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    Thursday, February 27, 2020

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - ARKitecture Thursday!

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - ARKitecture Thursday!

    Daily Community Thread - ARKitecture Thursday!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:08 AM PST

    Welcome to ARKitecture Thursday! Let's discuss building in ARK and show off our latest creations!


    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of architectural splendor and discussion, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Community Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    First thing i see after getting into genesis

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:54 PM PST

    My crops keep dissapearing randomly, they have water and fertilizer (i use poop rn). what am i doing wrong????

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:44 AM PST

    expectation vs reality

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:03 PM PST

    Things that need to be added/fixed in Genesis (and things that should have been but will never see the light of day).

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:03 AM PST

    Flyers: If you can't ride flyers, they shouldn't even be on the map. Otherwise, WC is just advertising something that isn't for sale. Also, they shouldn't have added a new flyer (Astrocetus) if they don't want you flying anything else. Additionally, if they always intended for no flyers (which I think its either a bug or a last minute decision, which just shows how poorly thought out this map is), they need something to substitute for them. Most maps you just use an Argent to pick up things like Ankylos. Meanwhile Aberration doesn't have flyers, which is great, I love Aberration; but, it has the Karkinos which can carry two smaller dinos.

    Bloodstalkers: It takes 1,034 blood packs to tame a single level 150 Bloodstalker. Who has the time or patience to make that many blood packs and then wait for like 5 minutes doing nothing while the Bloodstalker holds you in place and eats them all? Otherwise, the Bloodstalker is easily one of my favorite creatures (if not my absolute favorite).

    Missions and no build zones: They should have either made the map bigger, or re-thunk how missions are done, cause there's so much of the map that can't be built on.

    Teleportation: Super buggy. Some times it takes your dinos, sometimes it doesn't. And sometimes, it takes your dino but then loses it in between destinations for it to never be seen again. Additionally, they should have had some sort of item that can add a specific spawn point, so you can teleport directly to your base.

    Biomes: The biomes are all really cool... easily some of my favorite biomes in the game. However, not being able to travel between them normally is kind of annoying. They should have used a similar technique to the domes on Extinction. I would have liked to see some kind of central hub area that looks like some kind of digital void (similar to what you see while teleporting) with massive gates leading to each biome. So Each biome would have one of these gates that you can just walk through without any loading, and then stroll on into another biome.

    More new tames: All the new creatures are really nice, but for the most part, they're kinda hard to tame (haven't tamed a Ferox yet, so I don't know how that is). There needs to be more early game tames aside from the same old creatures we've had since the island. I enjoy working toward a really good tame, but I'd like something new to tide me over while work for it. Aberration kinda did this, but only with Ravagers, and shoulder mounts. Everything else required a good amount of work to get. Meanwhile Extinction had good amount of really cool things that are fairly easy to tame for the most part, but the only complicated tames were the titans which aren't permanent.

    submitted by /u/EternalPain791
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    ��found the wildcard dev!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:00 AM PST

    Bloodstalkers not affected by taming multipliers

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:08 AM PST

    Basically the title... ran a couple tests and the Bloodstalkers are not affected by taming multipliers like those used by unofficial server (you can verify this yourself in singleplayer).

    Wish Wildcard had tested some of the new creatures they launched... because they have some really cool functionalities but with shit that's this obvious going wrong... it's hard to wrap your head around.
    And while Official players may be fine with having to die almost 60 times (1000 / (400.1hp/25 per bag)) to get their thousand bloodbags for a 150 Bloodstalker, a lot of us are not.

    submitted by /u/Endur1el
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    Genesis Explorer Notes Positions

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:14 AM PST

    I'm working on the full list to put it into the gamepedia, if anyone else has found more notes tell me and i'll add them to the list.

    Explorer notes
    cheat setplayerpos 209958 237042 3170
    cheat setplayerpos 102499 189660 2275
    cheat setplayerpos 183834 170843 681
    cheat setplayerpos 201612 75633 5768
    cheat setplayerpos 123903 80284 6340
    cheat setplayerpos 99153 107350 -5201

    cheat setplayerpos -204024 259729 -6735
    cheat setplayerpos -223725 218528 -12826
    cheat setplayerpos -199305 210629 8761
    cheat setplayerpos -200339 243096 3903
    cheat setplayerpos -230229 277185 -9695
    cheat setplayerpos -68830 235908 -11515
    cheat setplayerpos -131879 148297 3734
    cheat setplayerpos -131216 119142 -9578
    cheat setplayerpos -178226 120210 -19160
    cheat setplayerpos -352837 300288 -17116
    cheat setplayerpos -364585 380337 -18207
    cheat setplayerpos -244892 321486 -17280

    cheat setplayerpos -155345 -69844 -18073
    cheat setplayerpos -123222 -96456 -32026
    cheat setplayerpos -153037 -207555 -24143
    cheat setplayerpos -132311 -331461 -22182
    cheat setplayerpos -117675 -394911 -21734
    cheat setplayerpos -252662 -298247 30553
    cheat setplayerpos -381202 -270229 -32204
    cheat setplayerpos -369028 -189976 -25449
    cheat setplayerpos -391164 -94975 -25895
    cheat setplayerpos -377472 -30442 -19200
    cheat setplayerpos -299685 -37376 16943
    cheat setplayerpos -219310 -2985 46155
    cheat setplayerpos -233725 5413 37458

    cheat setplayerpos 52380 -308377 32551
    cheat setplayerpos 19820 -177687 -23078
    cheat setplayerpos 42025 -156438 -45710
    cheat setplayerpos 69912 -195219 -90884
    cheat setplayerpos 11450 -244789 -15938
    cheat setplayerpos 14268 -281634 -11623

    cheat setplayerpos 251518 -228424 31484
    cheat setplayerpos 383424 -157166 -5740
    cheat setplayerpos 380591 -132966 -8615
    cheat setplayerpos 373347 -57123 -30889
    cheat setplayerpos 246848 -17707 -25686
    cheat setplayerpos 176024 -27095 -27664
    cheat setplayerpos 186902 -81639 -18158
    cheat setplayerpos 234499 -139212 -6284
    cheat setplayerpos 177418 -177772 -14900
    cheat setplayerpos 175173 -232115 1073
    cheat setplayerpos 201731 -295533 13232
    cheat setplayerpos 205602 -291976 34095
    cheat setplayerpos 240131 -317089 29321
    cheat setplayerpos 223082 -345891 7298
    cheat setplayerpos 257094 -363891 1176
    cheat setplayerpos 275691 -394969 -16756
    cheat setplayerpos 389655 -381165 -14985

    submitted by /u/Hsilamot
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    Random question but when random people in your server, tell you that they lost something and are wanting a replacement but you cannot verify, what do you do?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:07 AM PST

    I've had it a couple times and they'll say it despawned.

    I'm naturally cynical but this being ARK and having my dino's glitch under map, or teleport 100 miles from where I left them, I usually give people the benefit of the doubt but where do you draw the line? do you just keep giving them replacements or just tell em its a one time thing.

    submitted by /u/chocolateraiin
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    Deinonychus saddle engram removed?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Hey hey,

    does anyone else miss the Deino saddle engram? I tested on our dedicated modded servers, a dedicated vanilla server and single player, different maps including Valguero but I cannot learn the negram anywhere. You can still spawn the saddle in aswell as blueprints, but the basic engram is missing. Anyone else got that problem?



    submitted by /u/Gunnnsen
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    Please give us Genesis patch notes

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:21 AM PST


    We only got patch notes for the two hotfixes after Genesis release.

    But we didn't get patch notes for v306 (Genesis initial release). Usually there is a lot of bug fixes and changes when a DLC is released, not mentioning the new features of course.

    Will we get these patch notes please ?

    UPDATE : Community Manager tweeted this less than 1 hour ago :

    Patch notes going from pre-gen to post-gen are going to be impossible

    Source : https://twitter.com/ComplexMinded/status/1233117018036957184

    Listing what changed (in non-genesis content) from pre-launch to post-launch isn't possible at this point.

    Source : https://twitter.com/ComplexMinded/status/1233118434235338752

    submitted by /u/Balidar
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    Weapon damage percentage bug

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:31 AM PST

    Today i loaded in to my server where the loot drops are a bit buffed, i noticed that the longnecks and crossbows with increased weapon damage % only deal regular damage, anyone else encountered thus problem?

    submitted by /u/RobeintjeWsvrzchtr
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    Blueprint bows currently doing basic, 100% damage?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:43 AM PST

    For context, on my server we play with quite high crafting skill, and any crafted bows and crossbows are doing normal damage, as if the bow was a 100% damage bow. Guns work correctly, they do in fact do enhanced damage. Happening since genesis update, is it just me? Can't find much on google

    submitted by /u/wintershorty666
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    Practical Uses of new items?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:08 AM PST

    Okay I've tested just about all the new items and dinos quite thoroughly, and I'm having some trouble theory crafting uses for some of the new gear. I'd like your guys opinions;

    Hover Skiff seems mostly useless, except maybe as a mobile trough carrier for large bases.

    The tek alarm system is just too complex for me to figure out. I know some of you guys are gonna come up with creative uses for it though.

    The astro cetus "platform" tek saddle can only hold two foundations, and cant even block in the rider. Maybe you could keep a bed and a small box on it, but that's about it.

    The giant turtle seems 100% useless, vanity only.

    The tek jump pad maintains forward momentum so using it as an elevator is entirely not possible, unless your ceiling hole is huge. Even activating it while standing on it then jumping, it still pushes you forward a bit for some reason.

    The magmasaur seems slower than a basic stone forge when smelting. Still usable as a turret I guess, maybe for base defense, hopefully definitely for raiding.

    The grenade launcher is kinda dumb in execution, though very cool in theory.

    Fishing nets are the dumbest item ever added to the game. They break after one fish is caught. Entirely worthless.

    Please let me hear your guys opinions on some creative potential uses for these items and creature abilities, because I'm having a hard time deciding whether or not to actually ever buy this dlc to play on official. Right now I'm just testing on singleplayer.

    submitted by /u/eqs10
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    Make frogs counter the swarm

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:04 PM PST

    Frogs should be the natural enemy of the swarm and have a high damage multiplier against them. In addition harvesting the corpses with a frog should give cp at a rate of 3-5 ants per swarm since each swarm has thousands of hp.

    submitted by /u/Xanjis
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    Cementing paste on genesis?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:56 AM PST

    Hello. I looked everywhere and I couldn't find an answer to this. Does anyone know of the best way to mass farm CP on genesis official yet? I've got a good frog but it won't be enough for end game.

    submitted by /u/LiquidRichardTheV4th
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    Some of my items have a "interdiction" icon over them?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:55 AM PST


    I'm currently in Ragnarok server, and since today, there's a bunch of items that has that icon in the corner... dunno whatsup with them... they still works... flares has them, tek stairs & ramps, plain oil has it too, noticed a bunch of skins too... (skeleton Quetzal skin i remember has it).

    Anyone knows whats up? Like I said they still works, flares lights up and works like they always did,i can still place the tek stairs, I can still harvest oil and convert it to gasoline.... so i dunno what those icons means.


    submitted by /u/Tefitef
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    Need more Small Tribe servers.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:09 AM PST

    ALL of them are 70/70. Have yet to play more than an hour with my buddies. Slots are immediately filled when one opens. Need a few more.

    submitted by /u/armymec1
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    I'm in 306.64 ??? ITS NOT EVEN OUT.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:02 AM PST

    Can someone just explain to me how did ark made me download 306.64 when it's not even out ??? I'm the only one on my cluster to have this issue !!!

    For god sake

    submitted by /u/Cakoss
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    I'm, dare I say it, having fun...?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:53 PM PST

    Disclaimer: I'm not saying people shouldn't complain, and this is purely my anecdotal, subjective experience. People have every right to make critique threads.

    ...Just like I also have every right to give my own two cents and say how much I've been enjoying myself so far. The bugs are annoying, sure (both the creature and the technical types). But I can't help but feel there should be a big difference between genuine criticism of the game versus kneejerk reactions.

    "The insect swarms on the bog biome are annoying, what's the best way to deal with them/can we get a nerf on their spawn rates/behavior patterns/etc...?"


    "Whoever made the bug swarms is literally Hitler and literally should literally be literally fired from their job. Literally."

    Like I said, I'm not saying Wild Card is immune to criticism but...come on guys.

    submitted by /u/noblepigeon
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    "Genesis represents a new, story-oriented beginning in ARK’s epic saga of survival" -- How does this reflect ingame?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:54 AM PST

    I've been wondering if I should buy the new DLC, since I'm a PvE player and I enjoy story stuff. Ark just got boring after a while due there not being much of things to do with a couple of friends.

    I've been trying to look up info, but so far my google-fu is lacking. What kind of PvE story driven content does Genesis actually contain?

    submitted by /u/re1jo
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    Questions for Singleplayers on your opinions about this game's maps?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:18 AM PST

    I got this game for Christmas, wanted it since Neebs Gaming started playing it. Haven't been able to put it down since. I play singleplayer, am still on the Island, currently building my Therizinosaur army for the dragon, and am having a blast. I play singleplayer because I am not very trusting of other online players, so PVE didn't sound like much fun, and PVP is something I want to avoid altogether (competition and I do NOT mix well). I am looking forward to moving on from the Island and into SE, but I am curious about all of your guys' opinions on the maps in terms of singleplayer.

    The Island: Being the first map of the game, it doesn't seem that bad. It does have flaws, of course, but nothing is perfect. Finding metal is not very hard, but my choice of base locations have not been good, especially my Theri base as it is right next to the Red Obelisk, as far away from metal sources as you can get without being in the ocean. So what's your opinion on The Island?

    Scorched Earth: Having grown up in the desert most of my life, I am looking forward to getting onto this map. The lack of water will be a challenge, but I plan on building a base next to a vein or small lake/pond. Plus I'd rather take on Deathworms than be swarmed by a bunch of Electrophorous and Alpha Water Dwellers. The only thing about this map that I am not looking forward to is the boss warp glitch. Apparently trying to get to the boss arena on SE on Singleplayer on console is difficult as you don't always spawn there. Is this glitch still a thing, or has it been patched yet? I'm betting on not patched. So what is your opinion of Scorched Earth?

    Abberation: This map I am both looking forward to and dreading at the same time. The no-flyers thing sounds like getting around is going to be hell, but sounds like an interesting challenge as well. The Nameless mechanic sounds annoying, but do they appear anywhere on the map, or only at certain locations? And the Surface. Time limits are not something I like and I am not a fan of how dark night-time is in this game, so knowing that the Surface is only safe at night, I am really not looking forward to that. Charge light, radiation, abberant creatures, and other things are worrying me, but I'm not going to reach Abberation for a while. So I have time to learn more about it. So what's your guys' opinion of Abberation?

    Extinction: I'm tempted to go here right now and learn the Unstable Element engram, otherwise I have a useless stack of Element Dust on The Island right now. But this map in general is 50/50 for me. The corrupt creatures are worrying me, and Element Nodes and Orbital Supply Drops being a sort of timed Tower Defense do not sound fun for a solo player. I am looking forward to raising Gachas, but knowing they can't give you anything above Apprentice quality makes me upset. The map sounds like a fun challenge, but what's your opinion of it?

    Bonus Maps: The non-storyline maps, The Center, Ragnarok, and Valguero, sound like fun, but I don't really want to play on those. Especially Valguero and how it has "dead zones" where the amount of resources loading at once can cause your game to crash. I might play them if I had other people to play with on them, but I don't want to join a public server. I'd rather play on a private, friendly one-tribe server, something like Neebs Gaming does. But I want to know, how fun are these maps solo? Are they worth playing on Singleplayer?

    That's all I wanted to say. Just a curious guy wanting to know more about how these maps are for a solo player. Thanks for checking this post out.

    submitted by /u/darkstar842
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    Drakes and Wyverns

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:03 AM PST

    Has anyone confirmed a) that Rock Drakes are on the map b) a location of said Rock Drakes?

    They show up on the wiki and in my S+ Transmitter as a possible (though not spawned in). Just checking.

    Same for Wyverns.

    submitted by /u/KernEvil9
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    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:36 AM PST

    does the leech blood work on him ??

    submitted by /u/Resenua
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    Can you paint HLN-A?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:32 AM PST

    So obviously you can paint the skin, but can you paint HLN-A herself? Or if you paint the skin and equip it will that work too?

    submitted by /u/diamondcreeper
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    Do you think my Rex's can handle Alpha Manticore on Scorched?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:21 AM PST

    I've got 19 Rex's all with base 25k hp and 813 melee (working on 31k 1002)

    Every rex is stated with about 65k hp and 1200 - 1250 melee. I cant get a good saddle to save my life so they all have RM 36 armor saddles. I ride a Yuty with an asc saddle. Im also solo, I've been able to do Beta with ease. Do you guys think these stats would be able to beat Alpha Manticore?

    submitted by /u/SunWuKongIsKing
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