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    ARK on Xbox One where is tek dedicated storage? 1800 slots

    ARK on Xbox One where is tek dedicated storage? 1800 slots

    where is tek dedicated storage? 1800 slots

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 06:26 PM PST

    Me after waiting for the update to finish

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 08:06 PM PST

    Story: My first pvp server

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 09:46 PM PST

    Now, Before this happened to me, I had been playing ark pve for a while now, an i knew all the ins and outs of the game. And this is what happened on my first pvp server

    As usual, I created my character to be tiny and completely black to camo. Th first thing I did when i spawned in was to run around and get exp notes. within half an hour i was level 43. Then I crafted myself a full set of prim gear. Now it was time to put my plan into effect.

    I had planned this beforehand. On the route I had taken, I would be just next to the swamp after the run. I crafted up the parts for a small 1 by 2. Then I dashed through the swamp to the redwoods, and then hid my tiny little base behind the waterfall. I then went out to hunt sarcos, kapros and boas for hide. soon enough, the forge was up and running

    Unwilling to go to the top without hide first, I gathered what I could from the river rocks and crafted myself a set of metal tools. after hunting yet a few more boas, I was ready to go.

    On my way however, I saw a complication. Turrets and plants were littered around everywhere, It was quite dangerous to attempt a metal run. This area had been claimed by the alpha, I knew. I had to go all the way round to get to the metal at the top.

    after that, it was just grinding for narcs. You dont wanna hear it. I tamed an igua with those narcs, and then expanded my base. The waterfall was big enough to fit a tiny dino pen. several axes later, it was done. The igua barely fit, but it was fine, as long as no one found me.

    the next phase of my plan was to build a bigger base. I was originally gonna build it in the redwoods, bu the area is infested with turrets. Instead, I opted for a base in the west of the island. The location I chose was on a cliff, and a stone's throw away to all the resources I would need. It took me a lot of time to finish it, but with the igua to ferry resources, it wasnt as bad as I thought. Soon after that, I tamed lots of things in quick succesion. beezle phioma dilo argie anky. It was great. I had even recruited two new members to my cause.

    My hope was that I could become a trader tribe on the server and everything looked set. I had kibble, cp and tons and tons of metal, MC weapons etc. I was ready to open shop when a giga descened upon the base. Since it was built, I had added metal spikes, plants and bear traps. Still, it was impossible to defend. The attacker was the alpha, I wont say names, but they were pretty jerkish. They wiped lots of noobs and inside their enemies. But hey, It was pvp. The tribe members I had ragequitted. They werent coming back anytime soon , but tame slots amirite.

    It was truly heartbreaking to see all my work disappear, but I had known this was coming. Hey, better pick a better location next time.I escaped on a raft with some metal, cp and blueprints. Next stop? Herbivore island.

    I had scouted the island as a potential second base, and to my surprise it still wasnt claimed. I made a metal 2 by 2 hut and started collecting metal to expand more (cp wasnt a problem i had 5k from beezle) I repeated what I had done last time, but it was much slower this time without my tribemates. After a while, I was back to where I was.

    It was then they arrived. It was a metal raft with a few turrets on it.

    "Hey, were gonna take this base location, screw off before we blow u up"

    I knew I couldnt beat them, so I told them to wait twelve hurs to get a new base up. They agreed grudgingly. I think they didnt want to use their c4.

    But I was not gonna back down without a fight. I called up a few of my ark buddies and irl friends to join me on the server. That day we grinded for about 3 hours each. Just to get a few measley turrets and some c4.

    However, I felt like we were ready. They came at night, their raft like a pale harbinger of death

    "Dude, You said you were gonna go!"

    "No chance."

    They had much more superior gear and tames but we had tactics and bodies. they charged our base with high level wolves, but they kept getting stuck in bear traps, and we picked them off with longnecks. On top of that, They were unable to use rockets due to our new turrets. After we picked off their wolves(yes they only brought wolves, they were idiots), they pulled out assault rifles. But a few dimos took care of that. We blew their raft to pieces and got pretty good gear for it. Best news? My friends had decided to stay and play on the server. We totaled to six people, and that was huge for me.

    That aside, I knew they would come back soon, so I decided the best way to protect myself was with allies

    There was a taming frenzy for a while. Dilo there, scorpion here... our base needed expanding, unable to fit all the tames.Fortunately, we had crops set up and made stacks upon stacks of kibble with the eggs we had. The fact that we had an oviraptor helped too. We began to sell both dilo and scorp kibble in stacks for 500cp or 1000ingots. Soon, newbies were giving us their resouces for the kibble. The expansion of the base went unhindered. Soon, we started selling all kinds of kibble for imprinting and such.

    By then, we had started to gain fame on the server for two things

    1. scaring off the gamma tribe
    2. selling kibble
    3. helping new players

    Everyone liked us, even the alpha. They had been buying kibble off us for a while now, which is like having a shield. I was freeing up tame slots for the alphas to tame gigas and breed. The base was like a fortress now, With turrtes ll round the outskirts of the island, and with turret towers everywhere. A small section of the wall was unpowered, but that was only so traders could dock there. At the slightest danger the turrets would activate and shred everything. So that was why we were surprised to see the leader of the beta tribe pull up on a empty raft.

    We talked lots, but they basically were in a power struggle with the alphas over the volcano. They wanted us to stop selling to the alphas and instead ally with them and supply them with ammo and weapons. In exchange, they will breed rss harvesting tames for us and we would gain access to the volcano for metal.

    The alphas were our biggest buyers, but were also huge jerks. More than once theyve threatened to wipe us if we didnt give them discounts, and the betas seemed like nice people. So i accepted. There was one last thing to do however...

    I told them the plan and we officially allied, it was time to sabotage the alphas

    Custom recipes. Thats what I was gonna use. Id been selling them to the alpha. food recipes, health recipes... they depend on me for the food that their tames eat before battle. So I started selling polymer cakes instead of food cakes and health cakes. They didnt notice.

    Now it was the betas turn.

    They challenged the alphas to a battle at the volcano , and they must have been shocked to see they turned up with frogs.Nevertheless, they ate their health cakes and charged.

    One by one, their dinos started falling

    Hacks, they said. When I told them, they were absolutely livid. Thats where the frogs came in. They didnt take fall damage, and they preserve momentum from the point they jump. one jump from the top and they were safe. We significantly weakened the alphas, but they were still angry. Soon, battle quetz appeared on the horizon.

    It was a significant force we had to fight, but I had faith in our tactics. We waited for them to start soaking with their stegos on a raft...

    Boom! A tuso grabs the stego, and plesios and mosas emerge from the sea, many with rocket turrets on their backs. The alphas did not have many water tames, and we beat them back.

    From then on, it was pretty boring, I simply supplied them with weapons,ammo and kibble. The Alphas had apparently become dependent on us. without us to sell kibble to them, Their rexes stopped being fully imprinted. The betas patrolled the island on pteras to make sure they couldnt tame anything for kibble. On top of all that, They had given us some of their best blueprints so I could make weapons for them. Their tame count was really low and they only had a few battle dinos left. I thrived with my high level harvesting dinos. I mean, I was getting sixty cp a bug from the frogs, and they werent even imprinted. But It was pretty boring. With the volcano ours and the alphas almost wiped, I killed all the alpha bosses and upgraded the base to tek. atleast the betas had tons of black pearls because of the tuso. At the final stand of the Alphas, I was there on a frog, just to mock them. To be fair, I did knock a few dimos with my 300+ frog

    I have since moved on to other servers to be warmongerers, diplomats and even spies. But I still trade with my old tribe frequently cross server. I hoped you like my story

    submitted by /u/Toxreg
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