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    Monday, September 16, 2019

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Bug Report Monday

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Bug Report Monday

    Daily Community Thread - Bug Report Monday

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 06:33 AM PDT

    Mondays are for bug reports.

    Please make any reports of bugs you may find in the game here. Wildcard will be keeping an eye on these threads.

    Information to include:



    What happened when you encountered the bug

    How long has this been happening?

    All community rules are in full effect here, so please, no witchhunting!

    You can find the full Daily Community Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Pretty proud of this stable I designed for my equus

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 05:18 AM PDT

    Which creatures don't take fall damage?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2019 09:39 PM PDT

    So I was kind of heartbroken to find out that megaloceros take fall damage, which means I can't just hop around mountains like I wanted. But apparently there are at least some creatures that don't take fall damage at all (like Deinonychus).

    So which creatures are immune to fall damage? And what creatures do take fall damage that probably shouldn't?

    submitted by /u/Peacelovefleshbones
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    Aberration - When to start.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 10:30 AM PDT

    Just curious as to what people think about getting started in Aberration. Have a very small (~4-5 players) private server on Ragnarok. Been having a ton of fun and definitely want to look into exploring Aberration since we have heard great things about it.

    Only issue is, I never see a solid answer on when to go. I do see a lot of people saying it would be hard to start there which is why we started on Rag. But not many answers on when people go over. Does anyone have opinions on this? Also, what is best to take? We don't want to completely destroy the experience so I know it's best to not take any flying mounts. But other than that, I have no idea. Appreciate any input.

    submitted by /u/orion19819
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    ARK-Official Classic PvP S2-Griefing salty Neighbors+Online Base Defence

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 10:07 AM PDT

    Breeding our suicide Pteradons.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 04:47 AM PDT

    Ps4 duping?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    I took a month off and returned to the server last week. Transfers have been disabled (I think because of duping?) and I returned to find a tribe that has literally hundreds and hundreds of cliff platforms spammed across official small tribes ragnarok pvp. Any chance this is legit with transfers disabled or should I report this? I'm not joking, it is hundreds of platforms with random tek turret towers set up across the whole map.

    If I'm misinformed on why transfers are disabled, it could just be legit. But if it's not and theres tribes out there with this much duped stuff, what is the plan? Rollback, server wipes, or enforcement team is going to get to work? Is it even worth putting in the time right now without knowing how WC will handle this?

    submitted by /u/ReligiousAnimal
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    The Ocean Needs some Love

    Posted: 15 Sep 2019 06:26 PM PDT

    In my opinion, the entire ocean is a death trap and sh*t show. Everything in the ocean wants to kill YOU, nothing fights, everything is just out for your blood. I would like to produce some changes that would make the oceans across all maps a lot better!

    First Off, Changes to Solitarly the Island's Oceans ------

    The Island is the original ARK map and generally the first experience for new survivors and a lot of people still play on it! These changes will be mostly to the layout of the ocean.

    Add more plantlife to the oceans. Just like I said, I'd like to see more things than just a barren sea filled with megalodons, I'd love to see more sea-weed forests and more excitement at the bottom of the oceans such as hot-vents and other things. Honestly there isn't much to do with sea-life since it's an ocean but this is what I'd like to see happen to it.

    Add more resources to the sea-floors. Right now, you can only get pearls & oil from the sea, so I'd like to see if more resources such as metal & obsidian got added and spread out throughout the sea, in large patches and dotted nodes. These nodes would be plentiful as the ocean would be changed into the endgame for harvesing these resources. This would make oceans more viable as there would be A LOT more metal and other resources. This would also give the dunk more use, and I will cover him more later.

    Honestly, that's all I want to see done with the oceans on the island, now onto the TLCS


    A lot of survivors first sea traversing tame. The current megalodon pales in comparison to it's real life counterpart. It needs a massive size boost to match the size of the current mosasaur at roughly 50 feet! Along with its new found size, it will also gain a new attack where it is able to grab and hold prey roughly the same size in its mouth for a short amount of time to thrash them around, doing a decent amount of damage and stunning your prey. Though, this will have a cooldown.

    The downsize to the buff would be a slightly decreased movement speed and decreased stamina, but it would have a large health & damage increase.

    This will make the megalodon more viable to get access to late game things, but will not be as viable as the other sea creatures. The megalodon spawn rates will also have to be decrease slightly since having a lot of the new ones around would cause a lot more problems.


    The mosasaur is a good late game, deep sea traversing mount, high damage output and good health and able to transport a fair amount of weight. It is great, but his viability is outshined by the Tusoteuthis and the Basilosaur as they are 'immune' to the shocking effects of some deep sea creatures. First off, it is in dire need of a model update to make it a bit more ferocious and better looking. The Mosasaur should be an upgrade to the Basilosaur in my opinion. It will receive the ability to be immune to Eels and cnidaria, but it would take 3x damage to these creatures and be slowed down moderately, unlike the Basilo. Though, it can still be grabbed by the Tustos. I also propose it will recieve an oxygen stat so it has to surface every once and a while.

    The mosasaur will also receive a 5% buff to its base Melee & Health to slightly increase the overall viability of this this mount. It will also have a 20% of inflicting a bleed effect(wild) that last 2 seconds

    This will make the mosasaur a more popular sea-mount and have it rival the squid and basilo.


    In my opinion, this creature is in a good spot. It is powerful and has a high health, and also has the ability to grab most creatures. All it really needs is a sligh texture improvement.

    The tusotuethis will also receive a 4% buff to its base Melee & Health to keep it ahead of the Mosasaur in strength as it is tamed using black pearls.


    As of right now, this tame is basically useless. It has a 30! Minute TAME TIMER, making this a near useless tame. Although it increases sea loot crate items, you have 30 minutes to hunt these down. My proposed changes would be make this a permanent tame and allow this creature to spawn above 1 base level. With this, every 5 levels(official) it will increase the ability it recieves boost by 1%, making hunting down higher levels of this creature a sought after thing.

    Though the ability will have to be changed since it's a perm-tame. The ability will be changed to be used every 16 hours, and will last 1 hour after each use. To use the ability it must have 10 honey in its inventory to consume when the ability is activated.

    The Liopleurodon would also receive a 40% damage and a 20% health buff to give it a little more bite.

    This will make this tame more viable and useful to people as they will be able to permanently have this creature that will provide them with higher level loot.


    This is the only underwater creature capable of harvesting materials and is quite tanky and a good damage output. Since I proposed metal being added to the oceans, as well as some other resources, this will make the Dunkle a lot more viable as it will be able harvest a large quantity of metal. With this change, he will also recieve a 60% Weight Decrease and Oil, Metal, Obsidian, and Crystal. The Dunkle would also recieve a slight facelift and an improvement on the tail to give it more of a 'thrasher shark' tail as in most depictions of this creature. It would also recieve a couple more feet to its length as it should be longer, but not as long as the new megalodon.

    This update would also give the dunke a bleed attack due to its immense bite force making this creature more of a deep sea threat, though it will remain neutral.


    It's already a good mount for deep sea traversal. The plesiosaur needs body-lift above all other things. It will also receive a 20% buff to damage and a 3% buff to health as well as the immunity to eels and the bleed effect.

    This would put this creature in a better place as it is quite strong and versatile but is still outshined by easier tamed creatures such as basilos. It will also allow this creature to be a harder hitter and more of a threat.

    THE ITCHY ---

    Model update and a 5% speed boost.


    No longer follow creatures, they will move slowly in random directions for now on




    ***If a creature is not listed it is neutral to said creature unless attacked


    Wont attack: Mosa, or Dunke unless hit. (Wild & Tamed)

    Will Attack: Itchy, Plesio, Liop, Tusto, and Angler ( Wild & Tamed )


    Wont attack: Dunke and Megalodon unless hit(Wild & Tamed)

    Will Attack: Tusto, Plesio, Liop ( Wild & Tamed )


    Wont attack: Dunke, Megalodon unless hit. (Wild & Tamed)

    Will Attack: Itchy, Plesio, Liop ( Wild & Tamed )


    Will flee when attacked

    Will Attack: Itchy ( Wild & Tamed )




    Wont attack: unless hit (Wild & Tamed)

    Will Attack: Itchy, Manta, Eels ( Wild & Tamed )



    Will Attack: Ceolecanth ( Wild & Tamed )



    I know I wrote A LOT and these changes may not be perfect, please leave your thoughts in the comments. My goal here was to improve the oceans and create more creature battles to make it so not everything wants to kill only you!

    I hope you like what I am proposing!

    submitted by /u/IAmTooSpecial
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    Do wild Rock Drakes come with eggs on Valguero?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 03:08 AM PDT

    I used this code in my Game.ini to make them spawn naturally in the radiation area of the Aberration biome:

    ConfigAddNPCSpawnEntriesContainer=(NPCSpawnEntriesContainerClassString="Val_DinoSpawnEntries_DrakeTrench_C",NPCSpawnEntries=((AnEntryName="RockDrakes",EntryWeight=1.0,NPCsToSpawnStrings=("RockDrake_Character_BP_C"))),NPCSpawnLimits=((NPCClassString="RockDrake_Character_BP_C", MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow=0.1)))

    and this indeed worked to make them spawn there, however I couldn't find any eggs as of yet. Is this just bad luck or do I need to add something else to make the eggs spawn?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/pandafrickfrack
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    No double Event on valguero prim+?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 01:55 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I started to play again ark on EU PVP crossark 1 Valguero and we dont have the double event there. Googled a little bit and the only thing I found that they excluded valguero on the start sometimes from the event. It is still normal, that valguero dont get double event or is it bc of prim+ and they fucked it up as always?

    Edit: On PC

    submitted by /u/Introser
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    Extinction sunken forest question.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2019 08:52 PM PDT

    Official pvp players how safe is the sunken forest mesh wise. I looked up mesh holes and checked alot of them have been patched up. Is there some that we should turret off

    submitted by /u/sht_n_fck
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    Will a dino attack my base if they can see my tame, but not necessarily see over my fence?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2019 08:44 PM PDT

    What I mean is, I tamed a bronto and want to put him inside my base (about to start building a behemoth gate) and was wondering if I would also have to build a wall high enough to obscure him from view completely, or if it was OK for him to be above the fence (of course I wouldn't have him close to the fence). Like, if a raptor (or my current nightmare tickle bird) came by, do they look up, or if I have a normal 4 wall high fence, would he ignore it still since its too high for him specifically? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/sharp461
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    Screw ark! THIS GAME IS TRASH!

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 06:20 AM PDT

    Transfers have been down for over a month. My main server is totally gone. Cant transfer back to take care of stuff. Thank you wild card for wasting my time. F U GUYS. like I want a refund. F the next season. Run guys. This game is trash. The only time you guys intervene in cheating is when it's a live streamer... pathetic.

    submitted by /u/-TheChimp-
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    I don't understand what cryopods are for?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 02:17 AM PDT

    I cannot imagine what I would use one for. Why put a dino in my pocket? I can just upload dinos to a supply drop and down load them from another supply drop.

    If my multiplayer map gets close to the max dino count I just kill my dinos. Why would I bother storing them?

    I don't fight bosses or breed. Maybe cryopods are for high level players only?

    Can I put a pet dino in a cryopod on Ragnarok and carry it in my pocket thru an obi portal to Aberration? So I don't have to climb to dangerous places trying to find a teleport?

    submitted by /u/Joelenne88wakfu
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    Some less serious Ark content from an upcoming creator. Turtle raids on xbox small tribes!

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 12:02 AM PDT

    beginner servers to get wiped (what it means for all ark players)

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 04:18 AM PDT

    In the latest community crunches WC announced the wipe of the beginner servers. I want to tell you what this decision means FOR ALL ARK PLAYERS.

    First I want to tell you what is a beginner server. They're special server with a level cap and low difficulty settings, so you are very limited in the gear you can craft, gear quality, and dino level. These servers are also download protected. The consequence of these settings is these servers are the most balanced ARK server ever made, and it's not possible to curbstomp newbies with endgame stuff. The beginner servers have been running for YEARS without any problem, they are the best server performance wise because there isn't any structure spam or other bullshit that lag the server.

    And now they decided out of nowhere (or more likely it was a biased suggestion made by some mega tribe, I'll explain why later) to wipe the servers, regardless of how much hours and effort the players of these servers put into their tribe. You spent 1K or 2K hours? Doesn't matter we'll wipe the server, WC says.

    Even if you're not directly affected by the wipe, it is very important that you understand what this decision means FOR ALL ARK PLAYERS on official, it simply means that WC can wipe any server they want for any reason, no matter how much effort you put into it. They probably covered themselves in some shady term of use you didn't read and were forced to agree to, so you can't even sue them if that happens. If you want to keep burning your life away over virtual stuff that can get wiped on a whim, feel free to do so, but at the very least acknowledge that it can happen and that you've been warned.

    Those who defend this decision saying these servers were always meant to get wiped, are just lying or delusional, for the simple reason that if it was true, they wouldn't have waited FOR YEARS before implementing regular wipes. And they have zero source to backup their claim anyway, so you have zero reason to believe it.

    Just one last word about the real reasons behind this decision, because I don't think WC decided this out of the blue, they're doing it because someone suggested this change. And my suspicion is pointing at some mega tribe, and I'll explain why. The beginner servers are more and more being used by mega tribes to get a supply of low level dinos for their endgame breeding needs. Why beginner server? Because the dino levels are capped, so it's easier to get the low stats they need, they can tame in a safe environment compared to regular servers. Why do they need low stats? Because dino level are capped, and low useless stat (oxygen etc) = more useful stats.

    But apparently that was not good enough for mega tribes, and they didn't want any disturbance from the locals. And that 's how WC got fooled into wiping the most balanced ARK servers over some petty political scheme.

    This isn't just a theory, a tribe named W** W** (masking the full name because I'm not sure if it's allowed to post their name) on server #2 confirmed they suggested this to WC.

    submitted by /u/dat-reddit-dud
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    (Solo) What to bring for Easy Dragon battle on The Island?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2019 04:23 PM PDT

    Currently, I've defeated with the easy broodmother and easy megapithicus with 19 rexes and 1 yuty. During the megapithicus battle, I lost four of my rexes. My rexes all have 27k-60k. All have 1000+ dmg. One or two only have 800 dmg. They all have regular primitive saddles, since I was unable to find any better ones. Most of the rexes have 60-100 imprint. A few have none. Should I just breed to get four more rexes and run in, going ham? I also heard getting theris was a good strategy. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/-Breezie-
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