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    Friday, June 18, 2021

    ARK: Survival Evolved Cruising around in the Rockwell zone

    ARK: Survival Evolved Cruising around in the Rockwell zone

    Cruising around in the Rockwell zone

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    Why am I forced to have DLC installed despite not owning them?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:42 AM PDT

    My game was constantly crashing when I was playing singleplayer and when looking through the files, I noticed that all the DLC packs were installed, despite me only owning abberation.

    These DLC packs that I didn't own were taking up around 50-60GB, so I deleted all of them. After that when I booted ARK up, it would instantly crash, telling me it couldn't load files in those deleted folders. I fully uninstalled the game and reinstalled it to find out that the DLC packs reinstalled themselves onto my computer as well and I am assuming if I uninstall them again, it will break my game from even loading again.

    Can someone explain to me why I am forced to have nearly 60GB of worthless content if I don't even own the DLC?

    Also if anyone knows a workaround to this?

    submitted by /u/Zarvious
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    I believe this to be the truth

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 03:56 PM PDT

    Exo Mek bugs and feedback

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:17 PM PDT

    Exo Mek bugs and feedback

    -"Stop selected groups" command puts any selected dino on attack this target, can not use whistle radial menu on RTS mode to whistle passive.

    - No blueprints for Exo Mek, so no possible way to get higher HP on them

    -Need HP bars on dinos instead of hovering each dino to check HP

    - Need an attack this location command to order dinos to attack an area rather than a specific dino/unit.

    - Add queue up commands


    submitted by /u/Attorney-Pitiful
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    What Map Should I Play? (Singleplayer)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    I want to try playing ark again. I have a horrible relationship with this game where I decide I want to play it, I play it, panic because of bugs/glitches, then stop playing. It is time for that cycle to start again.

    Anyways, I have no idea what map I want to play. I'm completely bamboozled. So I want some maps to be suggested to me along with reasons I should play them. Note that I play singleplayer only.

    List of things I'd want in my next playthrough:

    Lack of Wyverns on the map. Though I'm not as strict about this one I just don't want to tame a wyvern and become OP. Sure, I can refrain from a tame but it feels weird encountering a wyvern and not fighting it with my own Wyvern.

    No DLC maps. I like them all but none of them have the vibe I want when I decide to do my next playthrough.

    Lots of water. Please. But not The Center. My last playthrough was there, and despite this map having my favorite layout of them all I was disappointed by bugs. I like doing stuff in the water so it's preferred. Not as necessary though.

    As many dinos that are also found on the island as possible. DLC dinos are good too but I don't want to get on the map and figure out that I can't get insert dino here. I'm unironically keeping The Island on the list of maps I'm considering, and if the base game map is the one that fits me best then so be it.

    If possible, even if it defies all else on this list, any map that has the least amount of bugs will be considered. Heavily considered. Please also mention any bad/buggy parts of a map when possible so I know what I'm getting into if I decide to play it.

    submitted by /u/SappphireLime
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    Spawning in Fed. Tek suit

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:28 PM PDT

    Our server has the Genesis 2 Federation Tek Suit disabled on respawn, once you lose it, it's gone.

    Need to get one for a new player, has anyone figured out how to spawn one in? I can only find spawn codes for the item skins. Thanks in advance

    Edit: Found it! for those interested " Cheat Givearmorset tek2 0 "will give you the full set plus 40 element (must've originally planned to use element for fuel)

    Link for source as well as all other items:


    submitted by /u/t0iler
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    PS4 servers

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:15 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I'm looking for a fun set of cluster servers, I want to live a nomad life type of challenge since ark has kind of gotten boring for me (any other challenge ideas are welcome!) but I need a good server to go with it, nothing op out the wazoo (like a trillion weight with one point) but nothing nearly as bad as official, any suggestions? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/reinduurs
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    Astrodelphis Damage Testing

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    Since release of Gen2 and the astrodelphis, many have been confused about its melee damage in relation to its saddle. This comes from the fact the description of the saddle reads "Adapts to match the creature's strength level"

    The issue is, at face value, most understand "strength level" to mean melee damage. However, this is not the case. The description should more accurately be described instead as "Adapts to match the creature's power up level". The strength level refers to the actual power up level of the astrodelphis. Let me explain..

    After killing wild tames, they drop power ups floating in the air. After flying into these power ups, the astrodelphis is "powered up" 1 level and gains boosts in damage reduction, damage output, and speed. There are a total of 3 possible levels the dolphin can be at, including base level. So it is only possible to level up twice.


    A breakdown of the "strength" levels below:

    Astrodelphis Level 1 (no power ups) Level 2 (1 PU / +60 seconds) Level 3 (2 PU / +40 seconds)
    Damage Output
    Laser 100 200 300.
    Auto Lock 250 250 250.
    Grenade 750 750 750.
    Damage Reduction 0% ~30% ~60%
    Speed N/A N/A N/A


    All this being said, having high melee or getting mutations in melee damage is definitely NOT a wasted stat. It does 100 base damage, so whatever the melee % is, that's how much raw damage the dolphin will do (before including imprints, yuty, other buffs). Very useful stat to easily kill wild tames and grab the power ups from them. Particularly in PvP.

    Dolph melee dmg got BIG nerf and is very weak now. (76% reduction 100 -> 24 dmg. Credit: /u/LoLReiver). I still personally think melee is a good stat to have for picking up the easy kills/power ups. It's just definitely not as important as before and I wouldnt go out of your way breeding for melee mutations

    According to this site, 100 base damage is a higher base damage than every tameable creature in game except for the titans, giga, exo mek, mek, magmasaur, and megachelon.. it is equal in strength to a mosasaur.

    Post-melee nerf, If new projected melee numbers stay constant, the new base melee will be 24 making it among one of the weakest tames in the game for melee.


    All testing was done in Singleplayer with settings simulating official as closely as possible.

    Damage testing was done on a bronto. Haven't tested if grenade damage is different between carnivores and herbivores

    Damage Reduction was tested on a primitive 45 armor saddle, no imprint or buffs of any kind

    All testing was done the morning of June 18th and is showing CURRENT stats on consoles. It is not taking into account future patches. Numbers will be adjusted as needed at a later date - tbd

    submitted by /u/theReaIMcCoy
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    Thought i'd post this beautiful rex I found in ark Dark Green with Red honestly it would of been silly on to show him off!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:01 PM PDT


    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:40 PM PDT

    Would it be better to use a Mastercraft crossbow for taking or would it be better to use a primitive gun with darts?

    submitted by /u/Dry-Association1268
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    Ark Installation Problem

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:14 PM PDT

    I'm trying to install Ark on a different computer from my laptop, but for some reason Ark doesn't want to properly launch, any idea what's wrong? It seems like it can't properly update or download or something like that

    submitted by /u/CamusZekeSirius
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    Help me with stats for dinos [Ps4 Ragnarok]

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:11 PM PDT

    Alright so I just tamed up a nice, high level Rex, actually it's a max level. I tame it up and it has around 2k hp and around 100 melee, now this isnt like a level 30 rex, it's in fact level 150. Now I'm bored and decide to watch someone tame a max level Rex on YouTube like I did, I realize they have almost 400% melee and 9k+ hp, is there a reason for this? This isn't just with the Rex, it's with all of my dinos and all of them were 130+ when I found them. I know there is a way to increase how much levels they get upon taming should I try that? If that's the case, i was considering spawning in high level creatures because ive already lost all of my tames twice in this playthrough and I don't feel like taming another collection AGAIN

    submitted by /u/YaboiChris2009
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    [BUG] New Creature Lag

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. My buddy runs a modded cluster server and we've noticed that when the shadowmanes go invisible or the stryders use their pulse the game lags horribly. However the rock drakes invisibility causes no issues.

    submitted by /u/Saki286
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    Lol so I went on a trip on my ark mobile to redwoods and while I was gone a titanasaur spawned at my house lol

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:56 PM PDT

    Finally ascended in the island, solo single player.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 09:18 PM PDT

    Playing single player with a very slight buff to tamed dinos, like 0.10% but most settings focused on speeding up the game while keeping the actual gameplay as it is, my aim was not to wait for hours for a simple thing but to speed it up, took me fee weeks to finish it but was worth it after seeing the ascension part, did the bosses at beta but the overseer at gamma cause I was lazy to collect the stuff for the beta, had enough of playing the island that I couldn't stand another minute of looking at it... I used 25% saddles cause that's the only thing you get atm on ps4 due to a bug lol, time to start aberration and hopefully finish it so I can move to extinction and then genesis, ps store doesn't let me purchase SE for idk what reason so will have to skip it. I used 12 40-60k hp rexs and one yuta for the bosses, the most annoying part was building the army but after that it was where the fun part started. Tho the artifact of the cunning took me hours to get, since I literally cleared almost everything in my path, yes I know I am crazy to fight a bunch of alpha megs and the big octopus group and not to mention like a lot of lvl 200 mosasaurus. I used a basil and some megs with a spino, yes a spino that kicked everyone's A underwater. Overall the island was a fun experience but time to start map aberration, I played it from scratch more then four times but never finished it so this time I will clear it. Sharing this for the other solo players who are on their way to beat the game, if anybody has a questions then be free to ask. Regards, Ava.

    submitted by /u/___Diana__
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    party dodos on single player world?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    so i have party dodos everywhere. i have wild dino wiped so many times. in my game settings it says no event is active. i have a handful of mods on, but i do not think they would effect this. im stumped. i was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this? thanks.

    submitted by /u/dearliest
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    Mating interval not working

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    I have made a new single player game and I tried to change some of the advanced settings I have (like mating interval) but it didn't work, so how do I fix that?

    submitted by /u/Gecko_Gaming159
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    A personal review of Genesis part 2.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 10:27 PM PDT

    Gen 2 is a beautiful map with a lot to offer newbies and veterans to the game, but as an experienced Ark player, it is abundantly clear that this map was/is intended to act as (at least) a secondary map after a player has ascended from other maps. One thing to note is that all engrams are unlockable and nothing is restricted even though many of the engrams you can learn seem useless on this map. Examples include but are not limited to foreign saddles like the rock drake and karkinos saddles, as well as tents and adobe structures which have no apparent value unless transferred off of the map. Not only are such engrams useless on this map, but the resources used almost exclusively to craft said engrams are obtainable here. EVERY resource seems to be obtainable in Genesis 2. In addition to the strange variety of resources and engrams, you are given the ability to fly, see in the dark, double jump (infinite sky jumps) breathe and swim fast underwater, "falcon punch" and have no fall damage via a respawning set of tek armor you gain fully equipped by default every time you spawn in or respawn. In addition to these "godly" powers, supply drops all seem to contain extremely random and useful loot from across all expansions and tek tiers. In my 2 weeks exploring the map since Genesis 2's release, I have found (in supply drops) Tek swords, claws, multiple shoulder cannons, multiple tek generators, an incubator, industrial grinder, stacks of 50 of electrical cables/metal pipes of varying sizes, adobe doors, tents, behemoth gates, green/blue/red crystal, tek foundations/ceilings/doors/walls, oil, crystal, primitive-to-mastercraft saddle engrams and plenty more. If you are someone who travels between the various maps from the start of your ark journey, Genesis 2 can seem game-breaking due to the variety and quality of loot you can get. That being said, resources on this map are spread out. Rarely will you find a spot where you can just let loose and mow down a forest or rocky field, and the basic resources can feel a bit more cumbersome to mine for. Oil is scarce-ish. Depending on what biome decides to spawn in the no-gravity asteroid filled "space" zone in the long strip that separates the 2 main biomes that make up the left and right sides of the map, you could be left starved for resources like oil or even sulfur if you use it since every night cycle the resources in this zone shift to 1 of 8 resource types. There are a few new dinos. The maewing is useful for getting around on this map specifically. It can glide quickly and also swim at a decent speed, and it has the ability to act as a feeding trough for babies, adding a new game-changing mechanic for raising baby dinos in ark. Combine this with the addition of an "egg incubator" which tells you the color regions, gender and mutations of each egg placed inside, as well as flawlessly incubating eggs and letting you choose when to hatch them on YOUR command. This means players will no longer have to rely on trial and error with hundreds of eggs hatching to see what pops out for breeding their respective super-dinos. You can know exactly what you are getting from before you incubate your egg... Also the new R-variant brontos look amazing. There are no r-rexes, but that's okay since we have enough variants of those already in my personal opinion.

    In conclusion, Genesis part 2 is a gorgeous map with an abundance of unique places to build and explore but tends to feed you endgame loot and resources on a silver platter from the beginning of your journey. Still, bravo to Studio Wildcard for giving us a fantastic final map to Ark 1, and an epic ending fight/cinematic that ties into Ark 2.

    submitted by /u/Mechlai
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    Sometimes we forgot that just because we can doesn't mean we should.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 06:59 PM PDT

    SOLO Mound Over Matter (Alpha, Beta & Gamma)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    4x Classic PVP style, six map cluster plus an adventure map. Friendly, non Toxic, not crowded. We Help New Players. Epic & Steam enabled. https://discord.gg/2Uqmutw

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:29 PM PDT

    ARK: Genesis Part 2 / MAIN MENU THEME 1 HOUR LONG

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:23 AM PDT

    Lvl 35 trying to tame a pteranadon

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 01:11 AM PDT

    Title says it all, trying to tame a petranadon but I can't do it, any tips?

    submitted by /u/bluepotato215
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    [bug] not able to use mutagel since update and voidwyrms don’t get taming bonus levels

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:55 AM PDT

    Since the most recent update, I haven't been able to use mutagel on unofficial (nitrado/PlayStation). I've tried on everything from snow owls to voidwyrms. It worked prior to the most recent update.

    Single player? Works perfectly.

    Same goes for the voidwyrms with bonus levels from taming. I tamed another 210 and a 198. Near perfect taming and they don't get the bonus levels.

    Anyone else having these issues?

    submitted by /u/jamesthursday
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