• Breaking News

    Monday, September 13, 2021

    ARK: Survival Evolved Man stole my post,why tho? It wasn’t even popular?

    ARK: Survival Evolved Man stole my post,why tho? It wasn’t even popular?

    Man stole my post,why tho? It wasn’t even popular?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 09:48 PM PDT

    Sad rock sounds...

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 07:48 PM PDT

    Lol I killed bronto and his corpse just floating

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    Looking for friendly players

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 06:27 AM PDT

    Greetings, I am looking for some nice people to play with in a private pve server starting tomorrow.

    There are no other requisites as far as I am concerned other than having ARK on Steam. New players and veterans are welcome.

    submitted by /u/Lord_Zale
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    First Ark video ��

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    Hey guys thought I'd attempt to start making YouTube vids on the game we all love (and hate at times) I'd love you's to check it out and maybe drop a sub. It's nothing special and I'm no neebs or syntac but we tried to keep it as real and fun as possible.


    submitted by /u/PowerRangerAli
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    What are your favorite spots for singleplayer base on The Island?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 07:56 AM PDT

    Just started on The Western Coast and tamed couple of creatures (ankylo, doed, argy and beaver are my best tames) and decided to move my base somewhere else. Which spot do you guys think will be best to build base permanently? Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/verdugoTF2
    [link] [comments]

    Gen 2 can't sync help please. glitched?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 05:37 AM PDT


    I play xbox official, and can't sync on gen 2. My wife is on the same internet and going to the same server and is fine. I did logout close to the Rockwell cave, maybe the spot is glitched?

    any ideas how to fix?

    submitted by /u/Silverbak77
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    Is there a way to clone bees?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    Shadowmane stats for boss fights

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 01:09 AM PDT

    Has anyone bred them up for boss fights? What base stats/leveled stats are doing successful boss runs?

    submitted by /u/StokFlame
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    Machine to CREATE Blueprints

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    Dear Devs, could you add an engram for a machine that can research and develop BPs? Example: a machine that you put an item inside (rex ascendant saddle), then the machine analyzes it and create a BP for it.

    submitted by /u/No_Willingness_351
    [link] [comments]

    Cant seem to find any high level Therezinosaurs?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 06:01 AM PDT

    Can't find ant high level there's on The Island? they're all between like level 12-100, I have difficulty 6 on with a force max level 180 mod, ive found other level 180 dinos but just cant seem to find any there's

    submitted by /u/cosgrove111
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    ark size in square kilomiters?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 11:37 PM PDT

    Hi! I googled it and was sure I found it before but can't see it again but I want to know how big each map in ark is in square kilometers ? (paid and free)

    submitted by /u/Jkanjm
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    ARK Memes

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    My God. Cranked up the difficulty level to 20 and can I even knock this monster out? With a primitive crossbow?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 03:03 AM PDT

    Does fertlizer grow crops faster than poop?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    Cant seem to find any information about this on google

    does fertilizer grow crops quicker or is it just more efficient?

    submitted by /u/cosgrove111
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    Just got this couple from my servers admin shop. What should I name them?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 12:52 PM PDT


    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 02:44 PM PDT

    Is there a command to level up shoulder animals

    submitted by /u/Complex-Avocado-1036
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    Rex Mutation Glitch?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 01:38 PM PDT

    So I'm on the island and I've just started breeding rexes so that I can fight some bosses. I cheated in a egg incubator (cause I'm lazy) and found something interesting. As I was grinding for health mutations one of the eggs had a color mutation, but no level increase or stat increase. I wrote it off as nothing, but then it happens again shortly after. Any ideas on what it could be? (Not a speed mutation btw, I can see if it is in the incubator)

    submitted by /u/Previous-Habit-9808
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    [PC Official] Bloodstalker taming questions

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 05:17 PM PDT

    dododex says that on 1x, these take over 1200 blood packs, but youtubers say this is wrong. what numbers are we actually looking at here on official servers?

    also i hear you need to feed it your tames to raise the taming efficiency. what dinos are suggested? can i just endlessly feed it more dinos until its 100% before finishing off the tame with bloodpacks or will it stop eating them after a certain point?

    submitted by /u/NexGenration
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