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    Wednesday, April 24, 2019

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Mentor Wednesday!

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Mentor Wednesday!

    Daily Community Thread - Mentor Wednesday!

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 06:12 AM PDT

    Welcome to Mentor Wednesday! Do you have an ARK-related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/playARK will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to ARK once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Community Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    They're as much of a vanity item as skins

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 09:00 AM PDT

    The controversial way of fixing ARK PVP for solo/small and mega tribes.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 05:08 AM PDT

    Hi Mr Dolphin here once again, As a 3 year ark veteran and former SOTF player i want to throw you my idea of how to fix the stagnant, stale, and kind of boring meta in ark atm for the upcoming DLC/ or new ark major content update as someone who has seen the evolution of this game over the course of many years and have played as a solo, small group and mega tribe player. ( A wipe will be needed for this and a lot of us are probably hoping for a wipe for the next major update )

    Remove Cave building:

    Reason why? is because is too strong in the late game, to the point a massive cave base can be defended by one person, This can be back up by prob some of the best mega tribes in ARK PVP PC servers. Removing that ability puts everyone on the same playing field.

    Titans :

    Remove Titan ability to damage player structures, ( MEK also already does this so no need for a spam clearer unit ) reason why this is because of the nerf above, the current titans have too much HP and some of their abilities ( forest titan ) can disrupt and decide the outcome on a fight with a single grab, not only that the best strategy at the moment is to walk a titan backwards so the driver doesnt get shot, and then turn and wipe all the turrets in front of you Titans are also the reason why most tribes are moving their whole bases to caves, because they can't simply deal with them.

    Disable Titan transfer for the first 6 months:

    This one is very simple, you need to allow players breed lines to be able to match and defend against titans and meks.

    Now let me get to the more controversial and technical topics here which are mainly redesigns to help the casual and more veteran player and course correction in things that aberration and extinction broke which people have forgotten and just simply accepted or pick up the game after the aberration DLC.

    Casual and smaller group redesign ( to help these smaller groups on official servers ).

    Sanctuary servers

    Which are connected to the main cluster but these servers have for example, Public crafting stations ( crafting station craft items on player inventory ), Breeding areas, with limitations so players dont drop 100 eggs for hatching, very fast resource respawn rate, allow building but with a very fast decay timer so players only place like outpost crafting areas when farming etc etc. What this does is allow the small and solo player to have a safe server to go and do their thing without having to fight for a server that will eventually be taken over by a mega tribe and allow those who have been wiped a chance to catch up to those who may already be establish and for those that pick the game months or even years later ( at which point would have a hard time finding a server to play on pvp) and this same method can be applied to PVE servers.

    Change Upload timers

    The current timers for keeping items and dinos on the cloud via terminals is currently 24 hours, why is that? why should it be 24 hours? i would change it so there is no timers or perhaps more than just 24 hours so players can keep their valuables longer on the cloud.

    Technical balance specific to situational battles

    Remove Battery turret

    This falls heavily more towards a very technical yet controversial mechanic, back in EA we had the S+ mod introduce gas powered turrets which some unofficial servers tried to use, however as someone who played for a year on early access unofficials i noticed right away that it was one of the most hated and never used stuff from S+.

    With that being said before battery turrets the game had a forward fob and counter fob or base, and at the time of EA and after EA players started using plant Y but there was no such thing as pushing turrets forward, in order to push turrets right in front of enemy structures one had to play a little game of defending the guy placing a generator and turrets and in order to do that we had to actually ground pvp and push with dinos which created this "No man's land

    where rarely any turret damage was taken and it was more about ground control between players and dinos.

    So when aberration came out, it completely removed this fun element of the game during mega tribes pvp , now all you need to do is run to enemy line place a turret, and put turrets and a battery in a matter of a few seconds in something that usually took many hours of skill and constant battling, it made the game too passive and removed most of the ground PVP that existed back then.

    Plant Z

    Currently Plant Z feels too good as a free item the problem is a person can keep constantly spamming Z and blinding someone for good 10 to 20 mins to the point their screen is completely white, there needs to be a cooldown after throwing one where the person blinded can't be blinded again after a certain amount of times, secs.

    Forest Titan grab range.

    This one is an easier to figure out, the forest titan is probably the most powerful titan atm because you can do two things, use it to wipe turrets and deny any things from attacking as it can grab them from a very long distance, not only that if you use a mek shield you can completely protected with it and use its grab ability within the shield.

    Mosa and Hybrid water dinos cant be used for water PVP.

    A lot of people hate water pvp at least from the mega tribe perspective, and the reason why is because it comes down to use giant squids for fights only and basilos, maybe a rare instant of a tek mosa but that's super rare.

    However hybrids which are: Managarm, Basiliks can't be used in water, before extinction came out basiliks for example were able to shoot their poison range attack under water, but suddenly a shadow nerf patch prevent such ability, not only that they can't move fast in water even if you put all movement to 200%

    Managarms can move on water but can't use their range attack, only when you are already firing out of water but because that drains so much stam it cant really be used effectively in battle and recent mana nerfs have completely removed the idea of using it for water pvp.

    Mosas cant be used as they get grabbed by squids, and back then the community wanted tek mosas to not being able to be grabbed by squids, if that is changed perhaps mosas would be used again, same for tek megalodon.

    Raid timers?

    This one is super controversial for the ark community, but as other survival games seem to be adopting this mechanic or a form of it, Conan, ark, DNL, "New world" ( oops NDA) etc etc. It would be natural if WC wants to attract small groups and more casual players towards their pvp servers in which tribes can set a raid time and a form of offline raid protection for when they go to sleep atlas and Conan seem to have nail this one.

    Please share your ideas and criticisms in the comments below.

    submitted by /u/MrDolphin001
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    Im out if screenshots but this friday some quality screenshots coming and helpful tips !

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 08:58 PM PDT

    Gorgonopsid Dossier - A land mount that can carry large creatures

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 11:20 AM PDT

    Will there be more tlc passes for other dinos?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 08:46 AM PDT

    I'm sure this has been posted many times ,and I've searched with not many results. I am wondering if there are more tlc passes planned for some dinos that are older and never got a reboot. Carnos, megaloceros, maybe pachys, and I'm sure there's more that I can't think of.

    submitted by /u/Isaacnoah86
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    Since the game thrashes a hard drive, would their be much loading difference between an m.2 and 2.5" ssd?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 09:24 AM PDT


    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 11:43 AM PDT

    Looking for some info on breeding mutations.

    Really need input on shearer to have mutation start on males and breed to clean females or mut females to clean male. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Conceald
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    Managarmr disappearing fix

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    So is there any plans on fixing managarmr disappearing whats going on with this and are there any official response on fixing this issue

    submitted by /u/javonjw
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    Max slots in Turrets

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 09:30 AM PDT


    This is my first post ever so i'm trying my best to explain the issue as good as possible.

    I have my own (decently populated) x1000 server.

    Now since a while i had been struggling to set a slot limit on the s+ Heavy/tek turrets. At some point i gave up since i couldn't find anything about it that worked for me on the internet. If the slots of the heavy turret is on 6/6. (stacks of 1000) you can't manually put in more bullets. However you can still put more bullets in it with the turret filler (arkomatic mod) or the s+ transfer tool. Today i've seen on a different server that they actually managed to put a limit of slots in the turrets. Is there ANYONE with the solution to this?" ' Thx in advance,


    submitted by /u/Dielen1
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    The Kibble Rework: Feedback and Suggestions!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 02:25 PM PDT

    First of all: Thank you for listening, Wildcard. We had been asking for a kibble overhaul for almost two years, and I'm glad that you attempted to tackle the issue. =)

    It's been a few months, so I wanted to give some feedback and suggestions that will hopefully make the game even better.

    The good:

    • Players don't have to tame/keep nearly as many dinos (great for server performance, land claiming, etc).

    • There are far less kibbles and kibble recipes to keep track of, making it easier to store and craft.

    The bad:

    • The dinos were basically broken up into "pools", where eat dino in the pool eats their own eggs (and the eggs of the other dinos in the same pool). Not only is this kind've gross, but it destroyed the "progression" players had by taming easy dinos, getting their eggs, making kibble, and then taming harder dinos with it. Right now, in order you break into a new "pool" of dinos, you have to tame them the hard/boring way (no kibble), and all of your previous taming progress means nothing. That's a very unrewarding system.

    • None of the eggs say what type they are. For example, Dodo's should have simply laid "Common Eggs" or "Dodo Egg" (with "Common Egg" in the description). But no -- they did neither. Dodo's just lay "Dodo Eggs" with no reference to what size/quality it is, which forces players to jump over to a web-browser and double-check. Which leads me to my next point:

    • The Egg / Kibble names don't match up, and are useless/confusing. This is due to the fact that eggs are listed by size (extra small, small, medium, large, extra large, special) whereas the kibbles are listed by quality (basic, simple, regular, superior, exceptional, extraordinary). This is compounded by the fact that "basic", "simple", and "regular" all mean the same thing -- they could all describe a chicken egg in real life, for example. And the eggs being listed by size doesn't make any sense either, since Troodons lay "Regular" eggs, which are "bigger" (higher quality) than the eggs from both Dodos and Raptors, despite Troodons being smaller than both. So the size of the dino has no relation to the size/quality of the egg they produce. So again, this forces players to load up websites or memorize a bunch of "which dino lays which eggs" information. That's pretty terrible and not fun at all. I was really hoping the rework would fix this.

    • All the kibble recipes call for "Dino Eggs", not "Common Egg" or "Superior Egg", etc. This is because Wildcard neglected to update the names of the "_BASE" eggs of each type, which makes cooking kibble fantastically confusing for anybody who can actually see the kibble recipes (pretty much every private server player who runs S+, or any other kibble cooking mod).

    The suggestions:

    • Allow players to progress through the kibbles, by making lower level taming pools create kibble for higher level taming pools. Tame a Dodo, get eggs for Raptors. Tame Raptors, get eggs for Carnos. Tame Carnos, get eggs for Rexes, etc. That progression feels a lot better than: Tame Dodos the hard way, get eggs for Dodos. Tame Raptors the hard way, get eggs for Raptors. Tame Carnos the hard way, get eggs for Carnos. Tame Rexes the hard way, get eggs for Rexes. Players should be allowed to progress their taming, not just reset and do everything the hard way again whenever they're ready to tame bigger dinos. There should be rewards for progressing, rather than just skipping through content. The player who jumps straight to Rex's should have a harder time than the player who progressed all the way through the tiers in order to get the Rex's favorite kibble.

    • Update the item description text for every egg to list it's type. "This is a Superior Egg", etc.

    • Instead of egg sizes, list eggs by quality/rarity: Common, Uncommon, Superior, Exceptional, Magnificent, Special. With sizes removed from the equation, you (and modders) are free to add dinos to any pool, without worrying about the actual physical size of the eggs involved. Need a small dino in the same pool as a Bronto? No worries, they don't all lay "Large Eggs" -- they lay "Exceptional Eggs"!

    • Make the egg types match the kibble types. Common Eggs make Common Kibble. Superior Eggs make Superior Kibble. This makes infinitely more sense, and keeps confusion low.

    • Update the "base" egg names to actually reflect the correct names -- so that the recipes make sense when players can see the recipe. Instead of calling them all "Dino Egg", name the base egg "Extraordinary Egg", etc.

    • Give players a way to see what a dino wants to eat, without tabbing back and forth through browser windows. For example, the Magnifying Glass is completely worthless currently -- why not allow players to use the magnifying glass on dinos to "study" them to see what they eat? Player pulls out a magnifying glass, checks the dino's teeth and physical features, and deduces that it's a herbivore that probably likes Superior kibble, etc. This gives the spyglass a use, while also reducing the amount of tabbing back and forth to research dinos on the wiki.

    submitted by /u/Luckboy28
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    Tames go into passive flee stance when rider gets knocked off - please change

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 12:06 AM PDT

    I have had this happen a couple of times now. I am riding my Thyla around the map and get attacked by Raptors. Of course on the second attack they pounce me off my mount. Sometimes my Thyla comes to my rescue, other times it just runs away. Upon finding my Thyla I noticed its stance is the 'passive flee' one.

    This has happened when Raptors knock me off and when a Theri knocked me out, making me fall off my Thyla.

    Please change this

    EDIT: My Thyla was on neutral each time this happened.

    submitted by /u/Guardianangel93
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    Graphical problems and performance issues

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    So, i had have some problems with the game.

    First, i just don't seem to get the shadows right, if i put them in epic or something alongside that there are always something that bothers me, including this weird "Horizon" of light that shows up and it's very annoying, if i have them too low either the world looks too weird or sometimes plainly too bright. Anyone has had this issue or this is like, ARK?

    Second, lately i've been having this weird issue, if i go afk fora while the game will start to ramp up the GPU usage until it reaches 100%, which is by no means normal, this is a problem for two reasons:A) I can't stream if i have this issue (if i go afk and return now it's going to be ramping up to 100% in certain areas of the maps), the stream always drops down to 15~ fps for thisB) i can't watch a youtube video or use my computer since everythings starts to lag out and feel so clumpy and slow

    Third, we are having this issue on The Center, where if we try to go in the Center Arena, we can't bring rexes, server owner doesn't know whats going on, and from his spectator perspective, all tames go inside the center arena but after 5 seconds or so, they start to slowly re-teleport back to the obelisk and they appear like 10 meters high in the sky and around the obelisk, while the players are left alone with other tames but no rexes on the arena. Has anyone else encountered this issue ever?

    Fourth, On ragnarok we have this problem in which we always have to kill the dragon first and then the manticore because if we kill the manticore first the dragon when he receives the final hit will just instanly dissapear and will leave no element at all. Everybody gets the engrams still but the element will be very much gone. A similar version of this has been happening on the center sometimes if we kill the spider first and then the monkey he just vanishes.

    I'm asking these questions in case anyone has found a solution to them or a work around or if this is something that is just part of the game and we need to just accept it and live with them. Thanks.


    CPU i9-9900k

    GPU GTX-1080Ti

    64GB Ram @ 2666Mhz

    1TB Samsung EVO SSD

    Game running from a 3TB Barracuda Drive

    Another of the weird shadow bugs in action.

    submitted by /u/Hsilamot
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    Asia PC servers been unable to connect to for a long time

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 07:21 AM PDT

    The Asia PC server keeps telling me when i try to connect that im not allowed to travel with items. Its been like this for a couple of weeks now and ive tried to connect every other day with no luck.

    submitted by /u/Reda1m
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    Beelzebufo location after kaprosuchus attack

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 06:44 PM PDT

    I play on my own solo server. Tonight makes twice now where I've been riding my beelzebufo around the edge of the swamp to get cementing paste and I get knocked off by a kapro. Both times, I've been killed but my beelz appears to have survived (no text in the tribe log saying the kapro killed it too, and the beelz saddle isn't in the kapro's inventory when I go back to reclaim my stuff and kill it). Both times, my frog is nowhere to be found. I leave wander disabled, and I have it set to attack my targets, but the kapro is still alive when I get back. Where the eff is my beelz and it's inventory; I do not want to have to level another freaking travel frog

    submitted by /u/Gameguy336
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    Barney the Stegosaurus

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 02:14 PM PDT

    Comprehensive TLC 3 Wishlist

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 03:55 PM PDT

    A recent post regarding Carnos made me realize it's been awhile since we last had a big thread for TLC suggestions. Given WC's dedication to open communication and bugfixing as of late, the potential for a third TLC patch seems possible if they continue to listen to our suggestions. In this case, what creatures would you like to see get a TLC pass in the future, and what new abilities would you give them? Just as an aside, TLC has really only been for dinos introduced prior to June 2016, as after that is when WC really started to diversify dino abilities and roles. Of course, feel free to suggest changes to dinos after that, but I'd like to steer discussion in the direction of ideas for the OG batch of creatures, as they're the ones who desperately need it.

    Here are all of the suggestions from a previous thread I made about a year ago:


    Visual overhaul - No. It looks fine, though I don't use them often so I'm unsure if I speak for the majority in thinking so.

    Though useful for silica pearls, the Angler is otherwise lackluster in its stats and slow, so to fix that:

    • Secondary attack that intensifies its lantern, stunning small nearby aquatic creatures (Coel, Salmon, Cnidaria, Ammonite, and Eels) and creating a large flash of light underwater like Plant Z (with a cooldown). Useful for escaping from Mosasaurus or Tusoteuthis, or stunning nearby fish to eat them.
    • Passively produces Angler Gel in its inventory (similar to the rate that the Achatina produces its paste).
    • Lantern shines different colors when detecting nearby enemy creatures and max level wild creatures (like the shoulder pets from Aberration, making it useful on the Island and the unofficial maps for finding high levels).


    Visual overhaul - Yes. As one of the first purely "enemy" creatures in the game (it wasn't tamable until a while after the game was released into EA), the Araneo has struck fear into the hearts of spelunkers, but it isn't quite as scary when encountered now. Give it an update, and make it absolutely horrific - it's supposed to be a nightmarish combination of spiders, after all.

    Tamed Araneo suffer from mobility issues. They're slow, and they can't do much. Let's fix that:

    • Tamed Araneo can now climb walls (but not ceilings) like the Thylacoleo, making it a slow but versatile mount.
    • Araneo can create temporary (to prevent spamming) organic ziplines with their webs, allowing them to traverse terrain even more freely
    • Biting human-sized prey or smaller (drag weight 35 or less) that has succumb to torpidity will wrap it in a sticky web; prey then quickly suffocates - you no longer have to wait for spiders to bite through your armor to eat you when knocked unconscious. Also adds a bit more danger to caving.


    Visual overhaul - No. While it can be easy to confuse with the Microraptor at a glance, the Archa is fairly good in terms of model quality.

    The Archa's worst problem is that it was advertised as a parachute alternative, but requires it to be held, unlike a shoulder pet. To fix that:

    • The Archa is now a shoulder pet. To activate its gliding ability, double-tap the jump key as you would a Glider. It's gliding style remains the same.


    Visual overhaul - Yes. Please. The Titanosaur and Diplodocus outshine the Bronto in terms of model and animation quality.

    The Bronto does a lot as a turret soaker, but why not let it do a little more; it's the largest permanently tamable herbivore, after all. Here, we've got:

    • For a secondary attack, the Bronto can perform a rearing stomp, dealing massive damage (Base 180) without gathering. Attack obviously has a lengthy animation to prevent spam.
    • A "roar" that scares large wild carnivores (basically any carnivore that would otherwise attack a Bronto, including Gigas) into retreating for approximately 30 seconds, as long as the Bronto is above 50% Health. Carnivores would attempt to move as far as they can from the Bronto as possible, but readily attack non-Brontos nearby. Two minute cooldown, no effect on tamed creatures.


    Visual overhaul - Yes, desperately. The turtle is one of the more rigid creatures in the game. The player model also has a tendency to change dimensions when saddled on the turtle.

    An early sight on the beaches, Carbonemys falls out of use the further inland you travel (with the exception of being tamed to soak turrets), so let's rectify that:

    • Can duck into its shell, pulling the rider in with it; greatly reduces physical damage taken but make the turtle immobile (will also sink in water). Wild carnivores will lose interest when the turtle is in this state, same as with the Doed. Projectile and explosive damage values remain unaffected to prevent soaking abuse.
    • Faster swimming speed, as mentioned in the dossier.
    • "Pacifist" buff - the longer a Carbonemys goes without attacking and hitting another creature, the more resources it will gather (up until 3x vanilla server rates after 300 seconds out of combat). Dossier mentions it isn't a violent creature, so it ought to benefit from acting like one.


    Visual overhaul - Yes. We know from recent updates that WC's artists can make their designs a lot sleeker than they used to.

    The Carno is the "Cheetah" of the Island's carnivores, according to its dossier. So let's give it some of those attributes:

    • The obvious base-speed increase, particularly for sprinting.
    • The species' name is "Pressor," or "Crusher" - therefore, give it a charge with a twist. The Carno will rush forward after a quick wind-up, running in whatever direction it is steered. If the Carno pins a creature of equal or lesser drag weight (250) with this attack, the creature suffers from the Suffocating debuff (which already exists in game) over 4 seconds and loses all of its Oxygen, as the Carno knocks the wind out of its lungs.
    • A 50% weight reduction on meat in its inventory. The "meat-eating bull" can become great for meat runs, especially in the mid-game.
    • Reduced damage from attacks to its back, courtesy of its osteoderms.


    Visual overhaul - No. I personally think the Diplo looks fine, though some might disagree.

    The Diplo is underutilized because it has no viability outside of hardcore RP servers and occasionally in PvP to push buried creatures to the surface. As the smallest sauropod in the game, it really out to offer more in terms of utility:

    • A 10-second stun attack, utilizing its whip-like tail. The Diplo can't damage enemies, but that doesn't mean it can't have a means of escaping from attack. Even its dossier mentions that it will attempt to escape from predators after repeated attacks; this would give it a means of doing so.
    • Owing to its friendly nature, the Diplo ought to have some sort of positive effect on allied dinos. With its species name, "Island Chieftain," it could provide a physical resistance buff to lower level allied creatures around it.


    Visual overhaul - Yes. Recent creatures handle fur textures a lot better, and their base models are less clay-like. Not to mention, the mammoth is the only model with a photo-realistic anus. Its movement animations are also incredibly janky, especially when one looks at how elephants actually walk.

    The Mammoth needs its own role. The Anky and Doed are in a good spot only because they're the best at what they do, while the Mammoth faces competition with no unique features. Beavers generate dams in the wild and have a saddle smithy, Therizinos have an efficiency multiplier and are one of the few viable herbivore combat mounts, Thorny dragons shoot spikes and can destroy/harvest corpses as carnivores, and the Roll rat can carry multiple passengers and, well, roll. Most of the aforementioned also get a weight reduction on wood (even though the Mammoth gets a bigger reduction than most, it doesn't necessarily make it unique). Giving it a platform saddle would just intrude on the Paracer without giving the Mammoth much (not to mention awkward to carry with a Quetz and make it unable to ride rafts because of how platforms are coded). And ultimately, the Mammoth is an iconic animal - to be relegated to resource collection when other creatures so easily fulfill the role seems like a waste, especially since it was only given the role because no other creature in early access could harvest wood efficiently. I feel it would benefit from the following:

    • Tusk attack works while moving; this allows it gather wood (and no berries) on the go and cover ground faster than the Beaver (The Better Mammoths mod did this and it works wonders)
    • Use the Herbivores_Large tag; makes no sense that the Mammoth is attacked by Raptors when it's only a head shorter than the Paracer (Again, from Better Mammoths)
    • Slight Hypothermal protection for the rider.
    • Base health increase (850->1000). The much smaller Daeodon and Griffin have higher base Health. The Mammoth is described in its dossier as being physically tough, so a Health buff wouldn't hurt.
    • Trumpet (C) that gives the Mammoth and surrounding allies a temporary movement speed and stamina regen buff; pairing a Mammoth with a Yutyrannus and a Daeodon would make for a desirable trio of combat support creatures. Adds the missing character that the Mammoth is missing.


    Visual overhaul - Yes. If you compare the Ovis to the Megaloceros, they look like they came from two completely different games.

    Let's try this:

    • I've read conflicting things about the male Megaloceros and its ability to cause the "Bleed" effect. If it isn't working, it ought to be fixed.
    • Stags are often found alone. The male Megaloceros could receive a buff to its damage and resistance (1.5x) when there are no nearby allies (except the rider), making it fight harder.
    • ARK doesn't have cows, but the female Megaloceros could provide a nice substitute during imprinting. For mammalian babies, keeping a female Megaloceros around would keep babies fed up until they hit the "Adolescent" stage. This would allow for players to log off without having to worry about their baby mammals starving overnight.
    • Megaloceros should be alert - if they detect a creature on an enemy team (Wild or Tamed), they should immediately run if unridden, with a message announced to nearby allies saying "Megaloceros has been startled," much like the Parasaur. It makes little sense for a cautious and defenseless animal to just let a Sabertooth, Wolf, or strange human run up to it.


    Visual overhaul - Yes. We know that WC can do fish a lot better than they used to.

    The Megalodon is overlooked compared to other ocean predators because of its smaller size and lesser damage output. Ideas include:

    • Frenzy ability - The Megalodon gets a meter on its HUD similar to the Rhino and Giga. It fills up as the Megalodon attacks and kills creatures, draining slowly over time. The meter imparts speed, damage, and physical resistance buffs, making the Megalodon scary in close-quarters combat. This works surprisingly well as most wild creatures in the ocean are on the same team, meaning wild Megalodon are less likely to obtain the buff and become a threat to new players in the water.
    • Base damage (40->50) and health (600->700) increase - let it be a real killing machine like its dossier suggests
    • The Megalodon has a keen sense of smell, allowing it to detect weakened creatures from far away (exactly like the Dire Wolf).


    Visual overhaul - No. I think it looks fine, though I don't use them often so I'm unsure if I speak for the majority in thinking so.

    As a "terror of the deep," the Mosa really doesn't live up to its name. Here's what it might benefit from:

    • A secondary Devour attack - when an enemy creature is below 10% Health, using this on an applicable creature (drag weight 200 or less) will cause the Mosa to simply swallow it whole. The Mosa instantly restores Food and Health (equal to the amount of Health left on the creature) from this. Cooldown of 180 seconds.
    • Its presence deters Leedsichthys from attacking nearby rafts, making raft bases viable again. Raft spam does become possible again, but requires a big and obvious Mosa to be nearby and fed.
    • As Piranhas flee from Sarcos, so too do Eels and Cnidaria flee from Mosasaurus (unless attacked first or attacking an Ammonite).
    • Deals extra damage to Tusoteuthis, à la Sperm Whale; makes fighting them on Mosas more of a fair fight seeing as the Tuso can grapple you.


    Visual overhaul - No. I think it looks fine, though I don't use them often so I'm unsure if I speak for the majority in thinking so.

    These scary bats look cool, but have little use because of how hard they are to control. Only a few minor buffs here due to their swarming capabilities:

    • Onyc will perch upside-down from catwalk or ceiling structures if there is space (also gives a unique purpose to catwalks), rather than landing on the ground. While resting in this position, they will recover health more quickly.
    • Shoulder-mountable, with a brief speed boost when thrown at a target.


    Visual overhaul - Yes. The poor little goat-dino needs all the love it can get, especially when its carnivore "equivalent," the Raptor, got some love.

    The Pachy's always been underpowered, so let's fix that with some new toys:

    • Base damage (10->20) and base Health (175->220) increase
    • Its species name is "Mild Warrior" - to play around with that, give it a temperature related buff; it hits harder, faster, and can take more punishment at higher temperatures, but becomes sluggish in the cold. These respective buffs and debuffs would be capped, with the maximum heat buff giving the Pachy the 1.5x greater damage output and speed (0.5x less damage and speed for the debuff).
    • Non-linear charging; changing directions is a necessity for its viability. The Pachy can also destroy rocks while charging, yielding some sparkpowder (but less than if its stone and flint components were mined individually).


    Visual overhaul - Yes. Absolutely; we've all seen the new Argentavis; WC can give us a much better bird these days.

    A few items spring to mind to give Pelagornis a more unique niche:

    • It passively generates small amounts of Silica Pearls in its inventory when left floating on water (filtered substrate in the water)
    • Rider weaponry would provide a fantastic niche, as the Pelagornis would be the only Island-native flyer with the ability.
    • Pelagornis traveling close to water have increased speed (approximately 1.25x normal) but lose speed when flying over land (approximately 0.75x normal), allowing them to quickly circle the Island along the coast.


    Visual overhaul - Yes. Compared to the virtually furless Daeodon, WC's modelers are much better these days, and as such the Phiomia could look less like it was modeled from clay.

    I've got a soft-spot for these early proboscideans, but their definite utility is as a farm animal and as the butt of our jokes. Here's what could help them:

    • Option to cull the Phiomia for meat (much like the Ovis), with higher Health yielding more meat and even prime meat. An early-game way to farm meat before getting a large carnivore or progressing to mutton.
    • Riding a Phiomia into battle ought to draw the attention of all enemy creatures to it for a moment (activated via RMB, functioning similar to the Pachyrhino's aggro pheromone and lasting 10 seconds) - acting as a quick distraction and sacrifice.


    Visual overhaul - Yes. The poor thing was one of the first aquatic creatures released in EA - it looks somewhat cartoony in comparison now.

    Was unsure about this one, but here's what we've got:

    • 3D movement, like the Tapejara - let it swim in any which direction it chooses by strafing; would make sense with the species name too.
    • The Plesiosaur can generate currents to launch itself forward rapidly at the cost of most of its Stamina; can be used to escape from situations like being grappled by a Tusoteuthis.


    Visual overhaul - No. I don't use them often though so I'm unsure if I speak for the majority in thinking so.

    The Pulmonoscorpius ought to be an organic alternative to tranq darts:

    • Torpor is currently dealt as damage dealt * 3 over 10 seconds. Changing that x3 to x6 would make a world of difference (A hypothetical 50 wild level, 71 tamed level Melee Scorpion would deal 834 torpor per attack while dealing 139 damage - for comparison, 300% longneck tranq darts deal 663 torpor per shot while dealing 78 damage).
    • The Scorpion might benefit from having a secondary pincer attack that also grants it the ability to hold a small creature (Drag weight of 100 of less) when held, like a less powerful Karkinos.
    • A secondary torpor-dealing attack (mapped to "C") that deals Melee Damage % x 1500 torpor over 10 seconds, with a lengthy cool-down to prevent abuse - regular stinging attacks during this time would not deal torpor, as the Scorpion's poison glands are "drained." As Scorpions can't be imprinted, this wouldn't be able to reach insane numbers. (A hypothetical 50 wild level, 71 tamed level Melee Scorpion would deal 13899 torpor - enough to drop a wild 150 Paracer and anything else with lower base torpor; this still makes shocking darts required for tames like Gigas) - This attack would be performed by holding down the C key


    Visual overhaul - Yes. We all know how WC blew us away with wyverns and how good their wings looked when SE came out. The Quetz can be better. The Quetz is honestly in a decent place as is, but here is a simple and useful addition to its kit:

    • Flying above a certain altitude increases the Quetzal's flying speed, capping to a level comparable to that of a Pteranodon. Useful for those otherwise dreadfully long flights to farm metal from less resource-dense regions.
    submitted by /u/ArcticZen
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    Yutyrannus kibble and imprinting

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 01:14 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I had a quick question on the new kibble system and I was hoping someone else might be more knowledgeable than I am on the subject. So I know that since creatures being tamed will accept any kibble above their usual level, that yutyrannus eggs can effectively be used to tame any creature. However, I was wondering if the same applies to imprinting, when babies ask for a specific kibble. If a baby asks for say, simple kibble, will they accept yutyrannus/extraordinary kibble as well? Or, unlike tames, will they ONLY accept the specific type they ask for? Thanks for any help! I'm trying to start a kibble farm and breeding for boss fights soon so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/DefinitelySteveIrwin
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    New ARK PVP, youtuber! If you would like check me out! Thanks in advance! ��

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    An in-depth look at the state of PvP; And some suggestions

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 10:44 PM PDT

    *DISCLAIMER: *I am by no means a developer nor do I claim to know all answers. This is just what I've noticed in my time playing official pvp since EA

    PvP in a nutshell is rather boring and easily consists of the most stagnant player interaction I've seen in the years of Ark's PvP life. For the most part, there are major staples in PvP that cause this;

    Tek Tapejaras are the first staple and are a recent (as of Ark's meta) upbringing in the PvP scene. They're a safe, fast, and accurate way of dishing damage from afar. There's nothing inherently wrong with them due to the fact that other creatures have ranged attacks (wyverns/manas) but they're worth mentioning because if anything were to happen to the mana, tapes will overrule them as the best PvP flyer in the game.

    Paracers/Dick Platforms are the second, and most important, staple in PvP. Having access to easy breeding, high HP, safe riding, and easy C4 transfer make using dozens of these to soak and break into a base is one of the biggest problems with the stale meta (offensive wise). They're by far one of the hardest creatures to kill because of their ability to breed out 30k+ HP pool, paired with access to easy high armor saddles, there's no real competition in soaking and blowing up bases. Even gigas can have trouble taking them down before the rider rides up to base, clips in C4, and walks off to blow a hole. If I were to break down PvP into a single phrase, it would be "Paracer tower defense; big baddie finish"

    Titans are the second biggest problem in Ark. With how easy they are to tame, how fast it is to bring multiples in, and how many you can throw at a server in a day makes them extremely intimidating and frustrating to defend against. It's not uncommon to see big tribes pump in titans from multiple servers to raid with as the current ones die out. Their power creep is so massive that even bigger tribes have resorted to building in caves again. No surface or underwater zone is safe anymore to a tamed titan looking to take you out. If you look at most official servers, the entire map looks either empty or foundation spammed for tiles on end. The latter of which prevents other small tribes from building up. Not like they'd be safe from titans anyways. Forest titan can pull tames through walls, soaks hard, and can CC an entire defense to a slow death. If there's anything that needs a major rework, it's the titans.

    Gigas are back in the meta with how hard they are to enrage or kill. The only reliable dps against a giga is a mek or tek tape, and even then there's a long wait to kill. Most players have resorted to mek vs giga vs giga combat, which renders any other offensive dinos useless. Even the rex has been pushed out of the meta. There's no real counter to a giga other than an hp/damage battle.

    There's other dinos and player itemization to account for, but overall it's not as unhealthy as the above. Nobody really complains about Yuty, reaper, wyverns because they have obvious weaknesses or downsides to using them. Managarmr don't make the cut because they're not as bad as they used to be. They still outclass flyers in terms of transportation


    Titans need an HP or damage nerf when transferred to other servers. It might not seem fair, but making them less of a threat when compared to how easy they are to tame is something that would lower oppression on other serves. Forest Titans grabbing through walls needs to be fixed, though.

    Paracers need to have a building radius limitation. Building anything outside the platform square would be impossible, which would turn a raiding god into a soaking god only. I know this change would suck, but it's a lot healthier than crying out "Nerf HP plz give bronto treatment!"

    Gigas either need an HP hard cap or a counter needs to be brought into the game. Cryosick Kentros were the only real counter to them until they got a hard damage clamp. Even just removing the clamp, upping adult reflect %, and changing cryosick kentros to not applying reflect damage might fix this issue.

    Tek Tape don't need too much of a change. They're just so prominent because of how cheap they are to breed and armor. If new things come into the meta to push the ranged attackers out, it'll affect the tapes.

    Look up any PvP video released in 2018/2019 and you'll notice a huge samey pattern. If anything I hope this video sparks some conversation about the PvP meta and maybe catches a few dev eyes. Thank you and have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/Yazkin_Yamakala
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    Light flickering on The Center

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 02:48 PM PDT

    I've recently started playing the center map again, and have quickly noticed my lighting is starting to flicker brightly and for about half a second (I know the center has blue lightning flickering it's not this)

    Does anyone know how to fix this? as it's starting to get rather annoying.

    submitted by /u/Legit_Memeulous
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    anyone else understands the skill level of a good pve player.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    While we have both pvp and pve players, pve players tend to be either new players who are trying to learn the game, or advance players taking a love in building and general beauty of the game. I know alot of people who trash on pve due to it "not requiring any levels to play". but that's not the case. There are plenty of advance players on pve who are so experienced with building that they can make a pvp base better then a person who plays pvp. It all comes from the mindset of creative thinking and studying of enemys. As a pve players you get to study and learn the environment without any rush or real threats, which is a good thing due to the ability to locate farming areas for resources and good building locations. you also become extremely good with dinos over time, know how to counter them with their weaknesses and strength. People spamming rock eles for soaking can easily get killed with a velon and phoenix, and can also be grappled into place if your over encumbered if you go full weight with a mind-wipe, allowing the golem to be killed by the turrets defending the wall. When it comes to building, a good pver will learn how to build effectively for both look and defensive value. A simple box is a common pvper strat, but a pver will think outside the box, and make challenges that makes it very costy to raid the base in the first place with the addition of time with the turrets.

    So when people say go play pve when someone has an issue with a current meta that isnt exactly healthy, its basically people refusing to allow fresh options to the menus. I will say this from personal experience, ARK GET BORING IF YOU REPEAT THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN. which is why new ideas are a good thing.

    While stuck to the "meta" box bases are way to easy to break into and doesn't take as much materials, its just cheap to make and thats fine when starting out, but when more materials roll in. its good to think about the structure and its defend-ability with that structure. Theres a type of building style that includes anti golem style. Where the building slopes outwards to kill the rider off the golem making the golem trapped, and it works been tested. Actually taking the time to make walls and not gates is also a good thing because they need to consume more to get in then gain.

    A quote from a few long time players who played alot of both type of arl

    "ark is fun, even if there are some things that are repeated so often, but if there was a new ideas that were relevant I would do it'

    Sorry for making such a long essay of me talking but i appreciate you taking the time to read it.
    and always try new ideas :D

    submitted by /u/Hellainia
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    Do cryopods drain turrets?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 02:51 PM PDT

    Turrets will shoot at cryopods which is nice for my base locations since you can't fit any Dino's inside any other way. But my question is if they sit there and spam the cryopods , would it drain heavy turrets ?

    submitted by /u/LightSwisher
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