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    Monday, March 11, 2019

    ARK on Xbox One The Battle for Ragnarok

    ARK on Xbox One The Battle for Ragnarok

    The Battle for Ragnarok

    Posted: 10 Mar 2019 07:16 PM PDT

    I am posting this here as well as I know y'all love success stories :).

    First things first, this is gonna be a long story about my tribes fight for alpha so be ready for a long read. If you like this story checkout my previous one made about three months ago when Extinction released!

    Little bit of backstory before the story begins. My tribe became alpha on a small tribe extinction server after we had a glorious war which i made a post about. After a few weeks of being alpha, we had most of our old friends from a year ago reach out to us and ask to join our tribe. Obviously, since it was a small tribe server, we couldn't accept any of them. We were extremely close friends still and eventually left the server to join a regular PVP server on ragnarok with all of our tribe members back on Ark.

    We aren't a small tribe, we have around 13-15 players but only around 8 of us play daily or semi daily. Still, we were pros at the ragnarok map. We quickly set out to our base location we had a year ago and sure enough it was taken. We spent the next day or two gathering war equipment to force out the inhabitants and we quickly gained control of the land we wanted. Our quick expansion wasn't going unnoticed, and nearby tribes began to scout us out and see what we were doing. Probably every hour we had a ptera flying over us to see our work. Luckily, our position was very well located and we had a vast amount of metal nearby aswell as pearls. With all of these resources, and some of the best players i've seen grace Ark, we efficiently built up a metal base with behemoths surrounding a large area. Our insane expansion growth was now not only alarming to the nearby tribes, but also some of the top tier ones aswell.

    Within the next month, we began growing our contacts, we learned who we can and can't trust and I even formed an alliance from an alpha tribe I met almost two years ago on a different server! We made it clear that we were not trying to hurt anyone unless we were hurt first or had good reason to attack. We also began to get involved with the server's politics at this point and gained a chair in the elder tribe council (top 4 tribes had weekly meetings to discuss politics). It was here that we truly discovered what the alpha's intentions were.

    The alpha of the server would always say how he loved our weekly meetings and how it brought peace to each region of the server (each tribe was in charge of peace in a different region, desert, snow, highlands, viking bay) . However, after a few weeks my tribe began to notice some suspicious behavior. You see, we would normally talk about our plans for war and expansion just so we see what the other leaders would see but we never declared war on another elder tribe. But one week, we realized none of the tribes had discussed their plans for war. This was as much suspicion as we needed to begin to focus all of our resources to gathering intel about each elder tribe's plans. We had our ally as I mentioned earlier spy on the other tribes and that's when we learned that they were forming a nearly impenetrable fortress in the murder murder snow area of ragnarok. They were using alt accounts to gain access into the base where all 3 tribes were stockpiling God knows what (basically, the 3 elder tribes were the same tribe but had the illusion of being 3 separate tribes). The next meeting my tribe and I brought up the fortress we found in murder murder snow and they immediately switched the topic. The next few days, we could see "stray" flyers around our base. We had a very big sense that they were trying to scout us and take us out.

    As we gained new info with every passing day, we became certain that we were being plotted against. Our hidden vaults began to get hit and we decided to act upon ourselves to declare war with the murder murder snow tribe (3 other elder tribes). The good news was that we had time to our advantage. Our tribe members were from various parts of the world, half were from Ireland, some were in Australia, and some in the Americas. So with this, we were certain to atleast have 1 player online at everytime of day. We also had eachother added on discord so we could quickly text about any new info. We spent a good month making small little hit and runs and they did the same but nothing significant was gained or loss. This was all about to change in the coming night.

    It was my turn to raise baby rex's and get their imprints up. Nothing special, I had a timer on my phone so i could always be on time to imprint and my best friend had access to my account if i couldn't make it on time. I woke up at 2am on Saturday to get the kibble cooked for the imprint's and unluckily i needed kibble from a damn dilo and we didn't have that simple dino trained. No big deal as i still had some time to kill. I flew out of our base in my wyvern and immediately noticed a giant army gathering at green obelisk (we were built in the desert islands south of green obelisk). I immediately sent a text and within minutes we had 11 of our tribe members online. Funny little thing about this, two of our tribe members from Ireland our roommates so one of them received the text and shouted in the middle of the night "We're being bloody attacked get on bud!". We gathered all of our kentro's and set them up strategically in our buffers. We had 3 Layers of Behemoths they had to get past with each layer being more and more fortified. I got hold of our only ally which had been with us since the start and they agreed to help us defend. It was all or nothing.

    The war started with some talk between all the tribes. They didn't respect how fast we were expanding and believed we were trying to overthrow them with our growth. We didn't care what they said as they were the ones manipulating us and lying to us. We began to bombard them with wyvern runs, while our rock elementals tanked their FOB's. This first layer took them a long time for them to get through (almost 3 hrs) so we were actually very confident in our defense. The next layer, took even longer and we began to think "is this seriously the best these 3 elder tribes could do"? Dear God we were so wrong.

    The last layer stood between us and our main base. After about 6 and half hours of being under attack, we began to think they were depleted of resources and dinos. That's when we saw a small tribe that lived near green obelisk say in chat "Who tamed a titanosaur". Our hearts sunk, as the last time we saw a titanosaur in action was years ago when our server was wiped. I immediately began to devise a plan. One group would begin to distract the main siege that was at our doorstep while the second group will deal with the titan. We had only one shot at success so everything had to be perfect. With one final word, we set out to fight for our lives.

    It was a bloodbath and dinos from each side were being slaughtered. It seemed like they had an infinite amount and it seemed like we had the same, unlimited amount of dinos to spare. The fight against the titan went on for about an hour or two before it reached the distance to where we can see it from our home. We diverted all power to fight the titan, and with luck, we killed it. With their main weapon gone, the elder tribes drew back and retreated to regain resources. We would spend the next night on the attack.

    We were celebrating with our great defense but realized the war cannot continue. We planned to attack that same night while their supplies were down. This was good as remember it was Saturday so most of us didn't have work in the morning. We gathered an absurd amount of explosives, tamed some more rock elementals, and set out to attack that night. We were greeted with an abundance of rockets, turrets, everything imaginable. Seriously, the work they put into this base was nothing I've ever seen before. Once again, we split our tribe into two groups. Group one would siege the base while group two continued to gather weapons and resources. With our stupendous teamwork, we blasted through their walls that night and destroyed everything they had. Every ascendant gear possible, they had it. We blasted our way into the center of their base and that's when we saw the most bizarre thing. Their were two maps drawn out with X marks. One map had all our hidden base locations, and another had THEIR hidden locations. With this finding we destroyed the maps, as well as their hidden caches. We had officially won the war.

    I couldn't had done it without any of my genius tribe members that were complying with every plan made, no matter how ridiculous it was. We have been alpha for around a week now and have already began to govern the server with fair rules, giving every tribe space to grow and declare war as they wish. I hope you guys enjoyed this read and I'm sorry if this was a little too long haha. If you guys have any tips on how you govern your server, it will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for making such a wonderful game Wildcard where I have met some of the finest men and women, and told some remarkable tales.

    submitted by /u/KevinBowser007
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    Havn't really played since last summer, what's new?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2019 03:59 PM PDT

    I have been working like crazy and now I am off work for about the next year because I got hurt at work....

    Anyway I'm going to have tons of time to play, I own my own server.

    I would like to know what I have missed and what is new in the game?

    submitted by /u/morganpdodson
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    Do you also constantly crash on Ragnarok?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2019 03:42 PM PDT

    I play on a small tribes pvp EU server. Im in America but i have very good internet.

    I crash everytime I play with varying frequency. Typically it is a black screen crash that completely removes me from the game and back to my home screen.

    I play solo and have been raw meat taming my birds. Crashes have cost me my last 3 birds (2 ptera 1 argy). When I crash either a human or wild creature have killed my 2 hour tame before I can load back in.

    Im curious 1. Why do I continue to do this to myself? And really the purpose of this topic 2. Do you experience any semblance or variation of this as well?

    The game is incredibly challenging as a solo player in an official pvp envrionment as it is. It is really crushing to lose my time investments without fault of my own. Anyone else dealing with this?

    submitted by /u/PrimeTime21335
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    Dinos gone on non dedicated server?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 02:06 AM PDT

    Only been playing this for a couple of weeks so I'm still learning most of this game. Me and a buddy play on a non dedicated server, I start it up and invite him in. Our only trouble is any dinos he tamed on our last game are gone when we go back on. All mine are still there though, is this a glitch or am I meant to do something so it saves his as well?

    submitted by /u/Finch37
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    Trouble with Coal on Primitive +

    Posted: 10 Mar 2019 06:29 PM PDT

    So for whatever reason I can't find any rocks that give coal, which I'll need to power the prim+ industrial forge. Is this a known bug or should I contact the server admin to update their game?

    submitted by /u/Nova_Ingressus
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    How can i construct the new S+ flexible wires?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    I got the engram unlocked, which says it's crafted in the fabricator, but I can't find it in the fabricator to create.

    submitted by /u/wafflesmoothies
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    Pve/pvp turret settings

    Posted: 10 Mar 2019 05:01 PM PDT

    I currently am on a server with pvp on weekends and pve on weekdays and my player only turrets are now shooting wild dinos when in pve. Is this a bug or should I have my turrets on a different setting?

    submitted by /u/bigauss56
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