• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 2, 2021

    ARK: Survival Evolved Magmasaurs are Beautiful too!

    ARK: Survival Evolved Magmasaurs are Beautiful too!

    Magmasaurs are Beautiful too!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 01:15 AM PST

    I hope it’s health or melee mutations. Crossing my fingers����

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 02:28 AM PST

    You must be kidding!!!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:46 PM PST

    Best Giga Trap! Hands down!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:16 AM PST

    Dear Noobs

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:04 AM PST

    If you come to reddit to ask about base locations and rat holes, the sweaties and the no-lifer's are gonna tell you all the places where they go to raid.

    That one's for free no need to thank me.

    submitted by /u/specialedd178
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    Ocean Platform Base Interior

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:00 AM PST

    Cant transfer

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:21 AM PST

    anyone els not being able to transfer to servers or even log on to some today

    submitted by /u/Late-Concentrate-940
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    For you official bois

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:13 AM PST

    Question, for the folks that have actually beat big bosses in ark, that have rexes and gigas with mutation stacks, how did you get away with it without being deleted? does any one have some cool official bases or small cities they can show off? i'd love to see what some alphas are getting away with.

    Im a solo guy so i find low pop servers to build up on. i never see any thing cool.

    submitted by /u/specialedd178
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    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:49 AM PST

    So here's my predicament fellas me and my girlfriend are looking to play through the story together just the two of us maybe a few other friends and want to be able to keep our progression but I don't want to have to fork out 120 bucks to pay for 6 servers

    So how would I be able to get around this conundrum I play on Xbox have access to a computer as well so I could host a dedicated server only problem is we wanted boosted rates most importantly the stack size the non offical PC servers offer

    Is there a way I could play on every map keep progression with just two nitrado servers maybe have one act as a home base sort of server where everything gets transferred to And have one map for example the island for story progression transfer off with all my goods I don't mind if my bases are wiped just want to know if my idea will work or if there's an easier way

    Thanks in advance sorry for the rant

    TLDR noob cheapskate wants to play on all maps keep all things with friends

    submitted by /u/BBQ_YEET_LOVERS
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    Victoria Walker is a totally unnecessary addition to Ark's animated series

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:42 AM PST

    For those who are unaware, a new character is being added to the Ark story via the animated series by the name of Victoria Walker. Her role? A humanitarian aid worker and the wife of Helena.

    The thing that genuinely worries me is this character was included for no reason other than to pander while requiring a rewrite of an existing character (Helena) to make it fit the story. Also, Ark's plot is large enough as it is, and considering that the animated series is not likely going to be a long running franchise, anything that takes time away from the core story runs the risk of ruining the story, or at least the flow of the story. The more time that is spent developing Victoria and Helena is time taken away from Helena, Mei Yin, Rockwell, Santiago, and the other survivors of which there are already plenty. In addition to that, the events of the story basically starts with Helena figuring things out, helping the tribes resolve their issues, discovering the purpose of the Arks and the history of Earth, and finally culminating in a final battle to save Earth. The inclusion of Victoria and her relationship with Helena does nothing but slow down the pacing of an already convoluted story.

    While Helena's personal life was never outlined in clear detail, none of her explorer notes ever made mention of having a wife. Meanwhile, said notes went into depth with regards to her relationship between the other survivors. This means that for all intents and purposes, Victoria walker does not exist and wasn't even remotely required when building Ark's lore.

    In addition to all of that, the most ironic thing is that there's already a lesbian couple in Ark - Mei Yin and Diana. The inclusion of Victoria in nothing short of redundant, and gives me the impression that it's not expected for ark Ark to run long enough to introduce Diana (who honestly is a far more interesting character than a humanitarian aid worker).

    submitted by /u/FrankieB86
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    New Ark Player - Having Some UI Issues

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:39 AM PST

    Not sure if this is because I'm new and just haven't been able to find all the options yet, but I'm having some issues with the UI today that I didn't have just yesterday. Anyone know how to fix these?

    Originally my crafting menu only displayed engrams that I already knew - now it is displaying unlearned ones in yellow - I'd like to go back to it only showing what I already know how to craft.

    The other issue I'm having is with the dinosaur radial menu. For one of my dinosaurs, clicking on anything in the menu is difficult because the options quickly cycle back and forth between two different lists - I have to actually time when I make the click in order to interact with the menu.

    Thanks for any insight on this, its much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Dracrix
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    Ocean Platform Base Building Tutorial

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:32 PM PST

    How does Stat Gain work?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 06:32 PM PST

    I've been playing SP since I first started the game and about a week of game time, I've been through 5 maps.

    All this time though, I was under the impression that when a dino levels up, it gain a bonus to ALL stat, wild or tamed. That, and tamed dinos receive a further bonus in the form of stat point spent by players. This seems wrong, but I don't know for sure what is right, as there's no information on the wiki or any discussions about it.

    I have a feeling that stat gains are randomized to one stat per level, but that does't explain the PerLevelStatGain and PlayerAddStat being seperate for tamed dinos...

    I also want to ask: during my journey through 5 maps, I managed to find a single Giga, but it was level 25 and turned pretty trash after taming. If I managed to find another trash Giga and they breed, will the offsprings from their trash bloodline ever be able to reach the power of a natural high-level Giga?

    submitted by /u/HQQ1
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    Breeding help!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:47 PM PST

    I need help understanding whether my baby mutated. I also am confused on how to see which stat was mutated since im not breeding lvl ones

    submitted by /u/XAder_titans
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    Game crashed but still know Tek Engrams...How?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 04:07 PM PST

    Like the title says, i fought the gamma broodmother and won. Unlocked the achievement and got the element, head, and flag. During the port back the game crashed and returned me to the home page. I rebooted Ark and found myself at my base, with the artifacts still in my inventory. I checked my engrams and know the tek ones from beating the boss. Im confused, but guess i am fighting the boss again.

    submitted by /u/Purrfectdrift
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    How can I get to aberration from the island?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 07:29 PM PST

    Needing some info on aberration and how to get to it from the island I'm a new player been on the island for a while now

    submitted by /u/DingoStoleMyBuds
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    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 10:37 PM PST

    i swear when genesis first came out i saw everynightxriot with a like, mini hlna that would alert him to aggressive creatures in the area and i was wondering what it was cuz the little mini skin doesnt do that to my knowledge

    submitted by /u/hotbread100_
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    Time it takes in a cryopod, to reach max Experience for dinos

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 02:04 PM PST

    Looking at the wiki, i get the following information. Creatures get a passive drip of 0.66xp per minute, and crypods gain 5% more xp than if dinos are not in a crypod. So a passive xp gain of 0.69xp/m. Assumptions are based on official 1x rates.

    Cumulative xp to gain 73 levels, is 3 550 000. So quick math, 3.55mil/0.69 would give 5.13mil minutes, or 9.8 years to gain enough passive xp for 73 levels. That doesnt even account for server lag which can slow game time by a few hours/day on populated servers.

    This just feels way off, am i missing something major here?

    submitted by /u/karp_490
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    Rag boss fight help

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 03:34 PM PST

    Hey peeps, me and a friend have defeated the gamma and beta ragnarok bosses, with little difficulty, but we often times start to struggle when the rock golems appear. Would it be worthwhile bringing a magmasaur into this fight to help kill the rock golems as we often times run out of rockets or our rocket launchers break before we've killed all of them, leaving one behind which slowly picks off our theris. We've already got a magmasaur, but its more so focused on gathering as opposed to fighting, but we could grab another one and level it to be a fighter if it'll be worthwhile.

    submitted by /u/Dwarfakiin5
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    I need some help

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:28 PM PST

    So I've been playing ark for a little while now with my girlfriend (not multiplayer just side by side). And there have been times where we have fun and it's a blast, but lately I've felt really trapped with Ark. it's hard to explain. We've been camped out at the easy part of The Island map and she always tells me we can't really explore cause we don't have good dinos so we've just been stuck in that area for hours. My character is like lvl87 and we're just making the fabricator. I feel like we're very behind. Plus we just have a shit ton of dinos. I know it's a big thing to have dinos in ark but I never really had fun with the dinos. Overall I just feel stuck and can't really explore like I want to. And just dealing with our dinos is just boring. I wanna try and have fun with her cause I still like ark im just not sure what I should do

    submitted by /u/Kporpter
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    New dlc looks siiick

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:20 PM PST

    Learned traq arrow engram but can't craft it

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:18 PM PST

    I learned the tranq arrow engram but when I go to it in the crafting menu the icon is yellowish and when I hover over it it says I must learn the engram before crafting it. I have double checked that I did in fact learn it and I have the materials in my inventory. I tried dying, and exiting the game fully and logging back in. I am on single player. Please help!

    submitted by /u/corvid_operative
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