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    Friday, January 18, 2019

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Weekend Free Talk!

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Weekend Free Talk!

    Daily Community Thread - Weekend Free Talk!

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 05:14 AM PST

    Hello friends! Welcome to your Weekend Free Talk megathread!

    Talk about whatever you'd like! Your comments need not be related to ARK. Talk about your favorite music, talk about underrated movies, talk about whatever you like (within the community rules)! We will still be enforcing community rules regarding user conduct (reddiquette/civility/witchhunting) and server/tribe listings in this thread.

    You can find the full Daily Community Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Could we please get it so raw meat and cooked meat stack to 100?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 07:38 AM PST

    Is there a technical reason this can't happen ooooor just cuz yolo?

    submitted by /u/air401
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    Nerf Desert Titan

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 01:24 AM PST

    Hi there,

    Look I understand there are worse things going on, snow owl abuse etc...however desert titan is so ridiculous .

    How is it justifiable that people feel the need to build in caves to avoid it, it's fairly simple to tame and brainless to use. We're currently forced with the decision: "do we build in caves to avoid titan or do gamble that we won't get hit by titan and build outside to avoid meshing in caves" it's a lose lose situation.

    I know people will suggest things like tek turrets, wyverns and other "counters" but I don't think what the titan does atm is justifiable at all.

    Only posting this for awareness that most people I know aren't happy with its current state and as far as i'm aware it's not in the pipeline for a nerf.

    TLDR: Nerf titan, it does so much for so little and forces people to build in caves for safety.

    Huge ark fan, it just feels like the games got so ridiculous these days.


    submitted by /u/refreshkenny
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    Falling animation on flat ground?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 10:49 AM PST

    Ever since the patch i've been having issues where i'll be running on flat ground and sometimes i'll get stuck in the falling animation for a few seconds. This also happens sometimes when i walk off of a foundation and i'll get stuck on the side of the foundation doing the falling animation for about 10 seconds. Has anyone else experienced this? It hasn't caused too much trouble but being on a PvP server, it could be game ending at the wrong moment.

    submitted by /u/Kharilan
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    A thank you to the devs for the recent mesh optimizes.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 09:21 AM PST

    Logged in last night and I went from. 30-40 fps on 3440x1440 with near made out graphics to 59-60.

    This finally allowed me to go from medium shadows to epic shadows and still run at 45+ fps, where as before the patch I would of been sitting at 20-30fps with them set to epic.

    What a great start to optimizing the game....for me anyways do t know about other people's results.

    submitted by /u/air401
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    How do you defend against being raided ?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 04:27 AM PST

    I was in a few tribes, all of them got raided.

    I was there. Online, every single time we got raided.

    My first tribe had automatic turrets, lots of 'em. Raiders brought in a raft with their own turrets, then spawned a Rock Elemental and soaked all the bullets in our turrets.

    Second tribe, had toons of heavies, plant species,etc. Again, raiders spawned rock elementals, soaking everything and using rockets to destroy the plant species.

    I tried to defend the base but I couldn't deal any significant damage to the person on the Rock Golem..

    So how do you defend your base in situations like this?

    It's funny how ineffective base defenses are when your opponents have rock golems, etc.

    submitted by /u/ShoneRL
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    What's the best way to harvest element vein?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 08:31 AM PST

    Any better methods than simply hitting it with a good metal pick?

    I heard something about using a mantis

    submitted by /u/Andygrills
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    day 154161654654 mana still broken op

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 11:27 AM PST

    It is day 4849894849 and the mana can still outrange turrets and deal tons of dmg. Not op at all

    submitted by /u/keklion123
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    WildCard, its 2019.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 06:55 AM PST

    Can you get your server security under control? Can meshing stop? Can you actually look at a report and not wait 6 months to reply? Your DDoS security is less secure than my virgin white ass dropping the soap in a prison shower.

    submitted by /u/zvov
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    Snow Owl kibble?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 07:54 AM PST

    Dododex says that snow owls can be tamed with argentavis kibble. Is this true or can they only be tamed with superior augmented kibble?

    submitted by /u/Seemannsbube
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    Managarmrs balance suggestions

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 07:38 AM PST

    I feel like the most recent nerfs to managarmrs are great, they are still a bit overpowered with the ice breath. I think players should be immune to the freeze but still be affected by the slow (cant be slowed for x amount of time). Also creatures size should affect how fast they are frozen (add cant be frozen again for x amount of time) also the freeze should not knock the player off the mount.


    submitted by /u/Fatboyslim91jl
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    @ wildcard and Nitrado. Which one of you decided that players with a double NAT aren't worthy of playing your game on official servers?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2019 10:09 PM PST

    This connection blocking that Nitrado is doing is complete bullshit and without reason. I've been patient since November 2016 that they'd resolve this problem but it's only gotten more agitating.

    You see, I actually enjoy spending some of my free time punishing the shit out of myself by playing official because it's my own personal preference, so anyone wanting to waste their time telling me to play unofficial can just move along to the next thread and have a wonderful day.

    If you're still here, you're about to learn that Nitrado inpm particular doesn't give a shit about giving decent customer support. When ab was released, it introduced the problem of double NAT connections being blocked from joining any NA or EU servers. I ended up talking to a wildcard employee who made quite the effort at getting someone from Nitrado to address this issue.

    It took Nitrado 4 damn months just to initiate contact with me and the progress I made with that rep ended upon that initial contact. I provided all info requested, remained respectful, cordial, the whole nine yards when you want good support. That didn't matter though because they never responded to me after I gave them the info they wanted.

    Fast forward to the middle of last year. I got tired of the issue still being there. I want to use the Hotspot I am paying for to play the damn game, so I make another ticket on Nitrado website to see if they can iron out the issue. Few emails back and forth and they figured out what setting was blocking users with double NAT from joining officials, changed that setting, and it lasted a week. For some reason, the change was reverted and I was unable to connect again. No response from Nitrado was ever received after the day the rep said he made a change to their config.

    I patiently waited another couple months to see if the issue would iron itself out and of course it didn't. I can tell that they're intentionally blocking it too because I can connect to OC servers just fine, as well as unofficials.

    Occasionally the connection will work. It doesn't matter how many people are online or how stable the server is behaving. But there are some days it works great and others I have better luck squeezing blood from a turnip.

    The whole reason I came here to write this out is because I just spent the last couple hours playing on an official without a problem then all of the sudden they flipped their switch kicked me, causing me to lose a bunch of expensive stuff because I died, and now I can no longer connect using that Hotspot.

    I use an AT&T Hotspot right here in the good ol U S of A and can't even play on a damn official ark server in 2019 because these clowns in whatever country these servers are hosted in find it appropriate to block connections randomly, without justification, without notice, then they proceed to throw a big fat middle finger right into a potential customers face by ignoring them when they reach out for support.

    Tldr... Nitrado is a joke of a host that ignores customers, blocks completely harmless traffic from officials without reason and couldn't give 2 shits less if their (potential) customers are lost because their support is a joke. Oh, and wildcard is completely okay with this because who gives a shit about people with Hotspots.

    submitted by /u/msjs91011
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    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 03:23 AM PST

    What is the best and quickest way to knock out and tame a Raptor and a Carnotaur??

    submitted by /u/BeenanBlaxil
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    Please fix the fkn Rag bosses -_-

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 04:56 AM PST


    We stayed still the whole time and all it did was fire the stupid fkn torpor bolts. 2 of my tribemates were killed trying to get the fekker to land... honestly...


    submitted by /u/Sheesey
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    How to Come Back...

    Posted: 17 Jan 2019 08:49 PM PST

    I have been playing Ark since Day 1 and have been with it through thick and thin. I stayed away from official servers because I'm not much of a fighter and not too much free time on my hands. I played solo, I played unofficial, I even played RP servers.. it was some of the most fun I ever had in a game. But for some reason (probably time) I fell off of the game around the time the 3rd TLC patch rolled around and haven't touched it since. I still see the updates and patches roll through and remembering the good times makes me want to play it again. But I don't know how to. I've already done everything in the game (won't play official). How do I rekindle that flame? Has anyone else had this experience?

    submitted by /u/ArmyJ22
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    will there be an ark evolution event this weekend?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2019 04:19 PM PST

    Just got back into ark. It seems like they have been doing them every weekend. Just need clarification. Also do they normally start at 12 am on friday est?

    submitted by /u/Aezthetics
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    Desert titan stuck outside of map again

    Posted: 17 Jan 2019 02:06 PM PST

    PS4 Crossark8 NA PVP desert titan is stuck outside of the map again.

    submitted by /u/TheEternalFlux
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