• Breaking News

    Friday, June 19, 2020

    ARK on Xbox One Crystal Isles but you play console ):

    ARK on Xbox One Crystal Isles but you play console ):

    Crystal Isles but you play console ):

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    Penguin sex ALMOST broke my server :(

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    So I am playing on a PVE server (this is my first time playing ark) and after awhile we were doing a bunch of breeding and taming so we could try to fight the broodmother. Because taming is painstakingly long we upped some of our multipliers to make it go faster. Well, this is where everything was going to go wrong...

    So me and one of my friends were on a mass breeding spree, sloths and wolves just living our best life hunting the tundra and things were taking a LONG time, so I asked the admin to bump it up a bit more. Cause lets be honest I have kids and a husband and I don't have time to raise an animal/dino for 4 freaking days. So the admin/my brother happily obliged.

    Fast forward to today and I'm happily (debatable...) flying around hunting party dodos so I can get me a cute chibi! Suddenly my friend goes why are there so many penguins! At the 50-50 mark on the map there was HUNDREDS of penguins, just hanging out in the redwoods, murdering dire bears and carnos... it was hilarious. What was not hilarious was the lag that happened whenever you looked at the horde of penguins, the server kicked me out twice.

    The reason this all began is because in my noob experience I was like oh i'll catch and breed penguins for their organic polymer! It'll be great, had them mating and forgot. So when the mating and maturation multipliers were bumped up, well you can figure the rest out...

    The initial reason I was coming here was to post about an issue with getting the admin commands working on xbox. Thankfully one of my friends goes from playing on his xbox to playing on his PC back and forth so he finally killed all those damn Kairuku!

    So yeah, penguin sex nearly broke my server...

    submitted by /u/meg0412
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    ODP Gates a big downside

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 11:25 PM PDT

    If you chose to use allied gates... i have recently discovered that you can not place turrets near allied structures. I was co fused and attempted to find any meshing going but could not figure it out but i have now and i have to re build my base and talk to my allies. =/

    submitted by /u/ObiBinGinObi
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    Sprinting, and keyboards

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    So, I would prefer using my mouse and keyboard for ark, but for some strange reason, after about 5-10 minutes of using it, I can no longer sprint, with either shift key. Everything else works fine except that. I can switch back to the controller and sprint works, but I have to quit the game entirely to use sprint with the keyboard again. I don't understand?

    submitted by /u/simmski
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    Does anyone know a cool/funny tribe name?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Server ping

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Is anyone else getting a higher ping since the event started?

    submitted by /u/TASTY_COM
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    How do I find my server on Xbox One?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:38 AM PDT

    So I have a secondary Xbox account that also gets my Xbox Live and Game Pass through game sharing, so on my computer I pulled up the windows version of Ark and created a dedicated server of Valguero. My friends and I can get into it fine through invite, but I was wondering how to find it through the server list so they can join when I'm not on. I understand only a fraction of the servers actually appear, but is there any way to prioritize mine to come up? I've searched in all categories with password protected servers showing up and it has yet to come up for me or my friends.

    submitted by /u/Cr4zySh0tgunGuy
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