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    Monday, March 11, 2019

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Bug Report Monday

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Bug Report Monday

    Daily Community Thread - Bug Report Monday

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 06:34 AM PDT

    Mondays are for bug reports.

    Please make any reports of bugs you may find in the game here. Wildcard will be keeping an eye on these threads.

    Information to include:



    What happened when you encountered the bug

    How long has this been happening?

    All community rules are in full effect here, so please, no witchhunting!

    You can find the full Daily Community Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I can't see my explorer notes! Help?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    ARK: Tek Tier Update

    Posted: 10 Mar 2019 09:24 PM PDT

    The Following is merely a player idea for an update to the TEK Tier of ARK: Survival Evolved

    With the release of the Homestead Update and the amazing work the dev team is doing now, I started to think of other QoL updates that could be provided to the game. We've had a Kibble rework and the S+ introduction, so what's next? (please don't bring up bugfixes, we all know that, let's think of some other things)

    One idea that popped into my head was a TEK Tier Update. TEK is a massive part of ARK's lore and gameplay and a big part of the appeal to the game, yet it's extremely limited. We have (I think) 5 saddles on the Island and one on Aberration, but the saddles do very little. We have a TEK rifle, railgun, sword, and shield, but no other tools or weapons. A lot of core aspects of the game could be vastly expanded upon by TEK Tier, some of which has been promised.

    Phase One: Saddles

    Taming and riding dinosaurs is a key part of ARK's gameplay and it's appeal, so naturally, I feel the first phase of this update should be saddles. Here are some of my ideas, please add yours in the comments and I might throw some up here (with credit)

    • Wyvern/Giga Saddle: For God's sake. It exists in the Dev Kit. PUT IT IN THE GAME.
    • Raptor Saddle: This one is probably going to be one of the least likely to make it, though it would be the easiest to implement, but given the poster-child presentation of raptors, let's give everyone's favorite early-game mount some love. It would look especially great on the naturally-spawning Tek Raptors!
    • Quetzal Platform Saddle: The air needs some love and this saddle, while powered with element, could serve as a remote generator for all electric/TEK based items on the back. Turrets are still disabled on platform saddles, so no abusing it, but the goal is to provide the air with the ability to have "mobile bases"
    • Bronto Platform Saddle: Literally the same idea as the Quetzal.
    • Argentavis Saddle: Everyone uses Argies and they're a core aspect of ARK, so give them a TEK saddle that has a speedboost.
    • Natural Predator Protection: For starters, all TEK Saddles, when powered, should provide a mini-forcefield around the rider to keep them from being knocked off by purlovia/microraptors/etc. You could still shoot through it, but no more getting knocked off by purlovia. In addition, underwater mounts can be stung by cnidaria and eels without the rider being dismounted. Seriously, it's future gear and a jellyfish still beats that?
    • Additional Abilities: Everyone has asked for it, it's time it was in the game. Lasers are cool, but there's more you can do with this. Give Argentavis the ability to burn through element for a speed-boost. The Quetz/Bronto platform saddles mentioned above run as generators, there's plenty of ideas and not enough implemented.

    Phase Two: Gameplay Mechanics

    TEK Tier is sorely lacking in regards to sci-fi versions of basic gameplay mechanics. Here's some much-needed ideas, some of which were already "confirmed."

    • TEK Crop Plots/Condensator: I feel this is best learned on Scorched Earth. These TEK Crop-plots (name pending) grow more bountiful crops. They do not require fertilizer and can be attached to a Condensator which will pull water from the air and store it in a tank.
    • TEK Climate Regulator: Again, this is for Scorched Earth. This is basically an amped-up version of the air conditioner for TEK tier. Just one of these is good enough to hatch any egg and keep any survivor in comfort.
    • TEK Smoker: This has been promised for a while, and it's desperately needed in game. It's too difficult to make jerky in wooden boxes--especially considering you can stand there with TEK armor and tools.
    • TEK Holograhic Map: This is just for fun, but a holographic map of the Island where you could mark resource nodes, enemy bases, and potential outposts spots. It would obviously change per map.

    I'm spacing on a lot of these, so leave some ideas below!

    Phase Three: Weapons & Tools

    Since the ARK Devs want to focus on PvP, let's get some weapons and tools in this bad-boy.

    • TEK Pickaxe/Hatchet: We already have a chainsaw, but where's the TEK versions? Let's get some TEK tools to replace those janky metal ones.
    • TEK Spyglass/Binoculars: This would essentially be the same as the drone, but it doesn't require element dust to run every time and it just works as a spyglass/magnifying glass.
    • TEK Bow w/ Electric Arrows: TEK Tier needs a taming method, and I'm tired of longnecks. Let's get a TEK Bow and some electric arrows for taming or trolling.
    • TEK Shotgun: Another Scorched Earth engram, this TEK Shotgun allows for a wide-dispersal of laser projectiles. I mean, it's basically the title.

    Other Ideas:

    I'm only one person, but what ideas do you have for other TEK related items and how they would be useful? Think core gameplay mechanics.

    submitted by /u/diamondcreeper
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    Whipping Items from Dedicated Storage

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    Can we please have the ability to whip items out of dedicated storage?

    First we had body bags, which made no sense at all but allowed players to quickly move resources by putting the bag on a bench and throwing items out of its inventory.

    Then for a time, we were able to quickly move items out of vaults by placing them sideways, throwing the items out and whipping them up. This was eliminated around the start of extinction when the gravity/ground interaction mechanics of dropped boxes was changed.

    Next we were given 24 hour mindwipes, which made weight characters viable, but for some reason when you do a Withdraw All from dedicated storage it fills until you hit your actual weight stat, rather than the typical ~2x weight you could pull from a dino or vault.

    Lastly in the beta servers we were able to throw items out of the dedicated storage and whip them up with ease, but for some reason when Homestead came to official that ability was removed.

    I dont know if it was removed intentionally to make the game more grindy or if its just a result of merging two branches of the game, but I think we would all appreciate finally having an easy way to move materials out of storage.

    Please consider, I'm a big fan of the game and just looking to get some ideas out there to improve it.


    submitted by /u/ThatFredditor
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    slightly annoying bug/oversight that has been in the game for awhile

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 12:01 PM PDT

    Whenever you play on Scorched Earth and go back to the menu screen, it displays Aberration's art and not Scorched Earth's own art. I remember that in the devkit this may have literally been because of a typo. Can I get my sandy ARK logo back please?

    submitted by /u/SinfulFrisky
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    Anky metal farming with an Argy

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 11:36 AM PDT

    How should I be allocating my skill points on an Anky if my only aim is to use it with an argy to get metal? Full weight or should I go more for melee?

    submitted by /u/luke1528
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    The Battle for Ragnarok

    Posted: 10 Mar 2019 07:18 PM PDT

    First things first, this is gonna be a long story about my tribes fight for alpha so be ready for a long read. If you like this story checkout my previous one made about three months ago when Extinction released!

    Little bit of backstory before the story begins. My tribe became alpha on a small tribe extinction server after we had a glorious war which i made a post about. After a few weeks of being alpha, we had most of our old friends from a year ago reach out to us and ask to join our tribe. Obviously, since it was a small tribe server, we couldn't accept any of them. We were extremely close friends still and eventually left the server to join a regular PVP server on ragnarok with all of our tribe members back on Ark.

    We aren't a small tribe, we have around 13-15 players but only around 8 of us play daily or semi daily. Still, we were pros at the ragnarok map. We quickly set out to our base location we had a year ago and sure enough it was taken. We spent the next day or two gathering war equipment to force out the inhabitants and we quickly gained control of the land we wanted. Our quick expansion wasn't going unnoticed, and nearby tribes began to scout us out and see what we were doing. Probably every hour we had a ptera flying over us to see our work. Luckily, our position was very well located and we had a vast amount of metal nearby aswell as pearls. With all of these resources, and some of the best players i've seen grace Ark, we efficiently built up a metal base with behemoths surrounding a large area. Our insane expansion growth was now not only alarming to the nearby tribes, but also some of the top tier ones aswell.

    Within the next month, we began growing our contacts, we learned who we can and can't trust and I even formed an alliance from an alpha tribe I met almost two years ago on a different server! We made it clear that we were not trying to hurt anyone unless we were hurt first or had good reason to attack. We also began to get involved with the server's politics at this point and gained a chair in the elder tribe council (top 4 tribes had weekly meetings to discuss politics). It was here that we truly discovered what the alpha's intentions were.

    The alpha of the server would always say how he loved our weekly meetings and how it brought peace to each region of the server (each tribe was in charge of peace in a different region, desert, snow, highlands, viking bay) . However, after a few weeks my tribe began to notice some suspicious behavior. You see, we would normally talk about our plans for war and expansion just so we see what the other leaders would see but we never declared war on another elder tribe. But one week, we realized none of the tribes had discussed their plans for war. This was as much suspicion as we needed to begin to focus all of our resources to gathering intel about each elder tribe's plans. We had our ally as I mentioned earlier spy on the other tribes and that's when we learned that they were forming a nearly impenetrable fortress in the murder murder snow area of ragnarok. They were using alt accounts to gain access into the base where all 3 tribes were stockpiling God knows what (basically, the 3 elder tribes were the same tribe but had the illusion of being 3 separate tribes). The next meeting my tribe and I brought up the fortress we found in murder murder snow and they immediately switched the topic. The next few days, we could see "stray" flyers around our base. We had a very big sense that they were trying to scout us and take us out.

    As we gained new info with every passing day, we became certain that we were being plotted against. Our hidden vaults began to get hit and we decided to act upon ourselves to declare war with the murder murder snow tribe (3 other elder tribes). The good news was that we had time to our advantage. Our tribe members were from various parts of the world, half were from Ireland, some were in Australia, and some in the Americas. So with this, we were certain to atleast have 1 player online at everytime of day. We also had eachother added on discord so we could quickly text about any new info. We spent a good month making small little hit and runs and they did the same but nothing significant was gained or loss. This was all about to change in the coming night.

    It was my turn to raise baby rex's and get their imprints up. Nothing special, I had a timer on my phone so i could always be on time to imprint and my best friend had access to my account if i couldn't make it on time. I woke up at 2am on Saturday to get the kibble cooked for the imprint's and unluckily i needed kibble from a damn dilo and we didn't have that simple dino trained. No big deal as i still had some time to kill. I flew out of our base in my wyvern and immediately noticed a giant army gathering at green obelisk (we were built in the desert islands south of green obelisk). I immediately sent a text and within minutes we had 11 of our tribe members online. Funny little thing about this, two of our tribe members from Ireland our roommates so one of them received the text and shouted in the middle of the night "We're being bloody attacked get on bud!". We gathered all of our kentro's and set them up strategically in our buffers. We had 3 Layers of Behemoths they had to get past with each layer being more and more fortified. I got hold of our only ally which had been with us since the start and they agreed to help us defend. It was all or nothing.

    The war started with some talk between all the tribes. They didn't respect how fast we were expanding and believed we were trying to overthrow them with our growth. We didn't care what they said as they were the ones manipulating us and lying to us. We began to bombard them with wyvern runs, while our rock elementals tanked their FOB's. This first layer took them a long time for them to get through (almost 3 hrs) so we were actually very confident in our defense. The next layer, took even longer and we began to think "is this seriously the best these 3 elder tribes could do"? Dear God we were so wrong.

    The last layer stood between us and our main base. After about 6 and half hours of being under attack, we began to think they were depleted of resources and dinos. That's when we saw a small tribe that lived near green obelisk say in chat "Who tamed a titanosaur". Our hearts sunk, as the last time we saw a titanosaur in action was years ago when our server was wiped. I immediately began to devise a plan. One group would begin to distract the main siege that was at our doorstep while the second group will deal with the titan. We had only one shot at success so everything had to be perfect. With one final word, we set out to fight for our lives.

    It was a bloodbath and dinos from each side were being slaughtered. It seemed like they had an infinite amount and it seemed like we had the same, unlimited amount of dinos to spare. The fight against the titan went on for about an hour or two before it reached the distance to where we can see it from our home. We diverted all power to fight the titan, and with luck, we killed it. With their main weapon gone, the elder tribes drew back and retreated to regain resources. We would spend the next night on the attack.

    We were celebrating with our great defense but realized the war cannot continue. We planned to attack that same night while their supplies were down. This was good as remember it was Saturday so most of us didn't have work in the morning. We gathered an absurd amount of explosives, tamed some more rock elementals, and set out to attack that night. We were greeted with an abundance of rockets, turrets, everything imaginable. Seriously, the work they put into this base was nothing I've ever seen before. Once again, we split our tribe into two groups. Group one would siege the base while group two continued to gather weapons and resources. With our stupendous teamwork, we blasted through their walls that night and destroyed everything they had. Every ascendant gear possible, they had it. We blasted our way into the center of their base and that's when we saw the most bizarre thing. Their were two maps drawn out with X marks. One map had all our hidden base locations, and another had THEIR hidden locations. With this finding we destroyed the maps, as well as their hidden caches. We had officially won the war.

    I couldn't had done it without any of my genius tribe members that were complying with every plan made, no matter how ridiculous it was. We have been alpha for around a week now and have already began to govern the server with fair rules, giving every tribe space to grow and declare war as they wish. I hope you guys enjoyed this read and I'm sorry if this was a little too long haha. If you guys have any tips on how you govern your server, it will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for making such a wonderful game Wildcard where I have met some of the finest men and women, and told some remarkable tales.

    submitted by /u/KevinBowser007
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    Please add auto-attack for Ankylos

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 01:19 AM PDT


    I'm sure I'm not the only one that plays this game solo and is a bit tired of hopping off the argy, getting on the anky, left clicking, hopping off, hopping back on the argy, picking up anky, and repeat.

    It would be much appreciated if an auto-attack was added to the anky atleast when it's near metal so that you don't have to drop it in order to farm metal.

    EDIT: Additionally, if it can be made to where doedicurus & anky's ability to hit a resource when within its collision box is INDEPENDENT of their weight, that would also be a really helpful change, since as it is now, farming with the doed requires frequent dropping, landing, and inventory transferring since they stop gathering after their weight gets to a certain threshold.

    submitted by /u/neddythenoodle
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    Center Flint Farming

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 12:15 PM PDT

    Just curious where and whats the best method of farming flint on the CENTER MAP. Trying to stock up on my bullets but flint is the downfall for sure.

    submitted by /u/dukec24
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    A petition to add Solo/Duo servers from Kishko.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 08:26 AM PDT

    This may have been posted already but if you want these kind of servers please sign this and try and get the devs to see. Sorry if this is a repost.


    submitted by /u/Binzel0620
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    Whats better for gathering metal, a mantis with ascendant picaxe, or anky

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    This is a call for help!

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm new here as I just picked the game up last night on the steam sale. I want to shoot straight to the problem. What is going on with the graphics and mesh and literally everything else? I can get decent frames but the game looks like it's on N64 and I can see the mesh on everything!

    I have 16g DDR4 @3000mhz, a ryzen 7 1700x and a Rx580 8g oc

    Am I missing something? I have my res scale all the way to the right and overall settings are at medium. I'm not a graphics have to be great kind of person but this is a survival game. I need to be able to tell what's in the distance! I guess I'm asking for tips from someone with comparable specs. I really really want to play and enjoy this game.

    Thanks everyone!!!

    Edit: goofed my specs

    submitted by /u/thevaulthunter69
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    should i play ark in any specific order and should i mess with any of the settings?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 04:21 AM PDT

    i just recenly picked up ark after watching a few youtube videos on the extinction expansion pack. i though it looked cool and picke up the game with all its expansions.

    now i am left wondering if i need to or it's recomended to play the game in a specific order. there are also a lot of settings and the majority of the youtube videos i watch mess with them. i am looking for reccommendations on optimal settings for a first timer to ark.

    should i play the maps in any specific order? does character growth carry between maps? can i bring my favorite dinos with me? is there anything you can only do or get in certain maps?

    submitted by /u/gamefreac
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    Turrets Shooting

    Posted: 10 Mar 2019 04:52 PM PDT


    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 01:03 AM PDT

    Dear WC, There is currently a Bug where people can access your turrets while you're offline and pull all your bullets.

    Stupidly we can't Pincode our turrets. 7 month progress gone because of this :(.

    It seems very random, the structures are offline but the turrets don't have "Offline Damage Prevented" (Yes they are the same tribe) and can be accessed by anyone. of course they don't shoot because the tribe is offline. it appears to be random but i can access 3 tribes turrets while they are offline, a couple i can't.

    While you're fixing this please remove the pincodes from doors/gates too to stop abuse.

    submitted by /u/El-shaddoll
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    Ark 2070 BSOD fixed?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2019 08:54 PM PDT

    Is this still a problem?

    submitted by /u/dashdogy
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    Kibble question

    Posted: 10 Mar 2019 07:26 PM PDT

    It says that Anky's prefer regular kibble. Can I feed it kibble from an over regular tier and will it have the same effect? So like, can I give it superior kibble?

    submitted by /u/luke1528
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    How can I snap S+ foundations to walls?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2019 07:05 PM PDT

    How can I snap S+ foundations to walls?

    Hello! I'm having difficulties trying to build downwards with S+ and after failing to look it up, instead of spending 4 hours with a headache trying to figure it out, I figured I'd ask the people here who have more experience and might already know.


    I'm trying to build down here and put foundation underneath some walls I've built, but there's no snap point. S+ pillars also don't seem to have snap points I can use. How can I achieve what I want. Is it possible?

    submitted by /u/PikaChokeMe
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    How to force place structures via admin commands?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    One of my friends told me once how to force place cliff platforms anywhere, even in mid air. I didnt save the command and his xbox broke so i cant get it any more, anyone know the command? I cant find it anywhere on google either

    submitted by /u/SolidsArk
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