use both tek underwater chambers *as well as regular foundations, and which fits the rest of my specifications?

    I'd prefer if the location were small enough to be run off a single tek generator, but I'm open to ideas.

    If anyone wants me to post screenshots of the bases I've made so far, let me know. I'll have to upload them somewhere for you.

    I'm going to be hosting a dedicated cluster soon and I want to build a nice admin base out of all tek, yet I'm still looking for decent locations that are perfect for me.

    Thank you to anyone who replies, offering any guidance. Feel free to share and screenshots of your base designs as well.

    Whatever the location, I want to build it for pvp, but I want to make it look good too, like it's made for pve.

    submitted by /u/deskphone1
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    ETA on first round of S+ Integration?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 02:09 AM PST

    I'm Australian, so downloading 6gb each time I go from Official to the Beta and back just isn't viable, so is there anyone that can give me some insight on the S+ integration?

    Has there been any notice of how far away it is from being implemented on main build?

    They said testing was to make sure it didn't mess up the building system as it is now, so has there been any issues that would delay the integration?

    Got tonnes of Element and mats waiting to build a Tek base, just waiting on the Triangles to be implemented.

    submitted by /u/smashNcrabs
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    Fed up with Atlas and wanting to return to ark after a 2 year hiatus

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 08:20 PM PST

    Used to be an avid player and stopped around the time breeding was introduced with 300 hours. I know basically nothing about the game now and was wondering if its worth it to return? I used to play unofficial servers but they would always become dead in under a month no matter how popular they seemed. Has that changed, is single player viable? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/IfTheG1oveDontFit
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    and it had to have happened at the worst possible moment

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 02:31 PM PST

    Ini setting to turn off demo/Griffin dust?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 12:53 PM PST

    I know the settings to turn off plant x/water/trees etc but what is the setting line to turn off the demolition and Griffin dust. Sick of having 100+ fps dropping to 5 whenever I demolish something or a Griffin is hovering

    Anybody know?

    submitted by /u/SlumberGod
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    Recent update increase specs on PC?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 08:51 PM PST

    Did the recent update increase the required specs to run the game? Never had a problem before, it never ran great but now I can't play for more then 10 minutes with out a hard (game) crash.

    I've verified files, uninstalled & reinstalled, still hard (game) crash.

    Edit: Added a word

    submitted by /u/ArcherCC
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    My best map so far.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 06:36 PM PST

    Here is a map that took me a while to adjust, I also named some locations, but I'll leave the names up to the community. Tell me what you think. My Best Map So Far.

    submitted by /u/YUNOSUBTODAMIANXX
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    *To PC players: Have Rexes Outscaled Your Gigas?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 08:04 PM PST

    Looking to see how far I need to focus on mutating to start outscaling Gigas with 385-415 melee. Xbox rexes still hovering around 18.2/660 on market, but people might have higher.

    Is it worth prioritizing cloning rexes over Gigas or should I continue focusing on cloning gigas for mutating? Have your rexes gotten to the point where they can solo your top stat gigas? If so, at what stats can they handle a giga with 780ish melee solo?

    submitted by /u/TancredHM
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    Can't find a lot of info about new kibble. Some questions.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 01:33 AM PST

    Is it out of beta?

    Is it for Extinction only, or will it be implemented across the whole game?

    I've seen mention of medium eggs and up used for the new kibbles. What about smaller eggs?


    submitted by /u/GGardian
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    Turn off Pickup timer, allow infinite pickup?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 01:27 AM PST

    With the s+ integration, any way to turn off the timer for pickups in SP? I wanna be able to pickup whenever!

    submitted by /u/Ikinhaszkarmakplx2
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    Are Meks still randomly disappearing?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 08:59 PM PST

    So I know there was a problem with them starving to death/randomly vanishing. Did they ever fix that or is it still an issue?

    submitted by /u/Darkchyylde
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