• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 16, 2020

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Mentor Wednesday!

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Mentor Wednesday!

    Daily Community Thread - Mentor Wednesday!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 05:09 AM PST

    Welcome to Mentor Wednesday! Do you have an ARK-related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/playARK will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to ARK once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Community Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The brave soldiers who are gonna vanquish the Broodmoother

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 05:08 AM PST

    There MAY Have Been a Situation With My Storage...Maybe ��

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:20 PM PST

    Tamed my first Gigas. Second one (180) killed my Wyvern, so I did it on foot... in the redwoods... my poor heart

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:25 AM PST

    After MANY Hours and Tons of Breeding. I Give You My Proudest Thylas, The Siberian! I've had Red, Neon Pink, Blue, and Even a Nike Shoe, but This is My Favorite. Also Helps They're 15 Melee and 5 Health Mutations as Well.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:08 AM PST

    Thought I'd share this one with you guys

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:59 AM PST

    This baryonyx literally begged us not to tranq it

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 09:18 AM PST

    How to Find Allosaurs

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 07:41 AM PST

    So I am looking to tame a high level Allo and I wanted to know how spawning works. Will say an anky take up the same spawning spot as an allo? or is it more specific like similar dinos take similar spawns such as allo carno rex. Or should I just fly around killing only Allos? I have read many different things online and I really just want clarification on what is the best way to maximize my allo spawns on my server

    submitted by /u/drewleopold93
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    Ark: How To Build A Featherlight Pen

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:52 PM PST

    Old school pvp is honestly so fun

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:02 PM PST

    Some of you had questions about painting tattoos on PS4 so I’m going to start a live stream in half an hour where I will extend this tattoo and show you everything you need to know. Keep an eye on the comments for the YouTube link :).

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:53 AM PST

    Stego Rocket Run!! Pearl Cave Defense 3 Ark -Mas Day 16 PVP EP 8

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:39 AM PST

    Ark Survival Evolved DOX - TAMING Pygmys and getting REVENGE on KONG!!!!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:11 AM PST


    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:56 AM PST

    I'm currently lvl 50 at viking bay 2 with a raptor 3 dillos a others and a trike it's so hard to get resources here and there 3 rexes nearby I need to move, but I don't know how or were I have lots of stuff I need to take what should I do?

    I'm on solo rag btw

    submitted by /u/GeomadTheBlackKnight
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    Small Tribes PS4 Boss Slot

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:45 AM PST

    Hey so, I need to get Tekgrams, I play small tribes official, and am willing to work / trade / negotiate for a slot. I need replicator and would be very appreciative if I could get Transmitter.

    If you have a slot for me or would be willing to negotiate with me please reach out to me VIA:

    PSN: PsychoPhysicYT

    Discord: Psy#3636

    Reddit: well um, I'm right here.

    submitted by /u/psychophysic
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    Fun after bosses

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 09:25 AM PST

    So in single player, what do you do after you have defeated all the bosses because certainly ark players have lot of in game time and all of that couldn't be online players

    submitted by /u/GodOfArk
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    Question for the official bois out there

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 08:12 AM PST

    Any body using the cloning chamber efficiently on official?

    Is it really as expensive as the wiki makes it look?

    If so, how do you farm for it? What are its real-world uses.

    submitted by /u/specialedd178
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    Hitboxes in ARK

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:39 PM PST

    Ride or die

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:25 PM PST

    witch is best racing dino type why in the comments

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 06:07 AM PST

    all at base stat

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/tetty10
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    My baby wyverns hunger bar doesnt go up even when I force feed it wyvern milk

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:16 PM PST

    I have searched everywhere and cant find how to fix this, I died like 30 times trying to get these things now their hunger bar is at 0 and whenever I try to feed it milke it doesnt budge, i have even tried meat and prime meat and nothing works.

    One of them is now on 23 health so I've had to get my friend to spawn in a pig to passive heal them.

    Anyone know how to fix this?

    Edit: thanks to the redditors who told me I needed to feed them primal crystals NOT milk or meat (honestly I'm a dumbass I swear)

    submitted by /u/TheWolvesAndAK
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    Megalosaurus energy potion

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:01 AM PST

    I love the Megalosaurus, especially the Aberrant version, but throughout the day they suck Dodos. What would you guys think about an energy potion for the Megalo? It would give it the night buff for 20 minutes real time, making it viable at all times.

    Would you use the Megalo more with a potion like this?

    submitted by /u/Guardianangel93
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    Ark II won't be a single player RPG

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:59 AM PST

    Reminder to join the Ark 2 Chat

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:57 AM PST

    Crystal wyverns

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:50 PM PST

    I usually play the island and I'm going to crystal isles to tame a wyvern, what should I bring and what dinos/birds if any?

    submitted by /u/FallenRaven2
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