ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Bug Report Monday |
- Daily Community Thread - Bug Report Monday
- Finally after 3+ years of playing on Scorched Earth i finally got a Phoenix. Got extremely lucky and got 3 heatwaves in a row and not hours apart. Tamed at lvl 195(130wild). Finally got my trophy tame.
- Everything you need to know about ARK's story before Genesis
- New post on the Ark forums (Genetic Analysis Record)
- I was inspired by the Viking style ship posted a few weeks ago. A full metal motorboat with 6 turrets and rocket turret for raiding ��
- [Suggestion] Sea creatures lose oxygen when escaping water instead of instant death.
- For those asking: PC Users - To save some space on your Storage Device and compress ARK. I use this and cut the Size by 55-60%. DOWNLOAD LINK in comment!
- Unconscious dinos fighting back?
- How do I fix the graphics? (More details in comments)
- I can’t find a megatherium on Valguero
- What a stats i should get before breeding for mutations ? (Therizinosaur)
- Forced Entry PVP / ORP Weekdays
- A weird target looking thingy also found on the timer...
- What is this?
- My second theory on genesis
- Dismount upon disconnection?
- This game is so broken, it's overpriced, and the developers don't care.
- Valguero Bosses
Daily Community Thread - Bug Report Monday Posted: 05 Aug 2019 06:34 AM PDT Mondays are for bug reports. Please make any reports of bugs you may find in the game here. Wildcard will be keeping an eye on these threads. Information to include: Platform Server What happened when you encountered the bug How long has this been happening? All community rules are in full effect here, so please, no witchhunting! [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 05 Aug 2019 01:30 AM PDT
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Everything you need to know about ARK's story before Genesis Posted: 05 Aug 2019 11:43 AM PDT With ARK: Genesis, the presumed title for the presumed next DLC that will presumably continue or wrap up ARK's amazing story to be presumably announced this Thursday, I thought it was time we recap everything we know about the story of ARK: Survival Evolved. WARNING: This recap will deal with heavy spoilers for ARK: Survival Evolved. If you do not want the mysteries of the ARKs or the ending to this story spoiled, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS. If you would like to know the whole story, I have a four-part recap linked below that compiles over 800 explorer notes into an easy to read story. Part I: The Island in the Sky Part II: The Destruction of the Obelisks Part III: The Call of the Corruption Part IV: Extinction's Salvation Who I Am: I have been playing ARK since about two weeks after it first released over four years ago. When ARK's story first began to come together with the release of Explorer's Notes I leaped in. As I said above, I've read every explorer note, read every decoded piece of text in the game from the Hall of History to Sanctuary City. I'm an expert at everything there is to know about ARK's lore. Element Element is a strange, lightweight mineral that came from beyond the stars. It would appear a meteor storm crashed into Earth, gifting this mysterious element to humanity. It's uses were limitless, and a new age of TEK was born. Cities built on the sites of the Element crashes, such as the Sanctuary, became the most successful and technologically advanced in the world. Yet, there is more to Element than it first seems. Element is alive. It's a living organism that grows and pulsates, and latches onto other life forms, from the smallest ant to the entire planet, like a parasite. Element is more flora than fauna, though. Each use of TEK, the technology that is powered and built upon Element, puts a small puff of element "pollen" back into the air to re-seed. It's unnoticeable in small amounts, but in a century of open TEK-based warfare it could cause some serious damage. Element corrupts in two ways: good and bad. Good corruption is blue, like the charge creatures, bioluminescent zone on Aberration, or the gasbags, Snow Owls, Managarmrs, and Velonosaurs on Extinction. Bad corruption is purple, like the Nameless, the rivers in the Red Zone on Aberration, Rockwell, the Corrupted that roam the Wastelands in Extinction, and, of course, the Titans. Earth Earth, as far as we know, has been split into three distinct eras (according to the Hall of History in the TEK Cave.)
At some point after our modern, the Element comes to Earth and TEK becomes the next step in humanity's journey. The world, according to the survivors on Aberration, seems to be split between the Federation and the United Republics of Earth. According to the survivors of Aberration, the two aren't at blows yet, but with their attitudes it's inevitable. Santiago, one of the survivors, deduces on Earth that the only way for Element to have spread this widely and quickly is a century of TEK-based warfare, which he feels personally responsible for. At some point Earth died, leading to... (Quick Note: It's possible Element was simply more alive than Santiago guessed and this warfare never happened. We don't know for sure, but if there was no war, it would suggest an intelligence in Element that we haven't really seen anywhere else.) The ARKs Earth's Salvation, the ARKs were launched in the wake of the Apocalypse into Orbit. They are pieces of Earth controlled by an Overseer and a Homo Deus to rebuild the population of plants, animals, and humans before returning to Earth and cleansing the corruption of the Element. However, the Element had such a hold on the planet that the ARKs never returned and remain in orbit, slowly falling apart, becoming death traps to their survivors (as can be seen in the Wyvern Trench, Reapers on AB, etc.) Homo Deus Alright, let's clear up some confusion on Homo Deus. The Ascended are a form of Homo Deus. The survivors currently on the ARKs are not Homo Deus. The only true Homo Deus is you, the Player, after you defeat the Alpha King Titan and save Earth. Centuries or millenia ago, some of the homo-deus on Earth gave up their physical form to "Ascend" and integrate with "the System" that runs all of the ARKs. Each ARK is overseen by a Homodeus. Ascending (in the lore, not the game) gives you access to all the vast information in the System and, as has been explained, that information slowly breaks down even the strongest minds until they are virtually nothing. Over the centuries, the Ascended have lost their individuality and ability to manipulate the System. They have become ghostly fragments of the individuals they once were. One Who Waits Helena Walker is the One Who Waits, or She Who Waits (depending on Extinction or Extinction Chronicles). As explained in ARK's explorer notes, Helena had a biological affinity for melding with TEK, as seen with the MEKs in Santiago's notes. When she was guided to the Sanctuary Archive and later when she put the prism in her survivor implant, she began the Ascension process which was completed later when Mei placed her in the Tomb of Ascension. Helena can not directly affect the system, only make minute changes that pile up over time. Resurrection After Helena Ascended, Mei-Yin was the only human left on Earth and she fought on with no purpose or reason. Helena, now OWW/SWW, felt guilty leaving her old friend alone and clawed desperately at someone to help her. In this desperation, Helena resurrected Diana from Aberration, who had died trying to stop Rockwell. Afterwards it took Helena centuries to perfect resurrection and implement it into the System. Yet she warns us, when Earth is fully revived, she won't be able to revive us anymore. Arat Prime Mei-Yin and Diana Altaras, now the only two people left on Earth, head for a mysterious test-site on the other side of the planet called Arat Prime. We don't really know much about Arat Prime. We know it went dark during whatever caused Earth's Extinction, whether that's TEK-based warfare or, as I personally suspect, the arrival of the Titans, just before the ARKs launched into orbit. Whatever it is, it seems this is where we'll get our answers. Genesis That leads us to where we are now, awaiting this mysterious announcement. It does seem that more than likely this is a new DLC that will finish the story started all those years ago. Will we still be able to revive or is the garden not fully healed? Will Rockwell replace the King Titan as the Element's new consciousness? Diana mentions tons of Titans, all servants to the King, spread around the globe, will we fight more of them? Why dinosaurs? We'll see on Thursday... If you have any questions or confusion regarding lore, please leave a comment and I'll do my best to clear it up. I'm only a fan though, not a Dev, so I might not know everything, but give it a shot anyway! [link] [comments] | ||
New post on the Ark forums (Genetic Analysis Record) Posted: 05 Aug 2019 10:42 AM PDT
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Posted: 05 Aug 2019 05:42 AM PDT
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[Suggestion] Sea creatures lose oxygen when escaping water instead of instant death. Posted: 05 Aug 2019 11:43 AM PDT This has been a dumb issue since forever, and it especially bad if you set anything in the water on wander, they can randomly glitch out of the water due to beach collision bugging and then instantly die. When they leave the water they should start depleting oxygen so you can at least get them back into the water, or they can wander back in themselves. It would also be great for there to be a zone above all water surfaces that pushes them down a tiny bit (only like a few inches, not enough to push so rider's head underwater when idling at surface), so they sink smoothly like force applied (not sink them just push them so they're at the top of the water instead of sticking out, rather than just hitting a wall). This would also help prevent megalodons from doing the nose swim thing where they are in a tiny shallow bit of water with nose in it and all rest of body out of the water. They wouldn't be able to beach themselves or anything because the force would push them against the ground and keep them from going too shallow by sliding them back. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 05 Aug 2019 08:12 AM PDT
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Unconscious dinos fighting back? Posted: 04 Aug 2019 11:38 PM PDT So, my internet just f'd me big time and dropped me off my wyvern in the sky on extinction due to the internet giving out, and I also apparently accidentally threw out my cryo'd doedic. Now as Im sitting here praying it wakes up before something comes and eats it, two defense units come along... and my unconscious doedic beats the shit out of both of them. This is not the first time this has happened. I accidentally shot a raptor of ours (we accidentally left him after moving bases, I thought he was a wild raptor at first and was afraid he'd attack a carno I had just downed, rifle with darts was all I had, yadda yadda, I shot him in the head with darts) and he happened to be on aggressive beforehand, and he aggressively continued to slide around on his side in his sleeping model eating things.... I'm just confused lol is this a known bug or like EDIT: wyvern is too high in the sky to call down, don't have spyglass, rip me, me and this doedic will do our best to run back to base for the other wyvern before we get ate lol [link] [comments] | ||
How do I fix the graphics? (More details in comments) Posted: 05 Aug 2019 04:42 AM PDT
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I can’t find a megatherium on Valguero Posted: 05 Aug 2019 12:25 AM PDT | ||
What a stats i should get before breeding for mutations ? (Therizinosaur) Posted: 04 Aug 2019 05:15 PM PDT Hi at the moment i breeding therizino but i don't know what a stats i should get before breeding for mutations my therizino now have 8004hp 1530stam and 320 melee with lvl 248 on start i got this from wild 3 therizino lvl 145 but i don't know what a stats i need from wild parents i thinking about 10kHp 2k stam but i don't know nothing about melee. Thx from advice and sry for bad English i guess 😇 [link] [comments] | ||
Forced Entry PVP / ORP Weekdays Posted: 05 Aug 2019 04:14 AM PDT Server: FORCED ENTRY Map:Valguero 50 slot •Custom Drops •Insta Level / All Engrams •Quick Tame / Breeding / Hatching •Stack Mod •High Harvest Rates •Fast Flyers •Low Food/Water Drain •Balance Boosted Stats •Infinite Weight •Guns Matter •Griffin / Extinction Dinos •High Level Dino Weekends •Titans Released Weekly •Events •PVP • ORP Weekdays [link] [comments] | ||
A weird target looking thingy also found on the timer... Posted: 04 Aug 2019 02:43 PM PDT
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Posted: 04 Aug 2019 03:19 PM PDT
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Posted: 04 Aug 2019 06:52 PM PDT Ok so this one is based of the red border outline it the implant looks to be a aberration implant this is a quick one. System override making u go places ur not supposed to be if makes sense because if abb crashed in earth it would be crumbled on it's on but makes me thinks this even more is that arat prime could have been crashed on by abb causing Rockwell to have the control of that station he could be tricking us into thinking were safe but then trapping us in a broken abb it would make sense cause of red color change red is usually mean bad like a issue. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 04 Aug 2019 12:39 PM PDT Hi guys, I've been having this issue for about three weeks now, where whenever I leave an online or single player game and then join back a few minutes or hours later I find myself dismounted, which is really bad if you were falying really high as even the whistle has a range limit, so I end up having to walk back, get another flying mount just to get close enough to whistle "follow me". I started searching about this on Ark forums, reddit and some other places in order to figure out what's triggering it so I could avoid doing it, but all I can find is that it used to be a common behavior until a certain patch in 2015, now I'm wondering if this is happening to everybody or if, as I thought before, I'm doing something that's triggering it. Any ideas? [link] [comments] | ||
This game is so broken, it's overpriced, and the developers don't care. Posted: 05 Aug 2019 05:33 AM PDT I was flying over the desert biome on Ragnarok filled with ascendant armor after deciding to move my base (This was the last of the payload that had to be transported) when I get some random crash message, but the game still runs, I keep going and when I land on the ground, INSTADEATH, no reason, just death. I'm not gonna play a game that crashes because of things that could be easily prevented. Fix your god damn game wildcard, this is the second issue I've had with your maps in the past 2 weeks (I fell through mesh on extinction while scouting) [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 04 Aug 2019 02:28 PM PDT So I don't have Valguero but I heard it has overworld bosses, is that true and if so can you fight them with gigas, turrets, castle dinos, etc? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 04 Aug 2019 04:03 PM PDT Hey guys So let give you some bg info before going into this. I had this problem before, i fixed it but i dont remember how or what i did. I had to factory reset my pc so it went back to how it was prior to me fixing it. What have i done? - I've added -useallavailablecores and -norhithread - deleted snapshot 16 from files and validated files ("20 files were missing and were reacquired") -underclocked GPU by -200. -OVerclocked GPU (100,200,300,400 MHZ) -Memory OC (300,400,500) -Installed latest NVIDIA drivers. Specs: -i7-8700k (OC'd to 5.0 GHz) -RTX 2070 Geforce -16 GB Ram -500 GB SSD -2 TB HDD -Windows 10 (latest version) Like i said, i fixed it before but it was like 3 or 4 months ago and i dont exactly remember what i did. I thought the -useallavailablecores was the trick but i guess not. I'm all ears for anyone with suggestions. Bummer paying so much for this PC for me to not be able to play one of my favorite games. [link] [comments] |
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