• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 15, 2020

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Storytime Tuesday!

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Storytime Tuesday!

    Daily Community Thread - Storytime Tuesday!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:33 AM PST

    Welcome to Storytime Tuesday!

    Tales from the ARK can be wild, hilarious, and/or downright captivating. Consider this thread an open invitation for you to to tell us some tales of survival, tribal warfare, epic taming, thrilling exploration, etc.

    All community rules are in full effect here, so please, no witchhunting!

    You can find the full Daily Community Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    *Sweats nervously*

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 07:51 PM PST

    what software is this?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:55 AM PST

    Performance on Xbox One X

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 11:49 AM PST

    After watching gameplay of Ark, it seemed really interesting, so I downloaded the game from Game Pass. It has to be the worst performing game I have ever seen, where even turning around is almost dizzying. Is this some sort of a bug, or is the performance really that horrendous on console?

    submitted by /u/F4ll3nKn1ght-
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    Giga Fights!!! Pearl Cave Defence 2 Ark - Mas Day 15 PvP EP 7

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 11:07 AM PST

    Broken In-Game Voice?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:58 AM PST

    Hello Survivors,

    A couple patches ago I am no longer able to hear anyone using the in game voice. I have the in game voice volume all the way up and even verified all the files. Any ideas on what the issue may be?

    Edit: Official PvP Small Tribes

    submitted by /u/SacredDemon
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    Image to watch trailer doesn't do anything.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:36 AM PST

    Image to watch trailer doesn't do anything.

    I mean it highlights. but it says to click and nothing happens when I do. I've clicked everywhere on it.


    submitted by /u/Helleri
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    Holy Crap Batman... Is This Thing Even Worth Making? I've Never Used One

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:18 AM PST

    My snow owls wont breed?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:28 AM PST

    Do they have to be in cold weather and/or extinction to breed or does it just take more than 20 minutes? Also do they really prefer cooked meat or is that just a myth? (I'm in the ragnarok beach)

    Edit: WHAT?!?! I just read how long it would take for my female to breed again and it says she'll be ready in 2 DAYS of gameplay. Is this a glitch?? Does this happen to everybody??

    submitted by /u/PPas19
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    When your Pony kills a Raptor

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 11:22 AM PST

    Admin life in the ARK

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:59 PM PST

    Playing on hotspot help please?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:54 AM PST

    I cant seem to play online when using my hotspot. It is the only internet option i have. If i take game to someone else house it works on there wifi. My hotspot says it is a strict network and im guessing that is the issue. Has anyone found a way around this?? or know of any solutions?

    side not im playing on xbox. my hotspot can handle any other games i have on xbox or pc. i will buy pc version of ark if that is the solution but wanted to see if community had

    submitted by /u/BarefootGOON
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    About fighting beta moeder with megalodons

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:29 AM PST

    My megs have about 6-10k hp and do about 600-1000 damage each bite plus bleed. I have about 17-18 of them and a baslio for myself to ride on. I beat gamma moeder with ease yesterday beating it in about 10 mins and most of the sharks took no damage since they are really fast and moeder can't hit them most of the time and the ones that did only lost about 2k health ( may have been from level ups and only one so far is noted to take that damage). Do you think that I can beat beta moeder?

    submitted by /u/Omega_Ausaun
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    Since wyverns are now breedable and manas are not as op anymore.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:25 AM PST

    Wyverns vs managarmr

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/AKSHAT1234A
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    Ark 2 Chat!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:27 AM PST

    Ark II Not A Full Xbox Exclusive - Launch Window Only

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 02:51 PM PST

    Returning player end 2020

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:35 AM PST

    Hey all (first of all sorry for my english),

    I'm considering to come back to ARK after 2 years, last time I've played all the official servers were laggy AF. Is this still a thing?

    Any recommadations on servers? (official or community?) I prefer vanilla/PVE

    submitted by /u/Suddenmovessss
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    /r/Ark2 has launched!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:48 AM PST

    ARK II Starring Vin Diesel Will Be Xbox Series X & S "Console Launch Exclusive"

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 01:32 PM PST

    Ark Survival Evolved Beginners Guide - QUICK GUIDE WITH TIMESTAMPS!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 12:42 AM PST

    Why are Wildcard letting filthy casuals produce their next game?!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:21 AM PST

    Is there a way to get the new raptor skin for PS4?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:58 PM PST

    Same as title. I opened Ark yesterday and there was no trailer?

    submitted by /u/Evil_Moniter
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    There's nothing more demotivating than getting 1% crafting skill bonus

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 12:46 PM PST

    150 points into crafting skill (1590%) and I'm getting 1% crafting skill meks? It's like a heart surgeon being called into the ER to apply a Band-Aid on someone's cut knee.

    submitted by /u/Zeltashock
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    Whats the best way to counter Tek Turrets?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 06:33 PM PST

    Whats the best way to counter Tek Turrets during a raid?

    submitted by /u/UncleTezza
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