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    Tuesday, April 30, 2019

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Storytime Tuesday!

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Storytime Tuesday!

    Daily Community Thread - Storytime Tuesday!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 06:33 AM PDT

    Welcome to Storytime Tuesday!

    Tales from the ARK can be wild, hilarious, and/or downright captivating. Consider this thread an open invitation for you to to tell us some tales of survival, tribal warfare, epic taming, thrilling exploration, etc.

    All community rules are in full effect here, so please, no witchhunting!

    You can find the full Daily Community Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    A Theory on the origin of Reapers

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 02:23 AM PDT

    To anyone who cares about the lore and backstory of ark, I have a theory about reapers and their origin.

    When aberration came out, I always assumed that Reapers were a mutated product of the Ark's systems failing when the shit hit the fan on the surface or were a creation made by rockwell. I've even seen people online speculating that they were mutated dinosaurs or to even go as far as to say they were mutated survivors along with the nameless. Regardless, they didn't seem to have a "natural" origin like most of the other creatures.

    But then extinction came out, and we found out reapers are on earth, also. If they're on earth, wouldn't that mean that reapers were a thing before the arks were launched into orbit? And if so, why the hell would an animal like that be genetically engineered by people?

    Thanks to some of Helena's notes, we know that the creatures on the arks were genetically engineered and that at some point in the past, an element/tek based war broke out on earth (which lead to element polluting the planet). It's safe to assume that at least some of Arks creatures were used in war time. An possible example of this would be the existence of the bionic animals, unfeeling machines that are stronger than their organic counterparts. Personally, when I start thinking of Reapers as weapons, their existence makes more sense.

    Think about it. Reapers are fast, agile power houses that can inflict massive amounts of damage quickly. They have an amazingly high leap, and they can burrow and presumably travel underground. They can shoot projectiles out of their tails that can cause torpor (queens only), slow targets AND ground flyers (why would they have that ability if there aren't any flyers on aberration?). They thrive in hazardous, irradiated areas where most other living things can't. They reproduce by injecting reaper embryos into ONLY humans, and upon death their bodies give off a mist of acid. Everything about reapers screams that they were, at one time, made-by-design biological weapons and that they were uploaded to the arks database so that mankind wouldn't lose their "war machine".

    I don't think any of the Arks were meant to regularly produce reapers, they're too dangerous, but rather "back up" their file to insure that the species could be revived when the time came, which explains why the only place we see reapers being produced besides the element corrupted earth, where most of it's cloning systems are compromised by element and are spewing out hordes of corrupted versions of Arks most dangerous creatures, is a malfunctioning ark.

    I know this theory is 100% hole proof and there may be some aspects I missed, But it's the only theory I could think of for explaining why reapers are on earth. I wanted to bounce this idea off the community and see what everyone thought.

    submitted by /u/PachyRhino95
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    WildCard: Kentro nerfed more than stated

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    I did a post about Kentros a week and a half ago. No dev response, no changes, nothing.

    I had not done any tests when I originally posted after the nerf. Jen stated it was 1k clamp. Had I done testing, I would've noticed it was even worse than that.

    Situation: Single adult kentro vs forcetamed giga without saddle.

    Pre-nerf: Giga 940% damage, biting kentro returned ~1800 damage. ~25-30% enrage

    After nerf: Giga 990% damage, biting kentro returned ~700 damage. ~5-10% enrage (hard to tell, see for yourself below)

    Here is an unimprinted 990% damage giga biting an adult kentro after the nerf

    So from that, we can know that there has been wrong information passed out. Either the clamp is 700, or it's 1k and they have sneaked in a nerf.

    To the devs:

    Please consider removing the clamp and simply disabling any return damage while they are unconscious or when they have cryosickness.

    That or change the clamp to a true 1500 (still a slight nerf) instead of whatever it is right now.

    Also, please provide the thought process behind nerfing kentros this hard. Did adult kentros actually deserve this nerf or was it to counter babies?

    submitted by /u/BarrowsKing
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    Event Color Lymantria?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 03:10 PM PDT

    Xbox update just deleted our Desert/Ice Titans

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 11:20 AM PDT

    Just a heads up to upload your titans if server is about to restart/update. Was letting titan to heal to take grieving and using ice titan for drops/veins. Rip plans.

    submitted by /u/TancredHM
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    Any fix for ascension cinematics?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 11:03 AM PDT

    Ever since Extinction launched, all ascension fights have gone to the final one instead of to the earlier cinematics. I remember the Island one introducing Abberation, and then in Abberation you are introduced to Extinction. Now any any and all ascension fights go to the cinematic with Helena. Is there a fix or do I just need to look up videos of the earlier ones?

    Mostly asking since my husband wants to play through ark with me and he's never experienced them before.

    submitted by /u/gimme_5_legs
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    ARK on RTX cards in April 2019

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 03:07 AM PDT


    How does ARK behaves on RTX cards nowadays? Last info in knew was ARK is still crashing with terrain shadows set to anything else than low.

    Is this the same? Any ETA on a patch that resolves this? I'd like to buy a new gpu, but ARK is game i mainly play and it sucks if i would have to lower some shadows.


    submitted by /u/kecskeimavevo
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    Raid Help!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 10:02 AM PDT

    Hi everyone. Not sure if this type of post is agaisnt the rules or not, if so, please feel free to remove. If not, let's begin.

    So, my tribe and I are on an Xbox PVP PC Dedicated server on The center with a 50x rate. Every day there is raids all across the server. Of course we are involved with those too. Recently we discovered a base of a tribe who has been hitting us a lot, and we want some revenge. Problem is, is the placement of their base.

    Their base is located inside a cave on Lava Island. The location is 16.8 lat , 54.3 lon. It is basically the cave where the Artifact of the Hunter is located at. Problem is, is that the entrance is super small. Big enough to fit a Pteradon in. And at the entrance is about 5 Heavy Auto Turrets, and 2 Tek turrets. Probably maxed with ammo. The turrets are also set to Player Only. So no bullet soaking.

    Does anyone have any strategies on how to hit this base effectively?

    submitted by /u/Predirect
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    [W10][Hotkeys][Question] Rebinding keys.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 07:58 AM PDT

    Couple questions, easier ones first.

    What are your preferred keybindings? Interested in how others improve their keybind efficiency. :D

    Could somebody paste their DefaultInput.ini file on pastebin or hastebin for me? I've looked around online but they're all from between 2016-2018 and don't seem to reflect my input.ini, and no matter I try I can't get permissions for even reading the one in my WindowsApps folder.

    Does anyone know how to get the ToggleHUDHidden keybind to work? No matter what I change it to, my HUD does not hide.

    Has anyone figured out the ActionName for "Toggle Item Labels?" The default, when in your inventory, is Q. However, from what I've been able to find it's one of those keybinds that isn't listed in the .ini, so it must be referenced somewhere else. I've tried ToggleItemName(s), ToggleName(s), ToggleItemLabel(s), ToggleLabel(s), ShowItemName(s) and ShowItemLabel(s) to no avail.

    inb4 "The Wiki says You can't rebind that." The wiki says a lot of things, sometimes it's right. For example, it says you can't rebind Drop Item from O but I have it currently bound to Z. (I'd like to make it Q but I need to unbind item labels first...)

    One last thing: I'm sure you have your mentions turned off, I wouldn't blame you, but just in case...







    Love your game so much I bought it four times btw ;)

    submitted by /u/Technical_Machine_22
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    Solo play bosses

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    I hear a lot of talk about how many people it takes to kill various bosses. I however play solo. Are there any guides on defeating the various bosses cross the several maps / ascending as a solo player?

    submitted by /u/bkreddit856
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    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 04:42 PM PDT

    Tried making a game suggestion on the forums to change the way this item functioned. (A suggestion to change the way an item functions, is a suggestion right?) It got deleted by a mod, so i'll post here instead.

    Metal fence supports currently cost 5 metal to make.... and 3 c4 to blow.

    Please make them not block enemy foundations, on classic where there is no meks you have to invest thousands of c4 just for fence supports, where the enemy just hit a few metal nodes. Tribes have already crafted tens of thousands in case devs decide to just increase the price of them.

    submitted by /u/HardCarryBlitz
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    Doedicurus babies keep getting stuck under the mother, which prevents the mother from moving.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 03:30 PM PDT

    Is there a foolproof way to prevent babies from getting caught in the ground, specifically for the Doedicurus? Every time the mother births newborns, they get caught beneath her and then I'm unable to move the mother to get the newborns out. So I have to bring in an Argie or Quetz to lift the mother up, and then move them back into place once I'm done. It doesn't matter if I'm mounted on it and attempt to move it, or whistle it; it just stays stuck unless I lift it out of the area.

    I feel I battle with the meshes in this game more than any other aspect.

    submitted by /u/WinterholdMage
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    Repost: Returning player here, what are some of today's meta dinosaurs?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 03:36 PM PDT

    Asked in r/ARK but haven't gotten a response and just downvoted so I'll try here:

    Been gone for a while, a lot has changed.

    I'm most interested in open world PvP but I want to know what currently works best in a given situation.

    What's the option for tanking turrets? Or farming fiber? Or fastest hit n run flyer?

    I curious to see what's changed. I remember when turtles were the go-to tanks and pteranodons were actually fast.

    Any and all input would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/TheDutchDemon
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    Coming from 7 Days to Die: How is ARK PvE in 2019?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 12:27 PM PDT

    Our foursome group is almost done playing through 7 Days to Die. We really enjoy the PvE open-world exploration and survival crafting mechanisms that 7DTD offers.

    • How is Ark for PvE? We have no interest in PvP.
    • Do you absolutely need the "Extinction" expansion for PvE?

    Note: we also recently played Empyrion: Galactic Survival; exploring and building was fun but got old because the AI wasn't challenging whatsoever.

    submitted by /u/Comp625
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