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    Wednesday, May 4, 2022

    Ark PS4 Be wary of floating rocks...

    Ark PS4 Be wary of floating rocks...

    Be wary of floating rocks...

    Posted: 03 May 2022 08:41 AM PDT

    laggy on lost island ps4 any tips to reduce the lag ?

    Posted: 03 May 2022 02:36 PM PDT

    How to Transfer tames between 2 survivors on singleplayer/console.

    Posted: 03 May 2022 02:40 PM PDT

    This was something I tried to look into yesterday as I when I started my Crystal Isles world I did so with an entirely new survivor, couldn't find anything so I took the risk and tried to find a way. I wanted to transfer my Crystal Isles tames to my main survivor which is in Rag. I made copies of my saved data to my USB stick in case anything happened. I heard if you spawn in another survivor in a map which already has another one it deleted it and access to your tames.

    1. Upload your survivor that will take ownership of said things into the obelisk on your other map.
    2. On the map that has your survivor with the tames, unclaim every tame.
    3. Go to the obelisk and upload your survivor. Then, download the survivor from the other map.
    4. Travel to where your tames are and claim them/take anything you want.

    Surely there probably is an easier way to do this but I saw nothing like it, hoping this can help someone in the future.

    submitted by /u/Louees5
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    Why do my Pteranodon keep flying away?

    Posted: 03 May 2022 10:08 AM PDT

    Don't they love me? Don't they appreciate me raising them, handfeeding and cuddling them?

    submitted by /u/Common_Lawyer_5370
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