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    Sunday, March 1, 2020

    ARK: Survival Evolved FROM THE TOP ROPE

    ARK: Survival Evolved FROM THE TOP ROPE


    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:07 AM PST

    Y tho...

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 05:28 PM PST

    Taming Bloodstalkers like crazy... My tribe is now a suicide cult.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:57 AM PST

    How fucking annoying is this?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:04 AM PST

    Bloodstalker Abilities/Weaknesses/Suggestions

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:40 AM PST

    Bloodstalker Abilities/Weaknesses/Suggestions

    The Bloodstalker

    Probably one of the most technical/experimental tames introduced to the game. Please see below for what I've found, as well as possible tweaks that could make it even more interesting, as many of these abilities can already be combined for enhanced uses. Feel free to add your own insight or criticisms!


    Current abilities

    • Standard climbing ability (can store on wall/ceiling if you need the space)
    • Extremely fast (more so with imprint, haven't tested movement speed increases)
    • Spider vision (Predator vision) actually very helpful when looking for threats or tames
    • Parachuting/Gliding (only straight down unfortunately)
    • Bullet Jumping/Double Jumping
    • Web Swinging (requires considerable practice, amazing in large caves)
    • Grappling/dragging prey long distance with webbing. You can dismount at any point during eating animation to assist in killing. Check the grab section for a list of creatures that can be grabbed. Can drag player friends/enemies around as well (thanks tsolron!)
    • Water walking/swift swimming mode and unique stance that can be switched between. Water walking still allows attacks, enabling you to attack underwater threats. Has an attack animation underwater, it does damage!
    • Taller stance when equipping a weapon or tool (this doesn't seem to work when climbing)
    • Will drain player health at 25% health for healing. Has unique stance animation to show it is aggressive. Drain wont work if friendly fire is off.
    • First breedable bug in the game with the eggs being immobile clutches (cannot be picked up normally)
    • Default dark coloration (dark greens and browns) helps them blend into most terrain (beneficial for pvp)
    • Can attack while strafing, this does not impede movement. Useful for sneaking hits in while zipping by.
    • Immune to fall damage



    • No saddle (imprint damage reduction is all you get)
    • Unimpressive/low health
    • Unimpressive/low damage (even with imprint buff)
    • Grab attack can only be canceled by using the prone hot key (x) if you're mounted. If you dismount or forget to do this your tame will be extremely vulnerable. (thanks tsolron!)
    • If you are reeling someone in, taking any damage will immediately break the webbing.
    • Will start to kill/drain the owner when ridden at low health (have heard reports of it being particularly lethal)
    • Practice with web swinging is required to fully utilize, messing up will likely get you killed if caught
    • Fast speed may make it hard to react properly/difficult to control
    • Mediocre turning whilst swimming
    • Player is held up when aiming and otherwise center mass (likely to get shot/sniped). The player is also right in front of another player if they don't dismount when grappling someone else. This can go either way, but if you grab someone with a superior weapon, you may be in trouble.
    • Aggros smaller predators (sabertooth,scorpion, etc). This includes underwater threats that will aggro even when walking on water.
    • Is generally unpleasant to look at if you don't like spiders.
    • NOT ALLOWED ON ABERRATION (where it would have been most amazing)
    • Not immune to radiation? (not confirmed)



    • Turret mode: PVE on aggressive, could be used to easily protect players from pests (seagulls and pegos). Could also be utilized in pvp to drag players into turret range if they're riding a soaking tame (this is negated by boxes). Of course if you aren't careful the enemy could just snipe it if you leave it out, so it's not without counters.
    • Taller stance when climbing and aiming a weapon: Just to match how it behaves when walking normally.
    • Dangling the player from webbing: If the bloodstalker is anchored to a wall or ceiling, have it able to lower the player with its webbing, not dissimilar to the crossbow grappling hook (thanks dodoraptor!)
    • Blood bag collection: You tame it with bloodbags, if you grapple something or someone you'd think you could get blood bags that way to tame more easier.
    • Mobile Parachuting: Being able to slowly float down in other directions would be nice
    • Web bola: Could be used to escape
    • Taunt: Just a hiss or something to spook someone. It uses a bunch of buttons already, but could be something fun.
    • Fishing from its back: It can walk on water after all



    The Bloodstalker already has an impressive array of abilities, with what it can already do and the animations it already has, I don't see why it would be too hard to add these tweaks (some of these may be bugs though).

    For people concerned about it being OP for PVP, it isn't anywhere near being the next managarmr. Please refer to weaknesses, they are mainly for surprise attacks and scouting. Yes it is incredibly fast, but have fun getting through the turret bullet storm without armor. Even if you make it to the wall, the bloodstalkers pitiful damage isn't going to get you in alone. The web swing is very skill oriented, so it doesn't just boil down to who bred their spider the longest. If you can't swing around as good as your opponent you're going to be at a disadvantage. He could just as easily web you off your mount.

    The Bloodstalker is honestly what sells the DLC for me. Considering everything that it can do, the numerous unique animations it has (I think even the baby stages have different models), and how it looks in general, this tame has quite a bit of character to it. For example; I can sit on a wall, latch onto a dodo, drag said dodo into the water to lure a shark, switch to weapon while all of this is going on to shoot the shark, and lastly jump from the wall web swing skid across the water, eat both the victims, turn 360 degrees while walking on water, submerge, and wiggle squid swim away. Frivolous and excessive? Sure. A pain to do all at once? Yeah. But I thought it was cool. It can snipe/target creatures easily that traditionally were annoying, which is absolutely amazing!


    Ensnared Creatures

    A creature highlighted in white (spider vision) will be able to be grabbed to help figure out what you can take on. See just below for an entire comprehensive list:

    Achatina, Ankylosaurus, Araneo, Archaeopteryx, Argentavis, Arthopluera, Baryonyx, Beezlebufo, Bloodstalkers? (all light pets?) Castoroides, Cinadaria(you'll get stunned), Compy, Coelacanth, Daeodon, Deinonychus? Dilo, Dimetrodon, Dimorphodon, Diplocaulus, Direwolf, Dodo, Doedicurus, Dung Beetle, Enforcer, Eurypterid, Eel? Equus, Ferox? Gacha? Giant Bee(outside hive), Gigantopithecus, Glowbug, Griffin, Hesperornis, Hyaenodon, Itchyornis, Iguanodon, Jerboa, Jug Bug, Kairuku, Kaprosuchus, Lamprey? Leech, Lymantria, Lystrosaurus, Mantis, Megalania, Megaloceros, Meganeura, Mesopithecus, Microraptor, Molerat? Moschops, Nameless? Jug Bug, Onyc, Otter, Oviraptor, Ovis, Pachy, Pachyrhinosaur, Parasaur, Pegomastax, Pelagornis, Phiomia, Phoenix? Piranha, Procoptodon, Pteranodon, Pulmonoscorpus, Purlovia, Raptor, Ravager? Sabertooth, Sabertooth Salmon, Sarco, Scout, Seeker? Tapejara, Terror Bird, Thorny Dragon, Thylacoleo, Titanoboa, Troodon, Velonasaur, Vulture

    Creatures you should be able to grab based on size and the current creature list:

    Carbonemys, Carno, Chalicotherium, Dire Bear, Gallimimus, Ithchy (highlighted but cant grab), Manta (highlighted but cant grab) Megalosaurus, Snow Owl (id trade it for the griffin) Titanomyrma(too small to target), Trilobites (highlighted but cant grab)

    You cannot grab alpha raptors. This is fine considering you can grab pretty much everything else.

    Grappling on wall

    Additional Images


    Using a dodo to fish for sharks

    Bloodstalker Baby

    Bloodstalker Egg

    Player elevated by Bloodstalker when holding tool/weapon


    Catching a Griffin..?

    Araneo will find it's niche someday

    Thylacoleo, another victim

    Cnidaria can be grabbed, you may get stunned however

    More Diving

    An example of its natural camouflage, truly an apex predator.

    Pegomastax can be killed twice at once

    This post was made to help explain the strengths and weaknesses of the Bloodstalker, in the event you want to tame one for yourself.

    Link to Bloodstalker wiki for even more information

    submitted by /u/killerpumpkin
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    That doesn’t look good

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 01:42 PM PST

    Been playing for a month or so. My first try at mutations and liked how it came out :)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:58 AM PST

    Ark's Size and Lack of Compression

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:08 AM PST

    Part of the problem with Ark is that there's too much being used on the computer. Visual settings are not optimized, in many instances sound is the same way. With a lack of visual optimization, this causes graphics cards to run hotter to achieve the same settings that other games get when their developers show a bit of competence with coding and the like. Ark's developers for the majority of this game's development have been nothing more than overpaid asset flippers, showing a complete lack of awareness with problems in their game. Meshing continues to be a thing, as does duping. Rather than fix what needs to be fixed, they continue to push subpar expansions that might get a few twelve-year-olds excited for a month or two, but then it simply loses it's flavor and people go back to....what? Extinction was a flop, with even Neebs Gaming, despite playing everything but Abberation for the better part of a year each saying that it was an unfun experience and moving to Valguero. It seems that the players prefer these free maps made by people that actually care about the game, and offer it to use for free, rather than the expansions they have to pay for and provide limited entertainment value beyond "Oh look, new creatures."

    Almost three years ago, one of the biggest problems was brought up in a Digest that Jeremy Stieglitz (the most inept person you'll ever meet when it comes to running a company, let along developing games...remember, he cost the company $40,000,000 in their first year because he's an idiot) answered, in which he stated that there was a strong argument to be made that the non-seekfree content (the content downloaded when you first install the game that is necessary to run mods and the modding workshop) should not be a mandatory download.

    Source: https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/forums/topic/234413-community-crunch-101-ark-digest-48-introducing-the-phoenix/&tab=comments#comment-1340204

    Since many people play on official, unmodded servers (for whatever reason) it makes sense. But that's not the only problem. You are forced to download the expansions--all of them--when you do a fresh install, whether or not you intend to play them. Accordingly, you download an extra:

    • 10.8GB for Extinction

    • 7.09GB for Abberation

    • 17GB for Genesis

    • 5.30GB for Scorched Earth

    That's almost 40GB for expansions that you either may not be playing, or you haven't even bought (in my case I refuse to buy Genesis, as I refuse to give more money to a company that has a broken foundation and continues to build on top of it). That's 40GB of a 102GB folder (Content) in a 210GB download. In classic fashion, Wildcard continues to ignore these glaring issues while telling us it will all be okay, and they gear up for Ark 2, an inevitability considering they were talking about it before the game even left early access.

    Most games come pre-compressed so that this doesn't become an issue, even on Steam. For the players, we have to download a third-party application to manually do this, because Wildcard continues to make up excuses as to why they won't or can't (and before anyone says anything, this has also been an issue with Atlas). As I stated, developers at Wildcard seem to show competence barely above asset flippers. Optimization has never been a priority, and it will never be one, because they know that people will fork over money for expansions that move this game away from what it used to be: dinosaurs and base building. Every day threads pop up about a new meshing manner, or some new broken aspect that Wildcard brushes aside. "We'll fix it eventually, and it either doesn't get fixed, or it's a problem that the few streamers still playing this game showcase, laugh at them for and then someone has to fix it.

    Basics aren't being done, and until people stop giving them money it won't be done.

    submitted by /u/Spectre_06
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    Beginner group

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:50 AM PST

    My friends and I just started this game last night and we are welcoming anyone who would like to help us understand the basics of Ark Survival. We play on PC and we started a private world before we go in PvE

    submitted by /u/PolyMathPC
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    List of currently known bugs/changes from Genesis release

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 11:23 PM PST

    Seen a lot of information kind of just floating around, not much in the patch notes. This is most of what I currently know.


    • New dino colors ID 57-100!

    • Wild raptors can no longer pounce (finallly)

    • Most event content removed from the game; using ActiveEvent no longer works due to removal of assets (including the event color chance on newly spawned dinos). Mods that had references to the vanilla event content may crash

    • 🚫 symbol on some items resulting from the "force prevent grinding" flag

    • Rock Drake internal changes that caused certain mods to crash

    • cheat fly speed massively increased

    Bugs (Confirmed)

    • Multiple spawners broken in non-dedicated - see below for list.

    • Deinonychus Saddle engram removed from the game

    • Projectile weapon damage disregards weapon quality (unsure if fixed)

    • Ferox using Jerboa taming settings (resulting in it being a very easy KO tame and possibly not actually getting taming % from Element the other way)

    • Bloodstalker/Megachelon taming unaffected by server settings

    • Supposedly some other passive tame species affected by the above

    • Unable to re-mount on dino after fixing a glitch if the dino is too close to the spot where the glitch originally was

    • HLN-A getting stuck on emotes in non-dedicated

    • Certain transfer situations will wipe all Genesis mission completion data

    • Buggy Ferox climbing mechanics and falling through the mesh

    • Unknown cause: Bloodstalkers going above 100% taming progress and not taming

    • Some unusual results from GPS coords vs actual map location (seems to be offset somewhat?)

    • Teleporting with HLN-A often not taking the dino with the player

    Bugs (Unconfirmed)

    • Tamed Ferox despawning on restarts (possibly fixed?)

    • HLN-A teleporting randomly making dinos vanish (may be in another map location)

    • Transferring maps resetting levels/preventing XP gaining

    • Issues with the Mindwipe Tonic cooldown timer

    • Items/Structures/ect previously painted with dyes changing colors

    • Insect Swarm health may have been buffed instead of nerfed accidentally

    • Insect Swarm damage was likely buffed as well

    • Swamp Fever no longer curable by server transferring

    • Ferox randomizing their levels/imprinting/mutations/ect. when changing forms

    • Console only: Creatures unable to use attacks on index 2 (reaper tail spin, karkinos throw, ect.)

    • Snow biome resources not scaling properly

    • Issues with Karkinos and lunar biome gravity retention

    • Invisible Astrocetus on non-Genesis dedicated servers

    • Ferox Drag Weight unchanged between forms

    • Plant X not targeting insect swarms

    • Mining Drill sound persisting

    • Console only(?): Invisible Attack Drones/Defense Units on Lunar biome

    Broken Spawners

    In singleplayer these spawners are broken and do not spawn anything, leaving certain creatures impossible to find.

    • Gen1_Lunar_CaveWater_DinoSpawnEntries_Cave_C

    • Gen1_Bog_Water_DinoSpawnEntries_C

    • Gen1_Arctic_FrozenWater_DinoSpawnEntries_C

    • Gen1_Arctic_LakeArea_DinoSpawnEntries_C

    • Gen1_Arctic_LakeArea_OttersOnly_DinoSpawnEntries_C (worked on first load then never again)

    • Gen1_Bog_Forest_DinoSpawnEntries_C

    • Gen1_Bog_Canopy_DinoSpawnEntries_C

    As a result, the following creatures do not spawn ANYWHERE in Genesis on non-dedicated, but show up on dedicated servers: X-Sabertooth Salmon, X-Otter (sort of?), Karkinos, Castoroides, Lamprey, Leech, Piranha, Kapro, Sarco, Baryonyx, Kairuku, Meganeura


    • Riding flyers is disabled by default on Genesis. You can tame them, but not ride them. (Config below)

    • Insect Swarms will destroy planted crops

    • If you are inside the volcano while it is erupting, you will be instakilled. You get a notification that it's erupting long before it actually starts however.

    • Baby Magmasaurs require Ambergris as food - it's harvestable from green rocks in the Lunar Biome

    • Magmasaur, Bloodstalker, Ferox, and Megachelon are breedable. Magmasaur requires being in lava and Ferox requires 100% addiction. Bloodstalker eggs cannot be picked up.

    • There are Leedsichthys in the Ocean Biome and they do target rafts (but not ocean platforms), however they are fairly rare and spawn so deep underwater that rafts are often out of their natural targeting range.

    • Tek Triceratops and Tek Giganotosaurus have been added to the game, leaving only the Tek Mosasaurus left to be added. However, the Tek Giga does not actually spawn anywhere, while the Trike spawns in the Lunar biome with many other Tek creatures.

    • There are no Lunar biome variants except for the Sabertooth Salmon, which has both a normal and a "rare" version.

    • Land creatures in the Ocean biome appear unusually passive - Ichthyornis and Pegomastax don't attack unless provoked, and Archaeopteryx/Mesopithecus don't flee on sight.

    • Players have significantly reduced oxygen consumption while in the Ocean biome. If you run low on either that or stamina, find one of the floating bubbles as those completely restore both. Players also have increased speed in water.

    From patch notes:

    • Building is now enabled in mission areas by default on Unofficial Servers (no longer need to use the aforementioned ini to change it)

    • To disable building in mission areas, add the following setting to your Game.ini under the ShooterGameMode section: bGenesisUseStructuresPreventionVolumes=true

    • Unofficials can now using flying creatures by adding the following setting to your GameUserSettings.ini under the [ServerSettings] section: bForceCanRideFliers=True

    submitted by /u/AuntLio
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    Identification Needed

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:29 AM PST

    I love how some of the lunar islands have names from Critical Role.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:39 AM PST

    I saw Vecna and immediately thought d&d, and then Vax' Ildan showed up.

    submitted by /u/EternalPain791
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    Insect Swarm Defense

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:11 AM PST

    Hey, has anybody found a way to keep insect swarms away from their base? I really don't mind if they bug me, but they keep flying into my base or spawning near and attacking my tames. I just wanna keep them away from my shit lol

    submitted by /u/Pumpkaboi
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    Genesis: Ziplines completely broken

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:57 AM PST

    As title says, you can no longer use ziplines in Genesis. You can shoot the zipline anchors , and craft the motor. But it won't work when you mount the zipline. Not sure if other maps are affected by this either. Only tested Genesis.

    Do they even playtest these things?

    submitted by /u/Roseveld
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    is this a mesh exploit? " found in my cave"

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:36 AM PST

    [Unmodded] Some Genesis Spawns not Occuring

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:35 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    At first I thought it was a mod issue, thus I disabled all of my mods to test but the situation remais...

    I'm not getting some dinos on Gensis, as far as I detected:

    Baryonyxes, Kapros and Sarcos are missing from Bog Biome (which could be considered a blessing, I guess?)

    Karkinos, Nameless and Reapers are missing from the Lunar Biome Caves (or surface, in case of the Reaper).

    There might be other dinos missing that I'm not noticing. What is weird is that all of them are spawning normally on other maps and I don't have any config that would imply on them not spawning.

    Does anyone has any idea on how could I fix it?

    submitted by /u/DoctorFowl
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    How to convert element shards to elements in genesis?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:42 AM PST

    as it says in title How to convert element shards to elements in genesis?

    submitted by /u/HrkiGV
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    PSA: Remember to report bugs on the official website - In addition to just complaining about them, make yourself heard.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:20 AM PST

    Have they said anything about fixing insect swarms yet?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:16 AM PST

    There's absolutely no way they are behaving intentionally. 50 swarms at once, kill one and another will literally spawn 30 feet from you, and so on. Makes Genesis an absolute disaster.

    submitted by /u/MrsPrater
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    Can you transfer tames into genesis on unofficial?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:10 AM PST

    So I've seen you can transfer yourself out of genesis, but I haven't gotten an answer on whether or not you can actually transfer tames or times to or from genesis, anyone know?

    submitted by /u/brachyfritz
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    One thing I think Genesis has done well is the explorer notes/glitches.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 11:09 PM PST

    I've enjoyed listening to HLN-A spout out lore, with the occasional comedic relief. I look forward to what they do with this in part 2.

    submitted by /u/EternalPain791
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    Here's a ski lodge my friend and I made in Genesis! Thoughts?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 09:19 PM PST

    Ragnarok or Valguero for a new and returning player?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:39 AM PST

    I haven't played since Ragnarok, and my partner just bought the game, so we're trying to decide which map to play on (no dlc since I haven't heard great things about them except for Abberation). I myself have about 200 hours or so on the Ragnarok map, but I know they added more to it after I stopped. Would it be worth returning to that and taking my partner through it, or should we try Valguero together as a fresh experience?

    submitted by /u/Renoke141
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    What's up with the insane swim speeds on Genesis?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:33 AM PST

    Are you supposed to be able to swim insanely fast and out run rafts while swimming in the ocean biome and not in a mission? That's what is happening.

    I was in the bog and couldn't out swim anything. But in the ocean nothing can catch me. And this is on officials.

    Is it supposed to be like this?

    submitted by /u/TeknicallyChallenged
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