• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 8, 2020

    ARK on Xbox One Just logged into my server and the dodos are having an Egg’tastrophy! I haven’t changed any egg laying settings on my server.

    ARK on Xbox One Just logged into my server and the dodos are having an Egg’tastrophy! I haven’t changed any egg laying settings on my server.

    Just logged into my server and the dodos are having an Egg’tastrophy! I haven’t changed any egg laying settings on my server.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    My points went poof!HELP??!(and all my dinos too)

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    I feel dumb, I only just realized there is a tame limit of 500

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    I can’t tell if the 4X everything is applied. Anyone know if it is?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    Okay really?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    How has duping not been fixed yet. It's absolute cancer.

    I usually play unofficial but three weeks ago put my big boy pants on and switched to official. It was fun until I saw these mega bases. Bases so fucking big it would take a full tribe years to grind that out.

    I know there are some sweaty sweaty ark players but this just seemed impossible.

    After some quick google searching I found it. And I also found the official ark trading discord.

    People selling slot caps of anything for $15. Slot caps of tek walls, tek turrets, tek behemoth gates. SLOT CAPS OF TEK TELEPORTERS.

    Some of those "traders" are making hundreds a month off of duping. A.k.a lagging the whole server our, rolling it back, and fucking over everyone else.

    They aren't even hiding it. They openly admit to duping.

    So why am I grinding for hours and hours when I could have a thic ass tek base and perfect 700 melee gigas for like $30? Hell, get a tribe of 15 players to split $90 worth of stuff, less than $10 per person to have alpha tier shit.

    Better yet, let's just start duping??? There is no punishment, no cons at all. I thought unnoficial was getting boring because of the x7 rates but this is pathetic.

    Keep your shit genesis map for another month and instead fix game breaking glitches and release the map one month later.

    Share this to wildcard ffs

    submitted by /u/ilikemotionstuff
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    Easter update.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    16gb update. Woohoo wonder what's gonna be broken with this one

    submitted by /u/cerealbawks101
    [link] [comments]

    What’s the better map

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:02 AM PDT


    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:14 AM PDT

    I'm new to Ark and I'm looking for a server and tribe to show me the ropes.

    submitted by /u/sleepapneaa
    [link] [comments]

    Semi new player question

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    What's a good aquatic mount that I can tame easily? If there are any lol

    submitted by /u/lastofgronk
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    Genesis Races

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Hey wildcard, remove your shitty races until the console can handle the fast moving scenery and rendering. Not only does the game freeze but it don't freeze the timer so you lose seconds and on alpha you can't afford to. Take the boosts out aswell cause it can't handle that either ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️

    submitted by /u/Ap3xWingman
    [link] [comments]

    Can I play on different maps with different game settings without affecting my other maps??

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    Structure limits

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    So I'm in single player just using creative to build a bunch of stuff. Currently I'm trying to build a ginormous underwater base and it said I hit the structure limit. Is there anyway to change that so I can build infinite structures using settings or admin commands? I don't mean on platforms cause I already know that

    submitted by /u/nala4978
    [link] [comments]

    Alpha spawn rates

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Why are the alpha and T. rex spawn rates so high on the "easy" tropical island spawn on the center map

    submitted by /u/DarkModegang69
    [link] [comments]

    Best place to find theri saddle blue prints?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    I've been breeding theris and have a good bloodline but no saddles and I can't seem to find any

    submitted by /u/Pompay_The_Great
    [link] [comments]

    PSA for anyone that may encounter the world/save delete bug

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    So I play single player Valguero and I almost had a run-in with the same bug that destroyed my brother's save. He lost all progress and was forced to create a new character. If you log in and the screen for "create new survivor" pops up, DO NOT CREATE A NEW SURVIVOR. Go to your xbox dashboard and close the game IMMEDIATELY. If you don't know how to do that, hover over Ark in dashboard and press start and "quit" to shut the game down. When I logged back on, my character and buildings were unaffected. I'm not sure how common this bug is, but I wanted to get this out there for anyone who may come across it.

    submitted by /u/ReachForTheBiscuits
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    Problem with rented server

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    Has anyone had the problem with renting a nitrado server and it just gets stuck in a restart loop?

    submitted by /u/St0rmZ98
    [link] [comments]

    Can someone having multiple oversized bases causing the server to lag be reported on official?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    Ok so I was playing on aberration boosted single player and I went to see what the normal game settings are and when I changed them back to what I hade them previously everything that got points put into something went away but their levels stayed the same. Help?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:02 PM PDT

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