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    Wednesday, February 20, 2019

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Mentor Wednesday!

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Mentor Wednesday!

    Daily Community Thread - Mentor Wednesday!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 05:12 AM PST

    Welcome to Mentor Wednesday! Do you have an ARK-related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/playARK will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to ARK once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Community Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    This is my favourite part of the game

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 04:39 AM PST

    Where have I seen a fence like this before?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 04:39 AM PST

    Element Ore IRL.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 06:27 AM PST

    Victorian Explorer's Mansion, Structures plus beta build

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 08:59 AM PST

    Even on console, Ark can be beautiful. Little Shinehorn, big world.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2019 03:33 PM PST

    Minor argy TLC idea??

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 10:25 AM PST

    Bye Ark

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 01:20 AM PST

    I got this game like three months ago, already at 647 hours mark.

    I played 151 hours in the past 14 days, just grinding everything for my tribe.

    My tribe had a full Tek tier base and we have 100 Tek Turrets filled to the brim with shards.

    Was going good - we've had everything going and we had solid defenses.

    Up until this morning.

    I wake up to my entire base destroyed.

    What the griefers did was very simple, two high level Quetzal with platform saddles, metal cubicle and people inside. Quetzals ran into our turrets and then the people inside the metal cubicle on the platform blew up half of our base because the turrets didn't shoot them when they opened the door because they were meshed in the turrets.

    That's fucking broken.

    Just like many broken things about Ark as it is now - My allies got meshed, they were genuinely nice people and they grinded hard for months. Meshed and gone the next day. Glitches, so many of glitches that happen randomly.

    Meshing doesn't get you banned in 99% situations and the people who got meshed? Fuck all their effort for months, it's all just gone.

    My months of effort got wasted too because this game simply does not let you defend the base properly.

    Strategies like Quetzal coming up close and mesh-glitching into your base work perfectly and everyone's using them and they are still allowed for some reason.

    Not even 100 Tek Turrets were able to put down these Quetzals before they could get close and have the people inside blow up half of our base - you tell me, how the heck is this not considered broken? I can't get more turrets, I can't get better defenses. We've had a bunch of Velonasaurs outside as well and nothing helped. Even if we were online, they could've done it all the same.

    EDIT: To clarify, I'm a PvP player. I like PvPing and I like competitiveness. Every base should be able to get raided and that's the developers idea too, however, they let things slip up and people quit because of that. I've spent months working on that base, whereas the people who raided me? They raised two Quetzals during the valentines day event and made some C4. 6 AM raid and everything is just gone within minutes.

    submitted by /u/ShoneRL
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    24 hour limits between mindwipes

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 05:47 AM PST

    So I'd just like to ask that this specific change be pushed out to release before the whole beta build gets officially released, because it's something everyone has wanted for an insanely long time, and doesn't seem like something that should be hard to make sure works properly (unlike everything else in that beta build).

    Oh, and is there any thought of working on dino mindwipes? Those are something that would require extensive testing for sure.

    submitted by /u/msjs91011
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    Faster taming without loosing the need for kibble

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 12:13 AM PST


    I play PC singleplayer im having trouble finding the perfect settings.

    I dont like sitting around a tame for hours waiting for it to be tamed so i have set taming to around x10

    speed wise it fits me better but as a result i can perfect tame most dinos with prime meat or mutton which removes the need for kibble.

    Is there a way to speed up the rate at which it eat when taming so it tames faster but still have the need for kibble?

    submitted by /u/Deucael1on
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    Pegomastax is a direct troll

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 07:41 AM PST

    I was trying to knock out a 174 Tek Rex, i had chased him for about 30 minutes, shot him maybe 30 time with tranq darts. At no point would he target me or come towards me, he ran away for 30 minutes. As im about to shoot him an absolutely silent Pegomastax jumps from behind and steals my 180% damage long neck rifle directly out of my hands. At this exact moment the Tek Rex starts running directly at me and chases me for the next 10 minutes. I never even saw the pegomastax after that. I didnt leave the area, just ran in circles around the spot the pego stole my rifle. Hes completely gone. This is so ridiculous, the pego spawning behind me and approaching with no sound at all, the Rex targeting me the exact moment the pego stole my rifle, and the pego literally disappearing forever with my most prized posession in the game. I dont get why the devs think they need to "cheat" to make the game fun. There was literally nothing I could do to prevent anything that happened. Its such an insane way to make me lose hours of work, at no fault of my own. Dinos stealing from inventory is the most idiotic troll i have ever seen in a game. Especially when it steals a rifle! WTF! Everytime they come up with some new troll dino(stealing inventory, demounting players(had a sabretooth demount me from my bird while i was 50 ft in the air), Troodons in general) it just feels like they are breaking their owns rules of combat that they set up in the first place. At this point the devs only goal is to find more and more ways to take things that the players has earned, and most of these ways are simply by making new mechanics that are super cheap. Its ruining the game.

    submitted by /u/Ponasity
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    My raft base got a little crowded during the valentines event

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 07:12 AM PST

    Scorched Earth 41

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 10:08 AM PST

    I was on here, (TPG Server) And as soon as a few people caught wind. (Ania) - Steam ID - Praetorian/TPG - rag166/ab292 known player logged in. Me and a few friends on Managarmrs got deleted. Like dev wipe style. What's up with that ark? We still promoting this kind of bull?

    submitted by /u/Psychosophy23
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    Just discovered a really nasty bug in the Overseer Arena

    Posted: 19 Feb 2019 08:59 PM PST

    Not sure why you'd deploy a Scout in the Overseer Arena to begin with, but I just discovered if you deploy a Scout while the Overseer's intro animation starts, on intro finish, you and the scout INSTANTLY die for seemingly no reason. It's always during the intro only, I can deploy and use Scouts during the fight just fine. This was in Singleplayer by the way, was just fucking around and accidentally discovered that, worked multiple times.

    Edit: After more testing, this is happening in Rockwell's arena too. Only after the intro finishes, as long as you remain in the scout, you and the scout instantly are killed. Really strange issue.

    submitted by /u/SinfulFrisky
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    Nameplates only visible very upclose

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 12:26 AM PST

    Quick question, I suddenly can't see nameplates unless I am very close to the object in question. Previously I could see allies from a comfortable distance (about whistle distance) but then I had a situation at my base and I probably hit some buttons I wasn't meant to and now I can't see their nameplate unless I am very close (slightly longer than access inventory range)

    How do I undo this?

    submitted by /u/RiKSh4w
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    So, I found out that Nitrado doesnt use double NAT filtering on official Xbox servers... Any ideas what else would be causing "cannot retrieve address" problems?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 07:33 AM PST

    Back story... Worked with Nitrado to determine connection problem. They said "double NAT" was issue, they disabled a setting and I was able to join again. They reverted that setting a week later. Fast forward to this week, Adam from wc said Nitrado doesnt use double NAT connection filteting/blocking.

    I'm using an att wifi Hotspot (netgear ac815s) on all default settings. Can't properly port forward for some dumb reason. UPnP disabled (enabling throws double nat message in console settings). Console grabs my DMZ IP address I set up.

    I can connect to OC officials just fine. Cannot connect to NA or EU. Nitrado refuses to even respond to me, even though I've done absolutely nothing to give them reason to ignore me .

    Sometimes I am able to connect to the NA and EU officials after many Hotspot and console power cycles.

    I'm just stumped at this point.

    "get real internet" not feasible because I can't run a cable line to a semi lol.

    submitted by /u/msjs91011
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    PS4 PVE Low Boosted Rag and Extinction Cluster Has Spots

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 06:11 AM PST

    Hi I'm Jb,

    I am one of the four admins that run a small Ragnarok and Extinction cluster.

    We have a few openings for small tribes to join either server, and have some fun on a chill server. The servers are designed to make a grind that is not unbearable, but still a little lengthy... great for small tribes of friends!!!

    Let me talk about both servers:

    Ragnarok: (Max slots 16) (Pve)

    This server has only 4 bases total on the map, and everyone is a pve oriented player, and very chill. There are tons of places to build bases. Also, Abberation dinos, and extinction creatures have been added to give players who may not have extinction, and abberation a taste of both maps. This server will be online for a year!!!!

    Extinction: (Max Slots 16) (Pve)

    This server is our new addition, we are designing the server to be more endgame... Its still a work in progress... However, only two bases have been built on this server so far, and there are entire biomes with no bases, so you'll have lots of space to spread out! We are planning on adding aberration dinos to the map in order to make it feel lively.

    You can start on either server, its all up to you on what you like to do!!!!

    Here are all of the server settings.

    EXP: 3x

    Taming: 4x

    Gathering: Rag (3x) and Ext (2x) Makes ratios consistent across the maps (can change later)

    Wild Dino Levels: Up to 300!

    Breeding and maturation: 50x (We have jobs and can only get one day to knock out a raising)

    Other stuff:

    Admins play off and on, but you can get ahold of them at anytime (unless we are sleeping :) )

    A psn chat that will let you know when the server will go down for maintenance and when certain changes are made.

    No admin griefing, but the admins will enforce rules about people griefing each other.

    Also joining will get you a complimentary zombie dodo!!!

    If any of this interests you, message myself Jbsr911, or Night_slayer59 on psn!

    submitted by /u/jbsr911
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    Griffin-scout bug

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 05:04 AM PST

    I used a scout stone whilst on top of my Griffin and it made me unable to ride my Griffin and unable to deploy another scout. Any help? I was about to go on a raid and this happened.

    submitted by /u/gengu_needs_heals
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    Alpha raptor in pearl cave, nice.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2019 04:45 PM PST

    S+ engrams will be locked behind bosses like Tek ??

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 12:13 AM PST

    I noticed this in the beta patch notes published a few hours ago :

    Added S+ Engrams to Island bosses

    Source : https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/forums/topic/399717-structures-plus-s-kibble-rework-beta-is-live/&tab=comments#comment-2297658

    Does that mean that we'll have to defeat the bosses in order to get the new S+ engrams ?

    EDIT : as pointed out by ThePhotonMan, it's probably only the Tek S+ engrams. Sorry for my dumb post.

    submitted by /u/Balidar
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    Ark perfect settings for players who have full time jobs.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2019 05:00 PM PST

    I want to play ark and finish the storylines with my brother at home (co-op). I've taken a look at how the settings work, but I'm intimidated by all of the settings. Can someone give or point me to the perfect ark settings I can use.

    submitted by /u/MembehBery
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    Anyone in need of Wyvern Eggs :D

    Posted: 19 Feb 2019 01:10 PM PST

    Looking for PvP unofficial members (pc)

    Posted: 19 Feb 2019 09:33 PM PST

    Add me on discord @kjp#2081 Must be 15-17 years old (some exeptions) Add me to ask for more information or pm me

    submitted by /u/kjp1911
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