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    Wednesday, September 11, 2019

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Mentor Wednesday!

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Mentor Wednesday!

    Daily Community Thread - Mentor Wednesday!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2019 06:09 AM PDT

    Welcome to Mentor Wednesday! Do you have an ARK-related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/playARK will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to ARK once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Community Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    One more C-4 should do it!

    Posted: 10 Sep 2019 08:39 PM PDT

    Fertilized Large Eggs Disappear After incubation

    Posted: 11 Sep 2019 08:30 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm new in this Reddit and was wondering if anyone has had any issues with incubating large eggs like rexes for example. I tried to incubate six eggs throughout the week and they kept disapearing. I assumed they died from dinos until last night I physically watched the last two eggs finish incubating and just vanish. Has anyone run into this and do you know how to remedy this?

    submitted by /u/Intrinsic75
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    MEK levels

    Posted: 11 Sep 2019 03:02 AM PDT

    I'm currently trying to figure out how to increase MEK's experience points value. So say you get a MEK you can put in 73 levels into it. anyone have the configuration value code line for that. or the code line to increase it for specific dinos. like theres OverrideMaxExperiencePointsDino= but for specific dinos only

    submitted by /u/KrispiesChicken
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    Mantis Vs Element Veins

    Posted: 11 Sep 2019 02:44 AM PDT

    Could someone tell me something about harvesting on mantis. I will got more element from right or left click? Sry for bad English and thx

    submitted by /u/xAraioo
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    Ark Cheap?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2019 02:24 AM PDT

    So i just got a mail from kinguin saying that you could get 15% off a game and then i go in to just check the deals and then i see ark is like 55 euro main price and now after the deal its like around 5 euro. Sometimes i just dont trust 3rd party sites so i checked g2a which is very good, and i used it a multiple of times but over on there its also on around 5 euro likes whats going on?

    submitted by /u/QinkyTinky
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    Breeding and Growth Rates

    Posted: 10 Sep 2019 07:38 PM PDT

    I usually play on PC and use s+ to manage babies and imprinting but I'm currently playing on PS4 with my nephew. No mods available. We want to breed and imprint but neither of us have the time to do it at standard rates.

    I've searched all over trying to find suggestions of rates that will still make your breeding process feel earned, without being an involved, multi-day process. I can only find tutorials about how the different rates work together but not anything on just how to set them to insure its doable while having a job/school and still be able to get the full imprint. I'm hoping someone on here will know good settings for that. Thanks.

    Sorry if I formatted any of this incorrectly. I've never posted on reddit before.

    submitted by /u/bjibberish
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    Having trouble getting Felix to see it. PewDiePie’s Minecraft in ARK

    Posted: 11 Sep 2019 08:31 AM PDT

    Reaper Impregnating on Console?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2019 10:22 PM PDT

    How do you impregnate other with a forcetamed reaper on console? I know on pc it's x but is there a button for it on xbox/ps4?

    submitted by /u/SuperSanes958
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    how do i tribute artifacts xbox i have my artifact at blue ob and idk how to tribute it

    Posted: 10 Sep 2019 06:02 PM PDT

    Custom paints not loading

    Posted: 10 Sep 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    Hi all been a while since i have played around with ark, until i started playing again with family.

    I had used custom .pnt files to display custom kibble/dye charts before and have tried to do the same again. However this time the files are not loading and was wondering have there been changes since approx 2017 to the way this is done?Custom .pnt files are in "/Saved/MyPaintings/", the files have the correct naming structure, and all files are freshly downloaded copies of the files.

    I am able to save and load .pnt files from within the game however any other custom files do not show up.

    Edit: once I leave the game any previously created .pnt files in-game no longer work.


    submitted by /u/TheDarKnight_87
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    Raptors and wooden windows

    Posted: 10 Sep 2019 01:31 PM PDT

    Since when have they been able to jump through a wooden window? I just got decimated by a level 100 that then wrecked havoc on my little 6x2x2 hut :-(.

    submitted by /u/pintodragon
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    beginner servers to be wiped

    Posted: 10 Sep 2019 07:26 PM PDT

    You may be unaware, an announcement out of nowhere stated the beginner servers would get wiped.

    I have zero interest arguing whether it's a good or bad thing, obviously whether it benefits you or not, you're gonna have a completely different opinion, so arguing is pointless.

    But even if it doesn't impact you directly, you should all understand what this announcement means : the devs can change the rules anytime they want and wipe you on a whim

    I don't give a single damn about their excuses "was not intended" , you just don't change the rules mid games and fuck your paying customers in the ass.

    Also I very well know the real reason for this change, these servers are more and more being used by mega tribes for their low level dino supply, for their breeding needs, and they don't want to get bothered by the "locals". Everyone knows how much the devs are close to certain tribes, to the point of fucking players in the ass if it can help those.

    I'm done with ARK, and have zero interest arguing with dumb devs or toxic community. I will put my money where my mouth is, no more support for this company. EVER. PERIOD. I'll stick to offline solo mode and at most will get a pirate copy of any future product.

    submitted by /u/waxuj
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