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    Friday, March 6, 2020

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Weekend Free Talk!

    ARK: Survival Evolved Daily Community Thread - Weekend Free Talk!

    Daily Community Thread - Weekend Free Talk!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 05:12 AM PST

    Hello friends! Welcome to your Weekend Free Talk megathread!

    Talk about whatever you'd like! Your comments need not be related to ARK. Talk about your favorite music, talk about underrated movies, talk about whatever you like (within the community rules)! We will still be enforcing community rules regarding user conduct (reddiquette/civility/witchhunting) and server/tribe listings in this thread.

    You can find the full Daily Community Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    You know?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:13 AM PST

    Comprehensive Mission Loot Guide for ARK: Genesis 1 (w/Spreadsheet) + Feedback on the System

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 11:03 PM PST


    Let's start things off by linking you right to the spreadsheet I've created as a visual guide to loot in Genesis. I've made this to assist our tribe in picking out what missions to focus on quicker, and in creating it I've come to better understand how loot "works" in this DLC.

    This spreadsheet is divided by zone using the bottom tabs, and lists the name of every mission in the zone, the type of mission it is (I've listed them as Boss, Gauntlet, Hunt, Checkpoint, Collection, Race, Fishing, Travel, and Minigame), the currently expected quality range of the items you'll receive, the mission specific drops relating to the mission, and any notes clarifying the broken elements shown in red.

    I'm going to break this post in to three sections - factual statements that help you better understand the loot system, a breakdown of the assumed bugs and broken content relating to the system, and lastly my own personal opinions pertaining to the current system and what they could do to seriously improve it.


    First, let's jump right in to the basics of how loot works in Genesis.

    • There are two kinds of loot in Genesis - random drops that pull from a large table of loot that encompasses everything there is, and mission specific drops that are pulled from a table designed specifically for the mission in question.

    • Every single mission in Genesis has around three specific items chosen as it's corresponding drops. Some have more (usually the ones that include Tek pieces, or harder missions like Hunts and Gauntlets) and some have less (usually Races or Minigames) but for the sake of argument, just assume it's around three.

    • When you complete a mission, you will receive guaranteed items from the mission specific drops in addition to random drops from the larger table.

    • Currently, if you receive any of the new Genesis-specific loot, and if that loot would have rolled Ramshackle quality or above, it instead rolls much much higher Item Quality than usual. This includes Mining Drills, Megachelon Saddles, Magmasaur Saddles and Astrocetus Tek Saddles. This is technically a bug but I put it here instead of the next section because it's an important part of understanding why you'll see what you see when you loot stuff from missions. If you're completing content that seems very easy, and are shocked to receive an Ascendant quality item from this list, it's probably not intended. The coding was just done incorrectly and you're receiving high grade stuff instead of Ramshackle. This occurs in every mission that you receive these from. The Megachelon and Magmasaur Saddles and Mining Drills seem to appear occasionally in the general random loot table, but Whale Saddles only seem to appear in the tables for Moeder and the probably broken Ruffle Some Feathers mission. These items are also able to come in Blueprint form, while other items cannot unless opened from Loot Crates.

    • The random loot table may have more specific parameters (such as tables pertaining to zone, or simply uncommon/rare for the mission in question) but after much testing, it seemed inconclusive and unreliable enough for me not to care.

    • Any time a mission rewards you with loot, if you've completed a mission difficulty tier that's actually working properly (more on that in a second) you'll receive loot with item quality value dependent on the difficulty tier. Typically, Gamma receives primitive up to app with a small chance for jm, Beta receives primitive up to jm with a small chance for mc, and Alpha receives primitive up to ascendant quality. Again, this is only if the mission is working properly, and most of them aren't.

    • Currently all missions only reward singletons and never blueprints, unless it's one of the newer Genesis items as mentioned above.


    Now for the fun part.

    This system is absolutely fucked up at the moment, which sucks because it has the potential to be a lot of fun.

    • Almost every single mission has either entire difficulty tiers lacking proper loot rewards (Alpha on Hunts, Beta on Gauntlets, Gamma on Races) or has broken item quality scaling based on the difficulty. (Gamma through Alpha only reward primitive and ramshackle poopers on Checkpoint missions, Gather missions, Escorts, Race missions and Travel missions). All of this has been noted on the spreadsheet.

    • By only offering primitive and ramshackle quality crap on over 50% of the missions right now, there is almost zero incentive to try and push for higher tier difficulty. This also cripples progress when certain missions in this category contain some of the more valuable loot items in the tables, such as Rex Saddles being handicapped on the mission Hide and Sink in the Ocean Biome.

    • Currently it seems that mission marks that spawn Brute variants that correspond with X-Dinos from Genesis are exponentially harder to kill, due to their X-Dino bonuses relating to the species compounding with the Brute boosts. This makes missions without X-Dino variants much much much easier. Intentional? An oversight? Who knows.

    • The mission Ruffle Some Feathers in the Snow Biome currently has a VERY skewed loot table, unlike anything else I've seen in any of the other missions. It offers ALL of the new Genesis items, such as the saddles, the Mining Drill, the Tek Claws and even the Tek Sensors, while also giving a healthy supply of saddles and armor. All of this gear is also able to be used in a grinder, unlike any other mission in Genesis. Compound this with the fact that the Moeder loot table is kind of shitty, but also offers the Tek Claws, and you probably come to the same conclusion I have - somehow, the Moeder loot tables have flip-flopped with the loot tables for Ruffle Some Feathers. This is almost certainly unintentional. Take advantage of it while you can.


    First off, let me start by saying that I've invested time in studying this because loot is one of my favorite chases in ARK. Hunting it out has been one of my hobbies for years now in this game, and I was thrilled at the notion of this new mission system and what it could mean for the game. Sadly, the current system does not live up to the hype for me, and I'll explain why.

    • Every time new content in a game is released, the goal for the overall design of the content should be to raise the bar, even if it's ever so slightly, to keep us interested and engaged as players. This has happened with almost every major DLC - after Island, Scorched Earth introduced new caves with decent Item Quality and new blueprints. Aberration raised the Item Quality caps by introducing new, spicy loot crates to hunt in the surface section. Extinction literally dropped down on our heads with insanely valuable Purple Orbital Drop defense waves, creating some of the best loot we've ever seen in the game. Genesis... unfortunately takes like five steps backwards. If the currently only working Alpha mission loot from Gauntlets are any indication, the Item Quality here simply is not very good. It's especially not worth it when you consider how difficult these Alpha missions can be - this is some of the hardest content I've ever seen in this game. These Alpha Hunt missions are genuinely harder than Dragon, Manticore, Rockwell or Moeder. The fact they drop loot weaker than even the Aberration surface drops means we're taking steps backwards beyond 2018... when transfers open up in a few months, what would keep me playing on this map? Why would I want to continue running any of these missions or aspiring to even remotely attempt the Alpha missions if I can simply get better loot from loot crates in caves or on the surface on other maps? The power creep just isn't here for how hard this content is.

    • The complete lack of blueprints in these loot tables baffles me. Blueprints are way, way too unreliable from the "Loot Crates" in the Hexagon shop (more on those later) to justify completely pulling them from these tables. These missions SHOULD be rewarding singletons OR blueprints to make progression more streamlined. It's just weird in it's current form and, again, not something you'd ever want to farm unless you ABSOLUTELY had to.

    • Whoever designed the mission specific loot tables on these either doesn't really actually play or understand this game, doesn't understand how to assess proper reward for the difficulty, or just doesn't really like us as players. Why are the Tek Suit pieces not tied to Moeder + the four gauntlets? Why are the specific items tied to some of these so hilariously awful? Take the Lunar Gauntlet for example... Pachy Saddle, Paracer Saddle and Riot Legs as the specific drops? Really guys? Why are so many of the items in these tables relating to dinos not even found on the map? Titanosaur Saddle? Giga Saddle? Gacha? Quetz? Meanwhile where the fuck are Tuso, Therizino, Yutyrannus or more of the obviously relevant dinos in the specific loot tables. Why are these nowhere to be found? Who thought making two out of the three specific drops for the mission "Who Hid the Squid?" Cloth Hat and Cloth Shirt was a good idea? Is this just straight up trolling? Stone Axe and Stone Pick quality drops IN END GAME CONTENT MISSIONS guys? Seriously? What, was there some rule of not being able to put each of the Flak pieces in more than one mission each?

    • The difficulty tiers that are currently rewarding zero loot really need to get fixed ASAP. The missions offering absolutely nothing above Ramshackle regardless of difficulty also really need to get fixed ASAP. Something like 70% of the missions reward loot with such bad quality that beach bobs wouldn't even waste time trying it on Gamma. The other 30% are flooded with useless d o g s h i t items no one in their right mind would ever farm for. This is not good.

    • Astrocetus Tek Saddles with Item Quality is something we've wanted to see for a long time! Now just toss us a bone and add Shark, Rex and Tapejara Tek Saddles with Item Quality! This would be a great map to include these in, maybe have them be Alpha tier only in some of the more difficult missions?

    All in all, the mission system has a design that makes sense and theoretically I really like it - loot tables designed for each specific mission that allow you to laser focus farm the exact pieces you'd like to hunt for. Great! That sounds awesome! I've always wanted something like that! Now we just need to work on the fact too many of the high tier ones reward literally nothing, the majority of them are broken and don't scale quality with difficulty, make them actually reward blueprints so we can care 100x more about what we're looting, and dramatically increase the overall value of the stuff we're receiving for these absurdly difficult Alpha challenges, and we probably have a winner here.

    Good luck guys and happy hunting!

    PS. The Loot Crates seem to operate on the 10K being the Fishing Loot Table, the 20K being the Yellow Orbital Drop Table, and the 35K being the Red/Purple Table (I'm not sure which because the difference is like one or two items, but it's probably the Red table). Hopefully this helps you pick the right one if you're looking for specific loot. Why they thought using loot tables that include items like Mana and Gacha saddles from other maps is beyond me though... they should have used cave loot tables instead, but I digress.

    (Also, Wildcard if you read this you should seriously consider allowing me to help beta test future releases. I have years of experience giving critical feedback under NDA and would have no issue communicating stuff like this directly to you before a launch in an effort to help make the game the best it can be instead of having to throw it up on Reddit like this instead. I may seem a little spicy here in the post at times but that's mostly because I'm operating as an individual and a player on my own; if given the opportunity I think you'd find I can be very professional and serious about giving thorough critical analysis and paid-level quality testing and feedback. Just a thought! Keep doing what you're doing, Genesis is great.)

    submitted by /u/daymeeuhn
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    Tamed Bloodstalkers have their name changed when you're drunk

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 11:18 AM PST

    I wanted to drink some beer in ark for fun, then I noticed my Bloodstalkers have their name changed.

    They turned into "JUST LIKE A BUNCH OF EVIL", "Bloodletty Spaghetti", and "Captain Sucky".

    I tried looking this up but I was unable to find anything so I think I discovered this. If you have beer and Bloodstalkers be sure to try this to see what your names become.

    I'm wondering if this happens to any other creature in the game.

    submitted by /u/StormSlayer101
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    What a beauty

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 02:48 AM PST

    What a beauty

    Didn't even realize Tek Quetzal's existed. Felt like i had no other choice but to try to tame it!


    submitted by /u/darkhalls
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    Human/Dino Centipede.... Got back to base... this is what was happening ROFL

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:13 PM PST

    That moment when you’re playing the latest DLC in ARK in 2020 and realize there’s no Achatinas in the latest swamp biome, setting your Cementing Paste farming back to the Stone Age

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:18 PM PST

    How easy is gamma moeder?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:29 AM PST

    Is it soloable? How about with a Basil with 30k hp and 659% melee?

    submitted by /u/jjolin01
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    Blood stalker controls for Xbox

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 10:19 AM PST

    Help please

    submitted by /u/MakeGooder
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    Save files for singleplayer

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:02 AM PST

    I today thought to myself how much better singleplayer would be if I could just save the game.

    Yes you could exploit it but its singleplayer, its your own fault if you ruin your own experience.

    Im sure you could find just a save but thats not the case with consoles. What I do is just close the game and it will throw me to the last save, which can be good or bad.

    Why should this be feature? For fun and bugs. Honestly I want to be able to save the game because some bugs ruin my experience of the game. Important things falling trough the map, unconscious dinos disappearing and etc.

    If any devs are in this sub it would be a nice addition to tlc 3. Pls, very pretty pls.

    submitted by /u/RedditSucksDick9000
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    Ini against snowstorm Genesis??

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:43 PM PST

    Anyone with that ini??

    submitted by /u/lucastepetri
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    Searching for a pvp partner

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:25 PM PST

    Hey there,

    I really want to play pvp, but it just makes more fun to play together. I have 500h experience in ark.

    I speak german and english.

    If you are interested, just text me

    Steam: Terrier2002

    submitted by /u/Terrier2002
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    Is this base spot any good?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 11:53 AM PST

    Hi guys. I was just looking for some pvp base spots on youtube on Rag and i found this decently sized cave called the skellet canyon cave at 20 29 ( i know its well known dont piss me off about it XD) and i was wondering if any of you know if its good and have built there in the past as im planning to build there on a new server thats gonna wipe? Thanks

    Heres a vid of it? I know its in a weird language but ok. I'm gonna be in a 3-4 man tribe btw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRoEvJCWdpA&t=38s Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/AlRahivi
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    I am sorry, but what now? Never posted anything, never been on official servers what in the world is happening?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 10:35 PM PST

    Looking for others to play on smalltribe somewhat casually

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:30 AM PST

    I prefer to just enjoy the survival and looting stone bases from time to time.

    Im playing on EU servers most of the time on Ragnarok or Island

    submitted by /u/Dreyall
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    Inconsistent Slingshot damage

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 11:16 AM PST

    Recently started a new playthrough but for some reason i've been getting very inconsistent slingshot damage. Headshotting a parasaur deals around 3 damage for 8 / 10 shots (which is significantly lower than the slingshots base damage of 14) while it also deals 28 (proper 2x headshot damage for slingshots) 2/10 times the only settings ive tweaked is player harvest damage although damage seems not to be the case as it still sometimes hit proper damage values. Has anyone actually experienced this? its pretty crazy cause i can't even knock out a level 9 parasaur within the duration of a single bola.

    submitted by /u/SkarJino
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    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 11:02 AM PST

    HEXAGON SPAWN CODE | Ark Genesis Hexagon command

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 10:47 AM PST

    Element on Genesis

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 06:52 AM PST

    Are there any other ways to get element on genesis aside from mining it in shards in Lunar?

    What's the best dino/tool to gather it? I've had the best luck with an anky but haven't tried many other dinos. Maybe a magmasaur would do well also? Perhaps a mining drill?

    Thanks for the feedback!

    submitted by /u/Friedrich_IV
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    Help - Unlocking Tek Engrams

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 10:08 AM PST

    So quick question, as I'm not really finding any clear answers. To unlock Tek Engrams, more specifically the armor. I need to beat the bosses on different maps, correct?

    Does beating these bosses HAVE to be on an official server, or can they be on unofficial player servers?

    Been gone for a while, but doing Genesis now and getting Tek Armor Drops that I can't wear because the engrams aren't unlocked. So trying to figure out the best way to gain access so I can wear them.

    Thanks for the help in advance. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/witty725
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    Loot crate 2 or 3 isn’t dropping tek rep.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 05:23 AM PST

    Unofficial server. Same character I've brought from the beginning and defeated the bosses. I have the rep engram unlocked. I have mods and installed same mods into a single player game. Tek rep drops there for brand new character without the engram even. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/mr_jawa
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    Don't ask how I managed this because idk... just pleeease help me GET THIS BLOODY THING OFF!!!!!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:44 AM PST

    why im quitting small tribe servers

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:29 AM PST

    official genesis small tribe pvp 107 is infested with 4 different tribes of chinese players, playing 24/7 in shifts and teaming. i dont know if anyone else has reported it but i have several times. its BLATANT cheating and game breaking. anyone who teams is a piece of shit but thats just how small tribes are now.

    submitted by /u/viran2068
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    Can Tusos grab the Megachelon?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:19 AM PST

    Title really, I just want to know if the megachelon would be an effective bait for tuso taming due to their high HP.

    submitted by /u/Umber0010
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    What's your opinion about the Mining drill?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 04:05 AM PST

    I just tested it today and it's feels very bad. It was my most waited thing in Genesis 🤣

    submitted by /u/Crymric
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