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    Saturday, April 11, 2020

    ARK: Survival Evolved Some people

    ARK: Survival Evolved Some people

    Some people

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    Ark Ragnarok Hidden Base Locations

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    First ever argy. Probably not much to most of you.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    So i hatched this wyvern from egg but its Wild and it has this colour, it dont have mutation. Is it the easter colour?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    Went to tame a Griffin, came back with this majestic beast. I've played since early access on both xbox and pc and this is the first one I've ever seen. I named her Sparkles.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 05:18 PM PDT


    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    I posted a couple of lists a while ago, and the one I'm updating is part of a different thread. I realized that maybe some people won't find it, so I am posting it in its own thread.

    I am playing ARK on Valguero in a PVE private server. This is for anyone who wants to have a campaign on their own or with a friend.

    Use this list and goals to follow or use it as guidelines for your own adventure!


    *Forget levels because they are arbitrary. They help you unlock items, weapons, etc. Your level doesn't mean you'll survive.

    Survive the first night:

    Stone tools and campfire. Kill fish or dodo for meat. And harvest berries.

    Start on beach or island for safety.

    Once you survive the first night:

    Use your resources to make a thatch structure. (You can replace your thatch with wood later) 4x8 is big enough for a bed and storage. (Two levels is ideal to add a smithy and forges later)

    As you make your shelter. Tame a philosaur, trike and anky focus on weight, health, and damage. Speed is good too.

    This will take a while.

    Finish your tames and finish your structure.

    Add a small garden.

    Four small narco farms with compost bin.

    Build a water filter system for your farm.

    Use your anky to farm metal. Use your trike for wood and thatch.

    Philosaur is great for poop. Literally, his job is shit. :D great for your farms.

    Let your meat spoil and once you have your thatch structure...

    Put these in your new home

    Four large storages One campfire Three mortal and stone One table for the mortal A bed A large storage for the bedroom for armor. A training dummy Standing torches for your house Two preservation bins Four large storages for the smithy and forges One smithy Two to four refined forges.

    You should notice that your hair is outrageous. Scissors will fix it.

    Get obsidian for it, so you'll need to explore a bit of the map.

    That means youll need, hide armor and metal tools.

    Make those.

    And now you'll need a pteradatcyl. Make a saddle and boost it's stamina, health, and weight.

    Keep that metal and wood going to upgrade.

    After getting that sexy hair cut, start by looking for a predator to tame.

    Raptors or Dire Bears are a good start. (I use my Trike and Bear for exploration. They're one hit wonders since I've focused their points on damage, speed and health) Make sure you have lots of tranq darts and meat for them.

    Begin to work on making stronger armor and different types for exploration.

    Find beaver dams and get all cement paste. I'd recommend making a beaver farm so you can keep wild beavers there and collect their paste anytime you need it.

    While I was finding Beaver dams, I tamed an Argy to help carry cement paste.

    Make a stable for your old Dinos.

    I personally found that having too many Dinos on my base was overwhelming. So storing them will help unless you just want to unclaim them. But having back-ups are very helpful in case your current dino dies.

    Now that you have your beaver farm and stable, you might want to do a little side mission and pretty up your place and organize your storages with a little paint!

    Make a paint brush and dye! Paint your house, or storages! Or everything you want!

    PLEASE NOTE: if you find a better spot to make a base or take over an abandoned ruin or castle, I'd suggest moving your Dinos there before you really get settled.

    As I convoy to another location, I just tamed a t-rex. These guys are great convoy body guards!!

    Once you are satisfied with your paint jobs, it's time to start ramping up your gear and equipment. Find a couple of dung beetles to use for oil production and begin working on a warehouse for holding your fabricator, valts, etc.

    And if you get another base, or stay with the one you have, you'll need a lot of wood for the future . So taming a Therizinosaurus is a good idea.

    Begin making your warehouse for metal weapons and tools.


    -Three refineries (again)

    -One smithy (again)

    -10 to 20 large storages (paint them to hold your items)

    1. Blue/white/brown - weapons or items that you've made with your fabricator.

    2. Yellow/brown/green - thatch and fiber

    3. Brown/green - wood

    4. Orange/white - flint and stone

    5. Blue/white - metal raw

    6. Blue/white/purple - metal refined

    7. Orange/brown - building materials (walls, doors, rails, fences, etc)

    8. Green/purple/red - oils, venom, blood

    9. Orange/yellow/brown - hides and pelts

    10. Blue/orange/purple - crystals, gels, gems,

    11. Yellow/orange/red - spark powder and sap

    12. Purple/white - cementing paste

    13. Green/white/blue - tech material

    14. Brown/white/yellow - chitin/keratin

    15. All white - misc

    -Two tables w/ (6)mortar and pestle

    I'd recommend building a large storage next to your stables or if you still have storage(s) at your house, keep any saddles there. Also I keep a storage in my bedroom for armor. Keeps things separated and organized.

    Make sure you leave room for chem table, and other equipment later on.

    Well now that your warehouse is beginning to take shape, and you're getting higher weapons and equipment. You'll want to begin upgrading your Dinos!

    ---Here's what I have so far---

    Trike Pteradatcyl Argy Anky Philosaur (3) Dungbeetles *Bulbpup *Spino *Tech Rex Dire Bear Therizinosaurus

    *I got these Dino's while looking for the Therizinosaurus. I fell into the Abberation Cave and spent two days (48 real hours...not game days...) trying to find my way out.

    I'll be replacing my Argy with a Snow Owl (if no snow owl, then straight to Griffin) and then working my way to get a Griffin (and of no Griffin, then just stick with your Argy).

    It'll be looking to replace my Pteradatcyl with a Tapejara then Wyvern (stealing eggs will be hilarious and scary af)

    But I'll be doing one at a time for..who knows how long it'll take me to get armor and equipment.

    **As for taming other carnivorous creatures, I read that getting lots of Ovis' for meat farming is a good idea.

    ***So before I do that, I'm going back to my base to make a sheep pen, tame one male and four female.

    Okay. So here is my plan for upgrading my dinos.

    •Trike > Rhino •Pteradatcyl > Tapejara > Deinonychus > Wyvern •Argy > Snow Owl > Griffin( if applicable) •Anky •Philosaur •(3) Dungbeetles •Bulbpup •Spino •Tech Rex > Giga (that may be impossible. Lol) •Dire Bear •Therizinosaurus

    And since I have a sheep pen, I'll probably tame a Dire Wolf to watch over the sheep for fun.

    The warehouse needs a fun pet too. The Glowtail (may require a hazard suit) and Jerboa. Those guys look like they would be working in a mechanic shop and science lab. Lol

    I also went ahead and made a small wood nursery for when the time comes to steal eggs.

    Nursery dimensions:

    2x2 with walls of 2 high.

    Okay, so my nursery is good to go for now. Sheep are breeding so I have plenty for future tames.

    It's time for me to focus on the warehouse for a few.

    My goals for the warehouse.

    Generator Fabricator Lights Industrial grill

    Windmill to power lights at my house, stable and sheep pen

    Oil pump (I put my oil pump up where the beavers are so when I need cement paste and oil, I can do a supply run for both at the same time). Oil pumps need an oil vein. It's a very specific tan rock with oil leaking out of the bottom of it.

    ***At this point, I was running low on metal and wood, so went on a huge convoy supply run for metal and wood.

    After that upgraded my Pteradatcyl to a Tapejara.

    Next I created metal armor to go back to the Abberation Cave for gas balls and gems. I took my Tapejara and Spino.

    ***Found out that blue gems are high on small cliffs. Impossible for the Spino to reach. Unless you go into the hazard zone.

    I tamed a Ravangar while I was down there to keep my wolf company while looking over the flock. Why not. I named him Anubis after the Egyptian jackal-headed guard dog.

    Back at base, I made a hazard suit and scuba suit.

    I made a spray paint nozzle and painted my armor and suits.

    Next I went back into the Abberation Cave to the hazard zone (your hazard suit deteriorates over time due to the toxic condition. Make sure you keep an eye on it so you're not in the middle of the cave with no protection) to mine lots of blue and red gems. And did some exploration.

    Got myself that Glowtail.

    Okay, so now my storage box is full of gems and gells, I want to explore the lake for fun.

    ***I did some exploration with my Spino since he's great in water, and I found out his lung capacity isn't as big as I first thought. So that made me have to think about taming some sea creature. Which will be fun cause that means I'll have to make an underwater stable for my new Dinos! Sweet!!

    To be continued....WIP

    submitted by /u/MadRedRaccoon
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    Does anybody have any clue if the Chibi pets are able to be spawned in private servers after the event ends?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    Chibi Phoenix

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Anyone managed to get a Chibi Phoenix on the Island from the eggs? Up to 1,000 chibis and no phoenix yet.

    submitted by /u/Ryanoman2018
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    S+ mod troubles?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Playng my own server Ragnarok map and since Yesterday I can't place any S+ structures. Even worse, when I place a S+ foundation it builds a wall. Any idea how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/ntnlabs
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    want to find teammates to play unoff

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    looking for players that know how to play pvp

    if anyway who wants to play pvp im looking for players


    submitted by /u/AshesToNew
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    Dino stuck in the obelisk

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    i just transferred my argen about to go to scorched but the dinos that expired ages ago are just greyed out and i can't reach my argen anymore anybody got an idea how to fix this

    submitted by /u/Conor4200
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    Anyone having weird texture issues on the Island and Scorched?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    Texture on some landscapes is really borked for me, my Scorched Earth mountains look like shiny plastic and the entire Island seems to be missing its ground texture, making it look really drab compared to usual. Even on epic settings these still persist, and I've only noticed them on those two maps. Is anyone else experiencing these, or know how to fix it? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/DefinitelySteveIrwin
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    Least probable breeding possibility just happened to me

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    I am breeding bossfight dodos, just had another casual egg batch and..

    Two mutations at once, base lvl 286 -> 290...

    One mutation increased HP, second one DMG, the only stats I am aiming to improve!


    LOOK AT MY BOIS: https://imgur.com/a/TVWO1uR

    submitted by /u/scammer69
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    Created a YouTube! Started a YouTube new to the whole gaming thing but any help is appreciated, hope to have another video coming out tonight give it a look if your bored a let me know of video ideas thanks :D

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    Looking for Aus players

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    Anyone want to complete Arks in order?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    I've played Ark off and on for a few years, sometimes with friends on local servers and sometimes with tribes but I've never started on the Island, leveled up, got tames/gear defeated the bosses and moved on to the next ark in order how the story is supposed to go. Always have hopped sporadically to one mode/ark to the next. I'd love to find 1-3 people that want to play through the game, ie island -> scorched earth -> aberration -> genesis.

    PSN: Its_me_Lorde

    submitted by /u/DromStor
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    Meet my new favourite tame

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    Black screen saying primalgamedata_bp

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    I just downloaded ark survival evolved and started to play (I am on a mac btw) but when I got to the join thing, my screen turned black... I would hear the music in the back ground.

    there was only one thing on the screen except for the black, a little icon saying primalgamedata_bp.

    I don't know what it means, but I spent 10 dollars and already spent 30 min trying to fix it, so I can refund... Can anyone help me?

    submitted by /u/starboy314
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    Looking for someone to play with

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    Add me on psn @Skreethoe I'm just tired of playing by myself

    submitted by /u/skreethoe
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    Once I’ve got a chino from a dodo bunny do I keep it as if it was a skin?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 09:18 PM PDT

    Why is 1, I, and L censored on the console?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    I hope this is a bug, but I find it odd that all three of these characters are line shaped so I'm thinking this intentional.

    submitted by /u/Delta_Spartan
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    Ark Genesis Stay at Home Survival Series

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    Easter colors on The Center?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    Does anybody know if it's possible to trigger the holiday even spawns on The Center? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Sirius_Bizniss
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