• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 8, 2020

    Ark PS4 S+ mod on ps4

    Ark PS4 S+ mod on ps4

    S+ mod on ps4

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    Did they finally introduce s+ mod on consoles?

    submitted by /u/D3r0ck
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    Should the ark devs make DLCs cheaper like 15$

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    Easter event not working

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    Hello there, can anyone tell me if there is an issue with gportal servers getting the event? I've activated the event in the settings, it has always worked for other events. I've done a Dino wipe, I am on Genesis but cannot see any evidence of it working. Any help appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/gendogs
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    Ok so they just updated it. Did they fix the settings bug in single player? I am to afraid to look. I might toss the game in the trash if it’s still broken.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    would anybody like to play a private primitive ark with me?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    I think it would be cool to be able to start completely fresh and not have anybody else on the server us

    submitted by /u/PastryTrader
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    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    How would you catch one if you're by yourself?

    submitted by /u/optimist_prhyme
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    Unofficial PC sessions not working?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:37 PM PDT

    So me and a couple homies have a server to ourselves and it was working fine just before the Eggcellent Adventure update but now no Unofficial PC Sessions are showing up. Just wondering if this is a common issue or something. I'm really big on breeding for mutations and I'm tryna get as many mutes as I possibly can from this event.

    submitted by /u/Brokenbalorbaybay
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    What are the current major bugs?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    I know (for me) that the character customization sliders dont work on primitive plus. Annoying for a customization fanatic like me but at least it keeps my kids from looking like gumby characters. I keep hearing everyone ask if server settings are fixed yet, and others bugs..... So what's the dealio? I have the feeling I've been tweaking things that dont actually work.

    Also is there a way to turn off the stupid Easter BS?

    submitted by /u/Tripgnosis
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    Unofficial servers down?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    None of the unofficial servers are showing up. Anyone know what time they will be back?

    submitted by /u/Kevin_is_your_daddy
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    Pillar Help PLS!

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    Hey Guys! I am building a base, and I made 2 foundations, with a large wall placed on one, and nothing on the other. I want to add a pillar to the corner intersection of the two foundations, so that the pillar is directly in the middle, and touching both the foundations and the large wall. When I tried placing the pillar there, it just said it was obstructed. Is there a way to get around this? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/DeoxyNucleus
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