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    Sunday, November 1, 2020

    ARK: Survival Evolved The great Alpha Carno Battle

    ARK: Survival Evolved The great Alpha Carno Battle

    The great Alpha Carno Battle

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 08:22 AM PST

    For weeks the alpha carno plagued the nearby beaches, and at level 98, there wasn't much I could do.. or so I thought. Days would go by while I soared through the sky on my argy, Red Scar, as I watch him. I watched him massacre the parasaurs, the dodos, the trikes. Plentiful resources and the beach hut where I once lived lie in wait of someone to free them of their scaly captor. Weeks earlier I had bred pteranodons at that base, in hopes of some extra stamina to make it across the map. None were of particularly high level, a level 30 here, a level 28 there, I had managed to hatch triplets, and I had seven in total idling in my base. That's is when the plan was formed. I, on Red Scar would lead these reptiles into battle, sacrificing our lives for the safety of the beach. Queen Elizabeth, Queen Hannah, and King Landon led the charge, with Queen Anna, King Henry, King Jeff, King David, and King Charlie following close behind. We ascended the thick, stone walls of the fortress we called home. Whether or not we would return together was a question on our minds. Once we reached the edge of Weathertop, we descended upon the Carno. His red aura masked his fleshed and muscle-less body. Then, the battle started. The flying monsters swooped around him, nipping at his bones, tearing off anything they could. Down went Queen Elizabeth. They continued to swoop and dive while I stood back, waiting for a clear sign of victory or defeat. Crunch. Queen Hannah is down in the river. Squawks filled the air, as blood covered the body of the pteranodons. Without muscles, or flesh, no blood sat on the carno. CRAW!! King Landon is face first in the sand. They continue to circle, biting and nipping as much as possible. A loud roar fills the air and with his impressive horns, the carno knocks Queen Anna and King Henry out of the sky. Then King Jeff, after him King David, and then only King Charlie was left. He flew above his dead siblings and bit and knawed his way around the carno. He was looking when he ran straight into the jaws of the beast. He was instantly taken down. Red Scar, without warning, flew down to the bone clad beast. With one swipe of his talons, the beast fell to the ground. With a loud thud, the beach stay quiet for a few moments. We had done it. We kept the bones and celebrated at home with the new loot acquired.

    submitted by /u/Eyebrowchild
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    Fps locked on 39!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 08:25 AM PST

    Regardless of options epic or low my fps is the same i dont know why its normal on the island but on abboration its just stuck vsync is off help please!I have gtx 1070 I7-4790 16gb ram and 144 hz monitor so i dont think its vsync that is cause of problem

    submitted by /u/CrAzY_StAnA
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    How can I make existing flyers faster?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 05:24 AM PST

    I've got like 20 argentavis and we like to travel as a mob, but frankly I'm getting tired of the time it takes to get anywhere. Is there a mod or command or something to just crank up the speed on these?

    Classic flyers seems to be able to allow you to level the speed, but I'd much rather be able to just flip a switch

    submitted by /u/vmos
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    Lets talk mod maps on steam

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 06:41 AM PST

    I would like to play around on some of the modded maps in the Steam workshop. I've played with Olympus and that's a good one. I just tried Thieve's Island and it's completely unplayable on my PC. Ryzen 3600 and a 1660 super nets me a whopping 25-30fps at 1080p. I'm usually pegged at 60fps on all of the official maps.

    I'm looking for something pretty and not so stuttery that I can't play on it.


    submitted by /u/evilant1981
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    Whats your favorite map?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 10:19 AM PST

    I've been contemplating on getting a server for my group of friends and I was wondering the general opinion on everyone's favored maps was.

    submitted by /u/AzureWolfe
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    Where on the island can I get pteras that are above lvl 10?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 05:30 AM PST

    I've been going around the beach and saw like 20 pteras so far, but not a single one was even above lvl 10. Is there a specific spot I should search that's not the beach, or does it have to do something with the fact that the difficulty is default?

    submitted by /u/Programmeter
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    Need help

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:52 AM PST

    Season Pass permanent or for a limited time?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:54 AM PST

    Thinking about buying the Season Pass, but the name is throwing me off, will this unlock the 3 DLC's forever, or would I have to buy this again in say, a year to regain access to them?

    submitted by /u/Zarxiel
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    Best map for solo small tribes?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:13 AM PST

    We lost so many dinos to this one Creature!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 08:02 AM PST

    Question about events.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 03:54 AM PST

    Once Fear Evolved officially ends, will I be able to keep it going for longer on a private server?

    submitted by /u/FlashLightning67
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    Does the zombie dodo die?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    Ark: How To Build A Small Dino Pen

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Unable to build @ 16.2 28.6 on Ragnarok despite changing ini settings

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    I've changed 3-5 diff ini settings to be able ot build and to no success, but on a prev map about a year ago on a diff private server using the exact same mods as then including s+ we are not able to build there, are there any other things i maybe missing or need to change? My game.ini can be seen @ https://pastebin.com/4eeAxBTk

    submitted by /u/Morpheus1101
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    Having CTD with structure placement (preview).

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    So, I've been having an issue, but the particulars are kind of obscure so I'm struggling to find an answer online.

    I'm playing the Xbox Play Anywhere version of Ark on my pc, and connecting to an unofficial pc session (dedi server). The game crashes any time I try to equip a structure. I can do anything else that I've tried, but get an instant ctd instead of the green placement preview.

    I was wondering if anyone else had encountered this or knew of a fix? Thanks in advance.

    Edit: after further troubleshooting, it happens when I'm in an online session exclusively, both unofficial and official servers crash me, but single player doesn't. I'm at a loss lol any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Jury_Of_Your_Fears
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    Im fucking sick of this shit

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    Im going to rant and i dont care what you say i just got an argie and spent the past 3 hours getting materiels and then get pickud up by a level 270 ptera drops me kills my argie steals all my stuff then camps my base and keeps killing me. F U C K people like this. i didnt do shit to him so kills my argie im level 60 he was 110. i dont even have a tribe yet

    submitted by /u/shaggy87percentpower
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    Name suggestions?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    I have this purple procoptodon, and it's a female (breeding it back to its father to hopefully get some mutations.) anywho, I need a name. It's father is named Austin and it's mother is named Raz. So ideas please?

    submitted by /u/Iamancuteasshole
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    Anyone else agree that the next TLC needs to focus on the AI?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    Before I start talking, I want to make it clear that there is a TLC currently on the way for the stego and the mammoth. So, basically the main selling point of ark was the environment, that includes these prehistoric creatures, but... their AI is a little off.... they never have a true goal, and are prone to making big mistakes. Here are a few of them:

    Carnivore is always attacking whatever is around them, often to the predators death Herbivores usually just wander, sometimes closer to a carnivore Flying creatures, save for the icthy, just aimlessly fly until they land Mate boosted pairs are prone to wander away from each other. So, what do I suggest they change?

    First of all, carnivore aggressiveness, while I think it is fine for them to attack us humans on sight, as we are generally an easy snack, I feel they should target weak dinos, and ignore higher leveled dinos and should wait for certain "parameters" to be fulfilled before they attack. They should also run far before they become injured, while it is possible for the predator to be killed by their prey, just like in real life, the predator is often aware of this and does whatever it can to stop that.

    Next: Herbivore AI needs a huge revamp, I know that wildcard already plans to add herds and migration patterns, but they have hinted at this since the very beginning, so it's time to start working on it, so I will talk about things they haven't mentioned

    Awareness: herbivore AI needs to detect possible predators in the area, and try to pathfind a way farther from the predator.

    Feeding: This is for the older dinos. One of the problems with living in symbiosis with wild animals, is competition for resources, and while newer creatures actually consume resources, older pack animals need to consume bushes and wander together towards the next food source, this ties in with my next suggestion

    Mate pairs: when creatures are mate boosted its like they aren't even aware of it, they often wander away from each other and lose their boost, their AI should recognize the boost and attempt to travel closer together, an improvement that may come with herds.

    Now my suggestions for the flying creatures, it's almost a total revamp

    Pteranodons are picavores, meaning they eat fish, in ark, new players may struggle to find out what they eat, considering they do almost nothing, live almost everywhere, and are totally harmless. I suggest that pteranodons spawn closest to rivers, lakes and oceans, and have an AI similar to the icthyornis, where they skim the surface and dive for fish. Fish would also boost taming for them. This would also make more sense, considering that by level 38, you are more capable to find a way to tame a pteranodon, rather than be disappointed at level 12 when you knock one out and find they are useless for the time being

    Argentavis: ark, make up your mind. Are they scavengers or not!? While in the science community it seems they were not, the dossier suggests otherwise. It also does not make much sense for them and other creatures to get into such large mosh pits until one creature survives. I suggest ark stays the route of having them be an active hunter, and limit the size of their targets, nothing much bigger than a phiomia. They should fly relatively high and their aggro distance should rely on what is below them, regardless of distance, rather than a tight bubble around them.

    Sorry for my long rant, I have other ideas, but didn't want to fill your page with a huge list!!

    submitted by /u/Eyebrowchild
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    Question about Snow Owls and Gachas on Extinction

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    So the wiki says when a Gacha eats the pellet it will produce double resources. I have never seen it work. Am I missing something or has this ever worked for anyone?

    submitted by /u/Chillburt_LaRouche
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    Just saw a quetzal on my second day of play

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Just saw a quetzal on my second day of play

    I was just taming a phiomia when I saw this (tried to throw a bola at it) How rare are quetzals? I play on mobile. I just downloaded the game yesterday.


    submitted by /u/0-0-0-0-0-3
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    Very Interesting...

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 12:37 PM PDT

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