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    Saturday, February 26, 2022

    Ark PS4 Friend made some funny poems based on ARK, What do you all think?

    Ark PS4 Friend made some funny poems based on ARK, What do you all think?

    Friend made some funny poems based on ARK, What do you all think?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2022 03:57 PM PST

    My friend worked hard and made a few comedy poems based on ARK, He wanted some people to check them out. This one is my fav -

    " Clam

    Your creative essential for
    crafting electrical appliances.

    Yes, let's put a major high-end
    bottleneck resource deep

    beneath the ocean. Make
    people take the most broken,

    game-ending, bug-oriented
    mount to get there, only to be

    mauled by 20 sharks when
    they finally reach the clams.

    And that's how we discover
    the joys of chowder? As if. "

    The rest are pretty funny as well. This is the link if you wanted to see more https://the-otolith.blogspot.com/2021/11/david-jalajel.html What do you guys think? (Also feel free to share (with credit) if you want )

    submitted by /u/phantomdragon127
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