• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 19, 2019

    Ark PS4 Well... The update

    Ark PS4 Well... The update

    Well... The update

    Posted: 19 Feb 2019 04:15 AM PST

    The latest ark update has literally wrecked my ark server, ever since it came out my server has lagged itself out of existence and crashed 5 times now, I found out why it was doing this so to add to the fuss I had to rollback a day because the save was corrupt

    Anyone else had problems with the update??

    (My server is CryoNetworks btw)

    submitted by /u/COBLITZ
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    Inventory Folders

    Posted: 19 Feb 2019 07:27 AM PST

    I'm having some issues with the inventory folders, I wanted to use the folders for basically organizing my inventory and because I don't drop kibble or element in a dino or chest, I carry it myself. So I figured folders would move certain items from my inventory into the folder, kinda like a whole new inventory? Well, it didn't. EX: Element will appear in the folder but also outside of the folder. I'm not sure if I explained this well but I could definitely use some help

    submitted by /u/IIDovahCatII
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    Another player in my host/local?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 07:16 PM PST

    Hi! I am a player of ark ps4, today i was in my host/local (scorched hearth) and i found a player flying his name is "player" and he is lvl 1, he is sleeping, i never played in the online and i never played with another person on my host/local.


    That is the video.

    submitted by /u/barzulMA
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    Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 10:09 PM PST

    So I figured I would try out primitive plus again since I heard it's been updated. The last time I tried nothing really worked. This time things seem to be working but I can't put carbon into the forge to make steel, and I can't learn the canteen engram. I can live without the canteen but making steel seems to be crucial to advance. Anything that I can do, or should I just let it go till I hear they worked on it again?

    submitted by /u/tea_bagicuss
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