• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 20, 2021

    ARK: Survival Evolved Help I've spent all day trying to hatch 3 eggs and now not hatching any ideas?

    ARK: Survival Evolved Help I've spent all day trying to hatch 3 eggs and now not hatching any ideas?

    Help I've spent all day trying to hatch 3 eggs and now not hatching any ideas?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 01:08 AM PDT

    Screams in PvE

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 09:20 PM PDT

    Manifest Destiny

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    Dinasaurs randomly go on aggressive

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    randomly all my dinosaurs (over 30) all go on aggressive for no reason and i have no clue how to stop it

    submitted by /u/_Zacatron_
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    Mod for less ridiculous colors on creatures?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    So I'm hoping someone can recommend a mod that makes it do animals and such dont have such obnoxious colors on them. To each their own, I'm sure for many folks its a bonus, but personally when I see neon dino's running around, it takes me outa the game. I can understand it on fish and feathered creatures, but not on most fur and hide animals, just bugs me personally.

    edit: I was told this is due to the summer bash and should stop being a thing soon

    submitted by /u/Toosdeys
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    Looks oddly familiar

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 11:10 PM PDT

    Texture issue?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 07:26 AM PDT


    I got this texture not loading in the very early start, why is this? every time i login

    submitted by /u/WaarLockDarkey
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    What's wrong with my code to make Alphas drop element?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    For the life of me I can't figure out why this isn't working. Any help??




    submitted by /u/Smooth-Criminal-TCB
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    Weird Lighting/Color Problem

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    Why i should go to the snow?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 07:18 AM PDT

    Got a Fur Suit now, but, i dont know why i should go to the snow

    Theres purlovias there, this thing scares me :C

    submitted by /u/DectorShadow
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    UNRAIDABLE RATHOLES Genesis 2!! (POST PATCHES) Ark Hidden Base Locations

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    Anyone able to help me with getting a incubator apparently I have a glitch where I can't hatch without one and I'm a first time player playing on Ragnarok?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 04:02 AM PDT

    any help would be appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/grumpy_Mike96
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    Any update on when tek stryders will be fixed? Or how to fix? Transmitter has been broken for a while now and we rely on this for upload/download

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 08:40 AM PDT


    Been broken for a while now and we're just wondering if they have even acknowledged it yet.

    submitted by /u/MrBenLad
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    upload via transmitter inventory?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 12:41 AM PDT

    this should be a thing in official. my character's weight has limits and if I want to transmit 10 stacks of large metal walls how am I going to do that in a day? I can only upload 4 times per hour. but I have all the time in the world to grab them all and place them in transmitter's inventory.

    is there a mod that allows you to do this or does a mass upload feature exists somewhere outside of wc's imagination?

    submitted by /u/hiimzech
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    (OVERPOWERED) How To Become a Hexagon Millionair

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 05:17 AM PDT

    Can we talk about dino sounds?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    How come I can hear a Mana from half way across the map.... but enemy Astros blasting me with lasers are silent? When im on an astro the sound is overwhelming, but should another astro comes by It often goes unnoticed.

    Would be super helpful in PvP if you could hear being fired atm just a thought.

    submitted by /u/SacredDemon
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    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 05:21 PM PDT

    I deleted my ARK singleplayer save because I'm stupid and started a new one, can I get the old one back?

    I Got it back Amazing

    submitted by /u/BetaKatWowie
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    ARK Memes

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 11:52 PM PDT


    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 03:48 PM PDT

    So I have been playing Ark for almost a year. I own all the maps and have dabbled in them all. But I would like to do the story. And I can't find any real information on where to begin. I understand it all starts in the island. But does it only consist of finding all the notes and defeating the boss, then I move on. Or is there more. Any tips and all information would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/NotSoLittle-3
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    4.5k hrs looking for a tribe (smalltribes PC)

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 08:39 PM PDT

    looking for a small tribes group with experienced members to play with, I have a level 110 character with the most important tek grams such as, transmitter, teleporter, tek turret and tons of other useful tek grams (sadly not skiff). Haven't played in a year and im looking for a good group of players to join.

    my discord is: Cheeky#8062

    PC smalltribes

    submitted by /u/The_Cheekiest_
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    How to Tame a Quetz Solo

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 08:00 PM PDT


    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    So my friends and I did the island guardians but all but one of us died during the alpha dragon. This means the game didnt count us as completing the fight. I want to know if this will effect the overseer fight. Does this mean the ones who died cant do overseer and di we have to redo the dragon?

    submitted by /u/G0blin-Guts
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